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Chapter 545: Is this the power of the strongest wizard?

"Lynn Maxwell, why are you here!"

The sudden appearance of Lynn startled Tiek and the others, followed by joy and surprise.

Wasn't it said that there was no way to communicate between the two worlds?

The previous councilors had already tried it, they couldn't even send avatars through the space-time gate to scout information, otherwise, they wouldn't have needed to come themselves.

Halfling Maca was also looking at this suddenly appearing male wizard with suspicion and took a defensive posture.

"Is it because of this secret magic ring?" Raphael was the first to react, immediately thinking of this.

Before they went to the foreign realm, Councilor Victorio had given him an alchemy creation that could use Skyfall, while Lynn had given him this ring, and during the second personnel exchange, he had even specifically had someone bring it back once.

"That's right!" Lynn nodded.

Since that necromancer lord could control multiple worlds, there must be a way to communicate through both ends of the space-time gate, and this ring was his attempt, made with a very special magical material. For this, he even melted down a Morning Star Medal.

Its feature is that it can well accommodate the existence of a consciousness and can carry legendary-level power.

So, he experimented with separating part of his consciousness and placing it in this secret magic ring, just like the soul horcrux that the psychic wizard Radak had made. Although the soul split was limited, even if destroyed, it wouldn't cause too much impact.

He hadn't told Raphael and the others before because he himself wasn't sure if it would work.

In fact, at the moment of entering the space-time gate, this magical incarnation couldn't sense the location of the main body, nor could it link to the magical network, yet there indeed existed some form of connection between the two.

This feeling was very strange and caused a lot of trouble, meaning that this incarnation couldn’t directly pass information back, just like Raphael and the others, trapped in this foreign realm.

"Give me the uranium stone, my powers are limited, but I can clear a path forward for you. I think the council should have already sent someone into the space-time gate to rescue you!" Lynn said with a smile.

This was something the others did not know, but he was very clear about it because the secret magic ring had been taken out during the second personnel exchange.

The main body clearly didn’t plan to give up on this exploration team that had achieved remarkable results, risking their lives to buy them precious time, otherwise, he wouldn't have sent the ring back again.

The time should be today—Raphael had set the half-month deadline!

Under Lynn’s narration, Yuland, Tiek, and the others were truly excited, feeling a glimmer of hope.

Even though they were prepared for death, for most people, it would naturally be better to live.

Looking at Yuland's surprised expression, halfling Maca frowned slightly and hesitated, he didn’t quite trust this suddenly appearing young man.

Given that the necromancers almost filled the entire valley and sky outside, numbering perhaps over a million, could they really break out?

However, the name Lynn did make him feel a bit familiar... After a moment's hesitation, Maca quickly remembered, this seemed to be the councilor often mentioned by Darren and others, the most powerful wizard!

Compared to the hesitant Maca, Raphael had full confidence in Lynn, even though he knew that the person standing in front of him was just an incarnation.

"It seems we have to rely on you again, Councilor Lynn!" Raphael handed over the uranium stone in his hand, his face also showing a smile.

During their time inside the space-time gate, his expression had been extremely tense.

As the team leader, any decision he made could potentially lead to a disaster for the entire foreign realm exploration team, prematurely exposing the location of the space-time gate, directly affecting the outcome of the war, and eventually having to die along with Yuland and others, facing the attracted army of undead, the psychological pressure he bore was imaginable, each day was torment for him.

Fortunately, now it was over, although still in crisis, seeing Lynn at that moment, Raphael's tense spirit was temporarily relieved, he paused and then spoke again.

"What should we do next?"

"It’s simple, just..." Lynn began to explain, but suddenly closed his mouth, his face abruptly changed, and he looked up at the rock wall above.

A loud rumbling noise came instantly, followed by the entire mountain shaking violently, with large chunks of rocks falling from above.

Yuland supported himself against the wall, struggling to maintain his balance, his face showing intense fear, because the rock wall above was torn open!

A giant dragon claw emerged from the crack, tearing the solid mountain, and then appearing in front of everyone was a huge, fierce dragon head, its head alone was bigger than several

 combined, with soul fire burning in its cold, bloodthirsty eyes.

A terrifying and powerful wave of death spread from its body, covering the entire mountain range like a hurricane—this was the legendary undead domain, continuously depriving the living of their vitality, and all creatures that died in this area, their souls would be transformed into wraiths, bound within the domain.

The weaker Yuland, Tiek, Ivina, and others completely lost their ability to resist under the domain's suppression, their bodies gradually becoming cold and stiff...

Raphael's situation wasn’t much better, the moment the giant dragon head came in, he felt as if his blood had been frozen.

This was at least a legendary-level enemy... Raphael immediately realized this, followed by the giant dragon mouth opening, a grey breath gathering within the wide-open dragon maw.

But Lynn’s actions were obviously quicker, almost at the moment the mountain was torn open, he had already moved, his body immediately transforming into a metal form, then kicking towards the dragon head that had stretched through the crack!

Sonic strike!

One and a half times the speed of sound plus the terrifying mass were all concentrated in this kick, reaching the skeletal dragon’s face before the breath could be launched.

Accompanied by a huge sound explosion that could burst eardrums, the terrifying force directly shattered the giant eye socket, and the huge dragon head was also knocked askew and slammed into the rock wall behind, breaking the solid rock.

