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Chapter 555: All are but ants beneath the true God!


A dark green poisonous fog instantly enveloped the surrounding guards. Amid their agonizing screams, their armor corroded away, and their skin and flesh rapidly desiccated and dissolved, turning into a pool of thick dark green pus that merged with the fog.

This spell, Necrofog, had been used by the great demon Nicrol in the Northern Territories before, but at that time, it was contained by the combined efforts of Harof and others with the Breath of the Storm, and further disrupted by several Solar Cannons, failing to display its true power.

Now, however, without any beings of equal power to oppose it, the Necrofog demonstrated its terrifying effectiveness swiftly.

The guards, deprived of their lives, had their souls forcibly extracted, their bodies turning into nourishment that merged into the poisonous fog, continuing to spread and devour more people.

Such is the dreadful nature of the Necrofog; it seemingly has no limits and can expand indefinitely, devouring all living beings until none are left!

"Touch of Flame..." The grand wizard Byrd raised his hand, releasing a burst of intense flames, hoping in vain to burn away the poisonous fog.

Clearly, it was a futile effort. A mere grand wizard's magic could hardly contend with a legendary spell. The scorching flames were corroded as they neared the fog, which then quickly spread further.

Realizing he couldn't dispel the Necrofog, Grand Wizard Byrd hastily ordered everyone to evacuate the area.

Civilians nearby had already been dispersed, but the soldiers stationed there couldn't outrun the rapidly spreading Necrofog.

Wraiths' screams and moans echoed through the fog, terrifying enough to chill one's soul.

A guard, in his frantic escape, was knocked down by the aftermath of the spell. As he saw the vengeful spirits in the fog surge toward him, his face showed an intense despair.

Just then, a mysterious gust of wind blew, carrying the spreading fog in the opposite direction.

The guard, momentarily stunned, scrambled to his feet and fled. Grand Wizard Byrd, who was also trying to use ice and lightning to break the fog, paused in surprise, watching the fog being blown away to a deserted area.

The most unexpected was Cecil hiding in the shadows, his eyes' soulfire blazing with vigilance. The Necrofog, essentially a mass of vengeful spirits, wouldn't normally be affected by a mere storm.

Was it enemy reinforcement?

【Grand Necromancer】Cecil thought to himself as several sharp roars approached from afar.

Faster than the sound were two supersonic missiles. The 【Winter Dragon】Valok, which had just risen from the ground after being struck down by the 【Spear of Judgement】, was hit by the magic missiles carrying undying flames, landing on its head.

Two bursts of blinding white light flared, accompanied by intense heat and a fierce explosion outside the royal city.

Valok, just getting up, suffered another severe blow. But for Cecil, this seemed quite normal. Given Valok's huge size and conspicuous presence, it was indeed a moving target, bound to be focused on.

This was why he brought Valok despite knowing that the dragon hardly followed commands. As a Necromancer with weak close combat abilities, he needed a frontline shield to attract fire.

Under Cecil's watchful eye, a fighter jet appeared in the sky, rushing towards them. The two missiles had come from that direction.

With a furious roar, Valok's body surged with cold air. Then, using its icy breath, it forcibly tore off a part of its wing covered in undying flames.

Having encountered this bizarre undying flame before, Valok remembered it well and had figured out a way to counter it—simply removing the flame-covered parts.

Amidst a roar, Valok took to the sky again, charging directly at the fighter jet.

Seeing Valok engaging the strange flying machine, Cecil no longer paid attention. In fact, his troubles had already arrived almost instantly, as two streaks of light reached him in quick succession.

It was Harof and Aurora! Seeing that the royal city hadn't been completely breached, they both breathed a sigh of relief, then focused on the hovering figure in front of them, a great necromancer reduced to a skeleton.

This was at least an eight-ring, no, more likely a nine-ring legendary spellcaster!

Harof and Aurora both sensed a strong threat from the other, not inferior to the great demon that had burst out of the temporal gate earlier.

With no numerous Solar Cannons to aid them, and unsure of their ability to defeat their opponent, they could only stall, hoping for Victorio to manage the chaos inside the royal city and come to their aid. Together, the three might stand a better chance.

However, Harof was troubled by a nagging doubt—the attacking forces on the royal city were too few, merely two legends on the surface... which was highly unusual, but he dared not dwell too much on that thought, for the implications were terrifying.

At this moment within the royal city, the magical barrier enveloping the city was under fierce attack from hordes of undead beasts and was on the verge of collapse. The recent 【Spear of Judgement】 that brought down the Winter Dragon Valok had inevitably created a breach in the magical barrier. Although it was quickly repaired, the barrier's defensive strength was somewhat weakened.

Numerous banshees and undead beasts clawed and gnawed at the magic barrier, leaving small, slowly spreading cracks. The barrier's repair capabilities were gradually unable to keep up with the damage, soon creating a small opening.

The relatively small banshees and half-ethereal banshees immediately slipped through this gap, their entry marked by the clattering of machine guns and the brilliance of magic within the city.

Hundreds of banshees were instantly turned into fodder, but their blood, highly toxic and corrosive, sprayed across the sky, causing significant chaos.

It must be said, these creatures were veritable enemies of all living beings!

