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Chapter 544: Antimatter Extraction

"It's broken through, really broken through!" Sanchez said in utter astonishment.

The alchemists present were also thrilled, having actually managed to separate the elements, meaning that from tonight onwards, theories about the internal structure of elements would no longer be mere speculation but have a solid basis.

Lynn closed his eyes for a long while, trying to capture the burst micro-particles within his domain. About half a minute later, he reopened his eyes.

"How did it go, Speaker Lynn? Did you capture those particles?" Sanchez quickly asked.

He was very curious about what exactly was inside the elements and whether they consisted of atomic nuclei and charged protons as they had speculated.

Lynn shook his head, somewhat helplessly. "No, too fast, I couldn’t catch them!"

The hydrogen atoms were broken apart by a particle beam traveling at one-tenth the speed of light, and the 'remains' scattered by the intense impact were also very fast, almost instantly disappearing from his perception.

Crucially, even though he had advanced to become a legendary wizard and had just utilized the computational power of the magic network, he still couldn't directly manipulate the micro-elements that burst from the atoms.

Lynn's brow furrowed tightly, it seemed that only by stepping into the true realm of the gods could he freely control them.

Now, although magic power stations had been established across the continent, and most wizards, apprentices, and even many civilians with a talent for physics and chemistry had joined the magic network system, due to the short amount of time, the AI's ability to decrypt their mental power was not high, with an average computational power utilization of only about five percent, leaving much room for improvement.

Without sufficient mental power and magical reserves, Lynn did not dare to try to break through to a higher realm lightly, especially since this method of advancement was a combination of guesswork based on snippets from the Star Messengers and the strange quantum state of the element controller, Althok, which might not be entirely reliable.

Therefore, Lynn planned to first produce antimatter, also as an additional card to play against the Lord of the Necromancers.

"Otherwise, how about we construct a reverse electromagnetic field on the outer layer?" Sanchez proposed.

Since they could use the electromagnetic field to bind the elements and accelerate them, why not use the magnetic field in reverse to slow down these particles and capture them?

Lynn pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "An electromagnetic field alone is probably not enough to capture all the micro-particles."

For example, neutral particles like neutrons are not affected by magnetic fields, but they could directly use gravitational fields to bind them.

Warping spacetime is akin to deflecting the particles' path; all they needed to do was create a circular area where these particles would continuously circle.

With this thought, Lynn had the alchemists continue with the particle collision experiments.

This time they were luckier than before, achieving results after only nine collisions; dozens of target elements were shattered, and the cloud chamber once again displayed the brilliant misty blooms…

Lynn was well-prepared; invisible gravitational fields already covered the entire laboratory. With the massive computational power of the magic network, he could just barely perceive the trajectories left by the micro-particles as they passed through the force fields.

"How about that?" Sanchez asked nervously.

"Good, got it!" Lynn opened his eyes, a slight joy appearing on his face. He then stretched out his hand, and the expansive gravitational field instantly vanished, leaving only a small area in front of him.

The spacetime here was twisted into a ring, with the particles scattered from within the atoms all bound within this ring.

What pleased Lynn most was that he had actually captured an antiproton; although high-speed particle collisions could produce antimatter, it was not a guaranteed outcome…

Next, they just needed to continue the experiments to gather the remaining antimatter particles, then they could attempt to create real anti-elements.

As Lynn busied himself with capturing antimatter, on the other side of the spacetime gate, in a dark, chaotic realm, Raphael and the others found themselves in a tough battle.

Over the past half-month, they had successfully used magic arrays that absorbed magic power to simulate the magic drain when the spacetime gate was opened, attracting most of the necromancers to this mountainous area.

Even with the cover of the mountains, the group was still exposed and trapped inside a perilous mountain.

Originally a lair of a cave-dwelling magical beast, its owner was nowhere to be found by the time they arrived, likely long dead.

Thus, Raphael chose this as their last stronghold. The altitude difference allowed them to avoid those undead that could not fly.

Still, the situation did not improve much; tens of thousands of ugly, screeching demons, continuously streaming from the wide-open lair entrance.

These were low-level monsters over a meter tall with two pairs of bat wings, capable

 of emitting hallucinogenic sounds from their mouths, now transformed into undead, emitting a stench of decay.

To greet them was a scorching stream of fire!

Tiek, Yoland, and others acted almost simultaneously, their surging flames engulfing the incoming screeching demons along the corridor. However, these creatures were too numerous; transformed into undead, they had no fear of death and quickly advanced despite the fire's erosion.

Raphael frowned, casting a spell to temporarily seal the only entrance, but it was clearly only a temporary measure; he could already hear the sound of the mountain walls being clawed and damaged.

"It looks like they can't wait any longer." Raphael sighed, taking out the nuclear warhead Victorio had given him before entering the spacetime gate; it was clearly time to use it.

"I'll try to rush out later, attract these undead and clear them out; you might be able to survive the explosion using the mountain's cover!" Raphael looked at those present and spoke gravely.

Yoland shook his head, however, smiling bitterly. "Even if we survive, it's useless. We're fifty kilometers from the spacetime gate; our chances of escaping back are slim."

"Rather than that, how about we act as bait and use Skyfall?" Ivina suggested.

As a sixth-ring grand wizard who could use force field magic to fly, Raphael's chances of escaping back to the spacetime gate alone were much higher than theirs.

Raphael sighed again, not accepting the suggestion. It wasn't that he was too noble to accept others' sacrifices, but Ivina and the others were simply too weak to complete the task.

Ivina and the others then fell silent, prepared for the worst.

"How about I act as the bait?" Suddenly, a voice rang out among them.

The abruptly resounding voice made Raphael, already tense, change his expression drastically, but soon the secret ring on his right hand lit up, and Lynn's figure quickly materialized in front of everyone.


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