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Chapter 519: Foolish Natives, I Am Here to Pronounce the Fate of This Plane!

"Chairman Harof, what has happened?"

Seeing several chairmen suddenly stand up from their seats, Raphael immediately realized something was wrong and hurriedly asked.

"Master Raphael, you will preside over the upcoming knighting ceremony. We may need to head to the empire immediately!" Harof spoke very quickly, too hurried to explain further, and quickly left the venue with Lynn and others.

The wizards in the grand hall also noticed Harof's sudden departure and were discussing what kind of event could cause such a commotion among the chairmen.

At the same time, Lynn and others who had left the hall had turned into a streak of light, disappearing into the sky at the fastest speed.

If not for the fear of causing panic, they would have flown directly out of the hall windows.

The problematic space-time gate, located in a mine outside the Steel City, was unknown to Lynn until after the city had been conquered. Only after the conquest of the Holy City did they find relevant records in a large number of secret books.

The space-time gate had been out of operation before, and they later added several safety measures. Now, one of the alarm spells was triggered!

About half an hour later, Lynn was the first to arrive in the mine, with Harof and Victorio arriving minutes later.

Aurora was the slowest, taking forty-five minutes. Due to quantum theory-induced cognitive fear, she dared not travel in her energy body like Lynn and others.

Fortunately, Aurora had already recognized this flaw and had developed a substitute magic spell for flying, which barely reached subsonic speeds.

"Thankfully, it seems the situation isn't the worst yet," Aurora breathed a sigh of relief upon entering the mine, as the protective spells set in the area were still intact and unbroken.

Then, Aurora looked towards the center of the mine.

The space-time gate had become restless, its previously coiled-up node now expanded dozens of times.

Massive amounts of magical power surged from it, and the vortex was also swirling constantly, as if something was trying to squeeze through from the other side.

The sealing magic placed there had also been activated.

Runes and chains extended from the domain, encircling the expanding space-time gate, trying to push it back, but with limited effect.

"Is it Eila's doing?" Aurora stared intently at the swirling space-time vortex, trying to see through to the other side.

"I don't know, but it's quite possible!" Victorio looked particularly grave.

Now, several months had passed since the last battle for the Holy City, and roughly counting, even severe injuries should have healed by then.

As he spoke, Victorio was not idle, standing only fifteen meters from the node, controlling the entire mine's protective array.

Meanwhile, Harof was constructing a force field magic a few meters outside the space-time gate, creating an isolated area.

In Lynn's hands appeared a condensed water ball, swirling with tritium and deuterium elements.

Over the past few months, although he had not developed quantum-level magic, he had further perfected the hydrogen bomb magic, especially in terms of power and release speed!

From the results of the battle for the Holy City, although hydrogen bombs seemed unable to kill Eila, that didn't mean they were entirely ineffective. Each time they destroyed her body, her state weakened a bit, and eventually, she even mysteriously fled.

And this was currently the only means that could threaten Eila!

"Damn, everyone be careful, the opponent has suddenly increased their power." Victorio's face suddenly turned very ugly, the words almost squeezed out of his mouth.

Under the control of the rune locks, the expansion trend of the space-time vortex gradually slowed but seemed to have received some kind of boost, as its size instantly surged several times.

Harof and Aurora's minds were tensed to the extreme.

Lynn was considering whether to throw the fusion bomb directly into the space-time gate. If the opponent could come through from the other side, then he should also be able to throw things through!

Besides, he could also wait for the opponent to arrive and then attack. With Harof's force field magic, the nuclear explosion's energy could be confined to a very small area to detonate.

Just like what they did when they last defeated Eila!

The opportunity might only come once; a fusion bomb would consume more than seventy percent of his energy reserves. If the attack failed, it would be hard to have another chance!

Just as Lynn hesitated, a black object, taking advantage of the surging magical power for cover, suddenly shot out from the space-time gate at high speed, nearly breaking through the barrier of the rune locks.

However, the prepared group would not let it escape easily.

The black object soon plunged into the force field magic laid out by Harof on the outside, and Aurora also made her move, sweeping a dense laser grid from all


Only then did Lynn see clearly that what rushed out from the space-time gate was not the pseudo-god Eila they had imagined, but a black... crow?

However, this was clearly not a normal crow, as it actually dodged Aurora's laser grid—its body directly transformed into a streak of black light and drilled through the gaps in the grid!

"Energy form?!"

Lynn's pupils contracted, for energy form was indeed one of the main traits of legends.

In the next moment, a crisp crowing sound echoed through the dark mine. The palm-sized crow spread its wings, each feather shimmering with a golden glow.

Then, one by one, the black feathers shining with golden light flew towards them like a storm, only to be deflected by the force field magic, smashing into the walls of the mine, creating deep pits.

"So weak..." Lynn shook his head, putting away the fusion ball he had been preparing to deploy. Judging from its inability to break free from the force field magic and the power displayed by this strike, the opponent did not possess the strength to threaten them. Could it be a magical beast like Muto from the other side of the space-time gate?

Victorio and others also breathed a sigh of relief, but their actions did not stop. After the crow flew out, Victorio increased his control over the protective array, re-sealing the activated space-time gate node.

Harof and Aurora also cooperated, confining the 'crow' from the other end of the space-time gate within an area less than three square meters.