The banshees that slipped through the cracks proved to be more troublesome. Ordinary bullets had little effect on them; only magic could handle them.

The mournful 【Wail of the Dead】 echoed incessantly above the city, the banshees' lingering hatred and the moans of the dead causing everyone present to feel as if their brains were being hammered. Even Grand Wizard Byrd, a master of magic, could not avoid being affected, his fire spells momentarily disrupted.

The surge of banshees took advantage of this, their eyes flashing with a vengeful soulfire. They sought to vent the torment they had endured both in life and death upon these living beings.

【Torrent of Flames】, 【Chain Lightning】...

Grand Wizard Byrd, struggling against the discomfort in his brain, directed the other wizards who could still bear the pain to cast spells together to eradicate the undead that had entered through the breach.

Amidst the roaring flames and thunderous echoes, the undead that had flown through the breach were instantly burned and ionized.

Support from Victorio arrived soon after. Streams of glowing magical runes extended from the void, sealing the breach in the magic barrier.

"Thank you for your assistance, Councilor." Seeing Victorio's figure, Grand Wizard Byrd finally relaxed, expressing his relief joyfully, then, as if recalling something frightening, he continued to inquire.

"Was it you who dispersed the Necrofog with the Elemental Wind? If it weren't for your timely intervention, this city might have been doomed."

"What wind?" Victorio frowned, not quite understanding what the other was talking about. He had just arrived... but he had seen the Necrofog and had casually used the Rune Locks to contain it in a safe and vacant area.

Thankfully, the Necrofog had not consumed many souls, and its power was hundreds of times weaker than it had been in the Northern Territories, so he was just about able to control it by himself.

"If it wasn't you, then who was it?" Byrd was very puzzled. It surely couldn't have been just a gust of wind?

He didn't believe a mere gust could make such a powerful spell retreat.

Victorio had a vague guess but chose not to respond. After casting spells to reinforce the magical barrier around the city, he hurried to support Harof and Aurora.

They needed to resolve the situation here quickly. If he wasn't mistaken, the siege probably wasn't limited to the royal city; otherwise, he couldn't explain why the attacking undead army was far fewer than expected.

Indeed, as Victorio suspected, after crossing the temporal gate, the 【Grand Necromancer】Cecil, considering their absolute advantage in numbers and wary of the "followers of the Moon God" who had previously unleashed the Skyfall in another realm, had divided the invading undead army of millions into seven divisions, attacking this world from different directions.

This was a cruel but effective strategy, as fallen enemies would rise under the command of necromancy to fight again. The enemy's numbers would diminish while their own would swell, quickly overwhelming the world like a snowball.

However, the progress of the invasion wasn't as smooth as 【Grand Necromancer】Cecil had anticipated. The invading undead legions were mysteriously met with catastrophic defeats.

Mountains suddenly collapsed, rivers flowed backward, forests caught fire, and even a meteor fell from the sky, obliterating tens of thousands of undead besieging a city...

On the ramparts of the Steel City of Seltoden, the guards anxiously awaiting the undead assault witnessed the meteor fall from the sky.

"What in the world is going on?" "It must be the power of a god!"

To the relatively unworldly guards, the only way to describe what they saw was a miracle!

"What god

? It must be some powerful magic, probably some Councilor arriving, right?" A male wizard scoffed at the notion. If these people had seen the alchemists blasting tunnels with Solar Cannons, they wouldn't utter such ignorant words.

An unknown existence, quietly shifting its attention from this area, began to deal with the undead legions in other parts of the kingdom, gradually becoming familiar with its own powers.

After five days, Lynn had successfully completed the first two steps of the deification ritual, expanding his domain across a continent and achieving the quantization of his soul.

However, due to the limitations of his soul's strength, he was still unable to control all elements across the entire world simultaneously; he could only affect a small region, enough to perform "miracles."

Even so, his power was immense. Among the invading undead legions, including legendary beings, none could resist him in the slightest.

Lynn had quickly wiped out millions of undead and closed the opened temporal gates. Only then did he turn his attention to the royal city.

This was one of the kingdom's most important cities, with formidable defenses. Even against a large undead army, it could still hold out, so naturally, it was left to be dealt with last.

Moreover, with Harof and others having arrived, there shouldn't have been any immediate trouble...

However, when Lynn cast his gaze downwards, he found the situation was not as optimistic as he had thought.

For the undead army that had reached the royal city included three legends!

【Winter Dragon】Valok, 【Grand Necromancer】Cecil, and 【Shadow Assassin】Pieromon.

The latter had always moved stealthily on the battlefield, his presence faint and shrouded in a grey mist, making him nearly invisible.

While Harof, Victorio, and Aurora, who were fighting 【Grand Necromancer】Cecil, had no clue about Pieromon's presence, to Lynn, it was blatantly obvious—there were no secrets from his sight.

With a mere thought, Lynn could have snatched Pieromon and crushed him; for him, this was not a difficult task. In fact, he had numerous ways to kill his opponent.

But since there were a few targets available, he might as well try out some other abilities...

With that thought, Lynn extended an imaginary hand that didn't actually exist, and the elements in the void immediately became active.


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