The giant dragon body lost its balance, its dragon claws leaving scratches on the rock wall, barely stabilizing its body, while its tail fiercely whipped towards the mountain, lifting large chunks of bursting rocks.

However, Lynn was relentless, taking advantage of the moment the opponent was unbalanced, kicking again at the huge body.

Raphael and the others immediately witnessed a very strange scene, Lynn, who was only one meter eighty tall, actually kicked a hundred-meter-long behemoth off the mountaintop...

The deafening roar suddenly erupted outside the mountain peak, that was an angry dragon roar, but it quickly turned into a painful wail.

For a fine beam of laser light had already shot up into the sky, slicing directly through the falling giant dragon body.

Since Anthony improved the release method of beam magic, the deployment of laser beams no longer required a long build-up, being able to be used directly through the emission of electromagnetic waves.

The speed of activating magic had increased by several times!

Even if hastily deployed, the power was still terrifying, the diameter compressed to 0.5 millimeters, the light beam easily cut through the tough dragon scales.

Large patches of dark black blood sprayed out, staining the surrounding ground, a stench of rotting flesh filled the air, the giant dragon head now bearing a deep, bone-visible wound, nearly slicing the entire dragon body in half.

The body of the massive dragon fell heavily from the mountain peak, its dragon roars becoming more intense...

After speaking a few words to Raphael and the others, Lynn flew out through the gap clawed out by the skeletal dragon.

The foreign realm's sky was extremely dim, without the sun's illumination and no stars visible, filled with dense magic and death, numerous screeching demons, night ghosts, and specters almost occupied Lynn's entire field of vision, noisy screeches and moans constantly echoing around.

These lower undead had no concept of fear, even though Lynn had just severely wounded a powerful legendary dragon, they still swarmed like sharks that smelled blood.

Sharp claws and teeth, malicious gazes, terrifying screams, and the pungent smell of rotting flesh, all kinds of unpleasant noises mingled in the air.

Facing these countless undead, Lynn stretched out his hand, and massive magic was immediately transformed into crimson flames.

【Resist Fire Ring】

Rapid fire surged from his body, then spread in all directions without any dead angles, rolling up all the approaching undead.

The thousands of degrees of high temperature almost instantly dissolved their bodies, flesh and bones melted together, then turned into fuel for the undying flames.

In just a few seconds, the surging waves of fire had turned into a sea of flames!

The dim sky was burning, and hot tongues of fire raged...

Countless undead were instantly turned to ash, a massive skeletal beast, upon contacting the undying flames, also fell to the ground like dumplings.

The effectiveness of the undying flames was somewhat beyond Lynn’s expectations, these brainless creatures, even in large numbers, would theoretically dissolve under the flames.

Meanwhile, using the cover of the flames, Raphael also began to move, leading Yuland, Ivina, and others stealthily towards the location of the space-time gate.

Under Lynn’s precise control, the flames automatically parted as they passed.

Now, all the flying undead's attention was drawn towards Lynn, and with the cover of the undying flames, it was undoubtedly the best opportunity to escape.

"What terrifying power, is this the strongest wizard?" Halfling Maca murmured to himself.

Just a minute ago, they were trapped on the mountain waiting to die, and with a few moves from Lynn, the situation had drastically changed. Not only did he grievously wound a skeletal dragon much larger than himself, but he also obliterated countless undead with a single strike.

"Councilor Lynn is indeed the most powerful wizard in the council, but this is just an incarnation!" Yuland replied with a smile.

Having spent over half a month together, Yuland's impression of Maca, the halfling native, was quite positive. When they had decided to act as bait to delay time, they had relocated his halfling tribe to another place.

Since Maca was very familiar with the terrain here, they kept him as a guide.

This was undoubtedly semi-coercive, but Maca did not secretly sabotage them; instead, he cooperated quite well.

Of course, as Maca himself said, he had no other choice.

When the lord of the undead invaded this world, it wasn't that no one chose to surrender. Their fate, without exception, was to be transformed into undead.

The powerful ones were alright, able to retain some rationality, but for weaker ones like them, their minds became dull.

Not everyone is willing to turn into a pile of bones.

Although according to the lord of the undead, this was supposed to be a gift...

"Now is not the time to chat; their ears might not be so bad!" Raphael interrupted the two with a frown.

Yuland immediately fell silent, and Maca also shut his mouth. They were not yet out of danger.

On the other side, Lynn had already destroyed all the nearby undead, but it wasn't as easy as Yuland and the others saw. This strike, along with the earlier battle, had used up a quarter of his magical reserves.

And these skeletons seemed endless. Most importantly, after he killed a batch, the remaining ones no longer rushed up crazily to die but instead circled around the outskirts of the fire sea, using various methods to try to extinguish or affect his undying flames.

Clearly, someone was commanding this army. Lynn's gaze swept across the mountain range through the flames, but he was quickly interrupted by a renewed roar.

The skeletal dragon he had knocked down the mountain had already gotten back up. Wraiths floating in its death domain continuously flowed into its wounds, and the dragon body, nearly torn in half, was rapidly healing. In just a few minutes, it had returned to its original state.

Lynn wasn't surprised; it wasn't easy to kill a legendary-level opponent. If the dragon hadn't moved its head forward and into the narrow mountain pass, he wouldn't have been able to wound it so easily...


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