"Let's burn it for a while, then take it back for a look later!" Around Lynn, wisps of undying flames emerged.

Trifluorochlorine, which can crazily plunder electrons as nutrients, was indeed one of the bane of energy bodies, and burning the opponent to energy depletion before capture was the most prudent approach.

As if sensing a threat, a sharp crowing sound rang out again, but this time, Lynn and the others unexpectedly heard a certain voice in their minds.

"Foolish natives, I am the great envoy of the god of life and creation, here to pronounce the fate of this plane!"

This was not a common language, but they could unexpectedly understand it.

Lynn paused for a moment, a look of surprise appearing on his face. This was actually an intelligent legendary creature.

"Envoy of the stars? You look just like a crow!" Harof said with a sneer.

"The god of life and creation, what's that? Is it a new title for Eila over there?" Aurora furrowed her brow, more concerned about this previously unheard title.

The all-black crow, apparently stimulated by their words, let out an even sharper cry. "You dare to offend the great god of life and creation, that is the utmost sin!"

Aurora scoffed, as she had always been unimpressed by gods, but she also quietly became more vigilant.

Self-proclaimed as the envoy of the stars, the black crow then haughtily spoke.

"Foolish natives, I am sent to deliver a warning. Your plane has been marked by the ruthless slaughterer, the enemy of all life, the lord of the undead—Darnathus. Soon, all will succumb to death and oblivion, and you have no chance of survival!"

"Of course, if you choose to serve the great god of life and creation, then I will guide you on how to resist this lord of death!" The black crow said proudly.

Hearing this, those present exchanged glances, frowning. They had been guarding the space-time gate against Eila, but had not expected the sudden mention of a so-called lord of the undead.

Harof pondered for a moment before speaking. "Lord of the undead, Darnathus... What are his powers and abilities? And why does he want to invade our world?"

"He is the master of billions of undead, having conquered and slaughtered numerous planes!" The black crow said emphatically. "Don't think your powers are so great, or your world so special. In fact, every few years, a plane is captured by a god of the main world and becomes their divine realm. Your world is just one of those insignificant ones!"

Harof and the others showed shocked expressions, unable to imagine what kind of existence the main world mentioned by the opponent was, capable of capturing and merging other worlds.

"So how big is your so-called main world?" Lynn asked suddenly.

The envoy of the stars paused noticeably before speaking with pride. "Even if I flew at my fastest speed, it would take a thousand years to reach the end!"

A world so vast that a thousand years of flight could not reach its end?

Harof involuntarily took a deep breath.

Lynn was not so surprised, because from the performance just now, the speed of this so-called envoy of the stars was really too slow!

Even if it flew at the speed of sound, flying for a thousand years, the diameter would be only several billion kilometers.

It sounded terrifying, but calculated, it was just about the distance between the farthest planet and the sun. Considering their own large galaxy, such a main world could 'capture' the universe where they existed?

However, this was assuming that the 'years' mentioned by the opponent were roughly the same as the 'years' in his mind.

The all-black crow continued to boast about the magnificence of the main world, where countless creatures lived, with many gods... Although the god of life and creation was not the most powerful, its greatness was unquestionable!

"Your world was discovered and captured by the moon goddess Diana. To monopolize this plane, she chose to sever connections with the main world, but that obviously had no meaning. Now, the lord of the undead has found her divine realm, and your world, being connected there, will soon be conquered and become a playground for the undead!" The crow cried loudly.

"Why did you specifically come to tell us all this?" Aurora raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

"Because the great god of life and creation is merciful. She does not allow the creatures of the world to all become evil undead, so she sent me—her most trusted envoy—to warn and guide you..." The crow said confidently. "As long as you follow my commands and resist the invasion of the lord of death, at the necessary moment, the lord will naturally come to rescue you!"

"If that's the case, why doesn't she just kill that lord of the undead?" Harof sneered, not believing there could be such a good deal.

Moreover, this so-called envoy of the stars was easily subdued by them. If the 'most trusted envoy of the lord' was of this level, then the [god of life and creation] wasn't very strong either.

"Ignorant natives, divine warfare is not as simple as you imagine, it is a war across planes!" The black crow showed an extremely disdainful expression, then haughtily continued.

"Alright, I have stated my purpose. Now hurry up and remove your magic, and welcome the envoy of the great god of life and creation!"

Harof and Aurora showed hesitant expressions. They did not dispel the magic, nor did they dare to act rashly, quite wary of the crow's mention of the main world and the so-called god of life and creation.

"No, I think it's better if you stay in the cage!" Lynn suddenly acted, and under the surge of magic, the black crow's surroundings instantly turned into a vacuum area, followed by a fully enclosed black cage, the exterior blazing with undying fire.

"You dare to offend the great lord's envoy, you will definitely regret this!" The sharp crowing echoed in everyone's minds, but as the cage was completely sealed, the sound soon stopped abruptly.

"You're treating it like this, aren't you worried about the god of life and creation's retaliation?" Harof sighed, saying that it was best to be cautious in the current unclear situation.

"Do you really believe what that crow said?" Victorio scoffed. "I rather think it might be Eila sent to confuse us, this so-called lord of the undead, god of life and creation, I have never even heard of it."


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