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Chapter 183: What One Desires

Nen beasts are entities that Nen users can summon using their aura as the foundation. Nen users from all six categories can summon Nen beasts, and depending on the user's category, the summoned Nen beasts will have different characteristics and traits.

Nen users form Nen beasts using their aura, which consumes aura during the summoning, but this aura can be reclaimed when the Nen beasts are recalled.

When Luo was enveloped by Stajy's Nen beast, the ability of "White Smoke font" activated, slowly absorbing the Nen beast into his body. As the data increased, his internal aura also fluctuated slightly.

The black smoke covering him gradually weakened and finally disappeared, and once the Nen was absorbed, it could no longer regenerate.

In Bisky's eyes, Luo seemed to have erased Stajy's Nen beast using Nen exorcism, no wonder he dared to make contact with the Nen beast.

While others were still struggling with the Nen beast, Luo had already dealt with it.

He paid no attention to others entangled in battle with the Nen beast but looked towards Stajy, who was quietly playing her harp.

Nen that persists after death can indeed become stronger, but it is, after all, a product of having undergone death, not a true resurrection, lacking the advantages that life possesses.

While Nen users slowly recover aura as they use it, post-mortem Nen does not have this characteristic; what is consumed will be diminished.

Luo had just absorbed some of the aura of a Nen beast, though not much, it still reduced part of Stajy's Nen—this is the fatal flaw of post-mortem Nen.

Perhaps post-mortem Nen has means to recover energy, but those would only be active skills, also requiring specific conditions, unlike the passive recovery abilities possessed by Nen users.

Luo watched Stajy, and she, in turn, kept her head down, unresponsive.

Soon, others also realized that Luo had dealt with the Nen beast.

"Did he resolve it using Nen exorcism?" Antomu lifted his foot and kicked, dispersing the Nen beast, glancing at Luo before the beast could regenerate.

"Luo, come and help!"

Uncle Bek barely dodged the Nen beast's spear thrust and shouted anxiously towards Luo.

This Nen beast's ability to regenerate made it a tough nut to crack; not wanting it was not an option—it was forcibly fed to them.

Seeing Luo successfully handle the Nen beast, Aya and Ruby were delighted, also calling out for Luo's help.

From their perspective, Luo should be on their side, helping them eliminate the Nen beast, then together target Antomu.

"Naive..." Antomu sneered inwardly. If Luo dared help Uncle Bek and the others remove the Nen beast, he would ignore the latent threat posed by the Nen beast and immediately go to kill Luo.

Hearing the cries for help from Uncle Bek and the others, Luo turned to look at them, remained silent for a moment, then withdrew his gaze and walked towards Stajy.

There are two methods to eliminate a Nen beast: one is by absorbing it, and the other is by defeating its master, Stajy.

Between the two options, Luo chose the latter because it was an opportunity to get closer to the water.

With Uncle Bek and the others entangled with the Nen beast, bearing most of the pressure, it was an excellent opportunity to approach Stajy.

The reason he did this was that he desired the gemstone pendant and the stone harp—specifically, the Nen within these items.

Seeing Luo ignoring them and moving towards Stajy, Uncle Bek and the others cursed under their breath.

If Luo could deal with Stajy, then the Nen beast would also disappear, but whether they could hold out until then was another matter, as Mark was already in critical condition.

"Luo, deal with the Nen beast first, then we'll go after that woman together!" Uncle Bek shouted.

"Who do you think you are?" Aya retorted unkindly.

Ruby, caught in a silent world, effortlessly dragged the Nen beast's attacks into his rhythm of the world, making it look easy, though he had also tried attacking the Nen beast, the regenerative ability was just too damn troublesome.

Mark said nothing, for he had no strength left to speak.

Faced with the requests of Uncle Bek and the others, Luo still chose to ignore them.

Seeing Luo persist in his solitary approach, Uncle Bek and the others could only curse again, then focus on dealing with the Nen beast.

This Nen beast was only second-rate at best, but its troublesome nature was a real pain.

Although Bisky couldn't completely eradicate the Nen beast, it also couldn't threaten her, but she still pretended to dodge with great difficulty.

The scene was now free of the Nen beast, except for Antomu, who seemed quite at ease, hanging the Nen beast up to hit it, though unable to completely eradicate it.

He watched Luo's actions without reaction, not feeling rushed.

He was not aware of Bisky's strength and thought he was the strongest one there, so he felt that no matter how the situation developed, he could laugh last.

Luo didn't help Uncle Bek and the others deal with the Nen beast; instead, he planned to face Stajy alone, which was a scenario Antomu was pleased to see.

Once Luo and Stajy's true body began fighting, it would give him a chance to gain intelligence on Stajy's abilities.

"This trip really paid off."

Antomu took a deep breath, suppressing the thrill of excitement in his heart.

He didn't need much; the gemstone pendant was one of his targets, the highest valued item among the funerary goods, and now that he saw Stajy preserved well, she too became one of his targets.

Compared to that world-renowned gemstone, Stajy's corpse was even more valuable!

Luo, unaware of Antomu's plans, approached Stajy alone. The black aura around Stajy swirled, forming vague, human-like shapes, as if watching Luo approach.

When Luo got within a hundred meters of her, Stajy maintained her original posture, unresponsive, the sound of her plucked strings not fluctuating at all. However, the black aura swirling around her began to boil.

A suffocating pressure suddenly emerged, pressing towards Luo.

Luo's aura minimized the effect of this aura field, unaffected.

He paused momentarily, then with a probing intention, swung a sword qi towards Stajy.

The crescent sword qi, enhanced with the effect of God's Hand, cut through the air, aimed at Stajy's body.

Luo's intention was to absorb Nen, even if it meant cutting Stajy in two; he would later strive to restore her, including the palace that Antomu had destroyed.

Before that, his task was to knock down the force controlling Stajy, which was actually the Nen Stajy had left behind after her death.

The sword qi slashed swiftly, but Stajy's fingers abruptly hooked.

The seven tones of music, hooked finger, sharp tone!

With that sharp yet pure harp string sound, black swords sprayed from the harp, meeting Luo's sword qi in mid-air. The colliding energies exploded, stirring up a whirlwind.

"Cancelled out..." Luo's face slightly tensed.

At that moment, the sharp string sound changed, becoming a soft, pleasant melody.

The seven tones of music, plucking strings, soft tone!

The invisible sound waves generated by the strings undulated through the air, heading towards Luo, who maintained his domain to dissipate the incoming sound waves.

Stajy seemed to realize this and stopped playing.

This was the first time Stajy had ceased her playing in front of everyone.

Among the seven tones, the last tone remained—the final sound.

As Luo wondered why Stajy had suddenly stopped playing, someone attacked him from behind, the wind howling; without even looking, he turned and slashed!


The attacker was Mark, and Luo's blade struck Mark's abdomen, cutting him in two.

The stopped string sound once again resounded through the hall, and the bisected Mark still lunged at Luo.

"Controlled, huh..."

Observing the surging aura in Mark, Luo made a judgment, swiftly slashing with his blade, instantly removing Mark's limbs and head, demonstrating his solid swordsmanship.

With the effect of God's Hand manifesting, Mark occupied a page.

Meanwhile, Antomu and Bisky saw Luo's concise and effective swordplay, not a showy display but one focused on practicality, aligned with their training philosophy.

Thus, all means Stajy might use were exhausted in front of Luo.


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