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Chapter 242: The Gap

The venue was silent for a long time, as if it had fallen into a private space of silence.

Before the match, many spectators thought this would be a fight with a foregone conclusion, so most bet on Sundy's victory.

In their imagined scenario, Sundy was supposed to use his Arsonist's Feast to constantly push Luo into a corner, finally winning the fight with his signature KO move.

However, the reality before their eyes was Luo sending Sundy flying out of the ring with a single punch.

As the dust from the fight hadn't settled and Sundy's condition was still unknown, the battle was not yet over.

The referee quickly recovered and ran to where Sundy had landed to check on him.

There were only two ways to win: accumulate ten points or achieve a KO. Being knocked out of the ring did not end the match.

Observers around the world, knowledgeable in Nen, saw a fleeting wave of Nen energy within the flame wave.


Aside from Sanbica and Bisky, everyone came to the same conclusion.

Just before the flame wave disappeared, a thin Nen field, shaped like a circle, contracted and then the flames vanished instantly, leaving not even a spark, and then Luo severely injured Sundy with a punch.

It was unclear how Luo had used En to extinguish the flames, but everyone knew the fight was not over.

Although Sundy's attack was exaggerated, as a fighter below the level of floor masters, his Nen skills were still adequate.

Despite being distracted by the sudden disappearance of the flames, Sundy managed to use his Aura at the crucial moment to lessen the damage from Luo's punch.

Observers could see it, and Luo himself was very aware as he glanced at the gasoline and blood splattered on the ring floor, then looked towards the distant dust.

"Body modified based on the principle of a cow's stomach? Able to store gasoline in the stomach and use it whenever needed."

The liquid Sundy spat out as he was sent flying was not just blood; it was gasoline.

Luo didn’t even need to smell it to know it was gasoline, which smelled even stronger than blood.

After a moment of silence, the venue gradually filled with noise.

The announcer girl reacted first, saying, "Sundy was knocked out of the ring by Luo's powerful punch. The referee is checking on Sundy's condition. If Sundy can still fight, then Luo gains two points!"

The possible outcomes now were either Sundy being KO'd or Luo scoring two points.

Despite the pre-match hype, a quick end to the fight by the underdog would exceed expectations and attract attention.

Not to mention the organizers, those who had bet on Sundy’s victory silently prayed he could stand up and KO Luo.

Sundy endured Luo’s punch without being KO'd, but he was severely injured.

"All the gasoline stored in the stomach is gone, now I can only..."

Sundy stood up and slowly emerged from the dust, a distinct fist imprint visible near his abdomen, his lips stained with traces of fresh blood, contrasting with his red beard.

"Can you continue?" As Sundy walked out of the dust, the referee greeted him with a routine question.

Sundy ignored the referee and stepped back into the ring.

During his slow walk, he pondered how Luo had extinguished the fire, but couldn’t come up with an answer.

The referee watched Sundy's back and gestured that Luo had scored two points, which excited the audience once again as they saw Sundy stand up.

"End of his tether." Luo could see Sundy was gravely injured, and no matter Sundy's next move, the fight would end.

"Sundy is up! The match continues! But Luo has taken the lead, scoring two points!" the announcer girl exclaimed.

Back in the ring, Sundy, breathing heavily but still capable of fighting, stared at Luo. With his blood-stained teeth clenched, he enveloped his body in Aura, perhaps unstable due to his injuries.

Sundy could turn his Aura into gasoline, which would burn upon contact with fire and continue to burn, even water couldn't extinguish it.

A Nen that could burn, not just assist in burning, was Sundy’s specialty.

The gasoline stored in his stomach was merely a trick made possible by his unique bodily structure.

Now that the gasoline previously stored in his body had been forced out by Luo’s punch, he had to rely solely on his Nen.

There's a term called "playing with fire," which is also Sundy's weakness.

Transforming his Nen into gasoline, once ignited, it indiscriminately harms both friend and foe, requiring Sundy to be extremely cautious when using his Nen.

The Aura flowing on his body gradually gathered on his dark claws, winding around them in a 'Zhou' formation.

As the referee returned to the edge of the ring, Sundy, despite his injuries, took the offensive.


The three-bladed claws suddenly rubbed together, sparking and igniting fierce flames over the claws.

The claws on his hands were Sundy’s painstakingly acquired weapons, able to absorb heat without becoming fragile, still maintaining their hard quality, with a heat-insulating rare mineral incorporated into their design.

Thus, using Nen as a continuous fuel for burning allowed the claws to keep absorbing heat without harming Sundy’s own hands.

"Without a weapon, you can't block my claws!"

Sundy roared in his heart as he rushed towards Luo, slashing at Luo’s face with a red trail of his claws!

"Your movements have become so sluggish, not just your breathing, but even your Nen is disturbed," Luo said, stepping back in small steps, dodging Sundy’s high-temperature claw strikes.

Trails of flames formed by the strikes intertwined, covering Luo’s body, but not a single one could touch him.

Sluggish was Luo’s assessment, but to outsiders, the speed of these claw strikes wasn’t slow; though the rhythm was disrupted, it still posed a great threat.

The burning claws tore through the air, and although they didn’t hurt Luo, under Sundy’s control, each claw strike stirred up bunches of flames, ruthlessly falling towards Luo’s body.

However, these seemingly menacing sparks extinguished before they could reach Luo.

Sundy’s heartbeat quickened when he noticed this!

"See?" Luo said coldly, observing the change in Sundy’s eyes.

Before he finished speaking, Sundy, who kept clawing at Luo, suddenly soared because the square stone tiles under his feet flew up, lifting him into the air.

"What’s happening? The stone tiles under Sundy have flown up! Did Luo do something?" the commentator exclaimed in surprise.

As the tiles soared, Luo abruptly stopped his steps, and the tile, like a basketball thrown backwards, pushed Sundy over his head.

In the next moment, Luo turned swiftly, delivering a kick in mid-air that shattered the heavy stone tile into pieces enveloped in Nen, like a shotgun blast, all hitting Sundy’s back and head.

"Bang bang...!"

Sundy, already severely injured, spat out a large mouthful of blood in mid-air and then lost consciousness, collapsing onto the ring.

"Caught off-guard, Sundy was flipped by the stone tile, and Luo seized this opportunity to knock him down again!" the announcer girl’s voice filled with intensity echoed throughout the venue.

This time, he might not be able to stand up again.

Both the audience at the venue and those watching on TV could see clearly.

Luo and Sundy... there was a clear gap in strength.


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