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Chapter 329

Hearing the news that the old house had collapsed, Ling Chunann was in a great mood and did not immediately push away the man seeking affection beside him. Si Yu's eyes lit up, seeing an opportunity, he pounced like a hungry wolf.

The next morning, the doorbell rang. Ling Chunann, still groggy, nudged Si Yu, who was clinging to him, "Go open the door."

Xue Zhengyang, who had not slept all night, stood at the doorstep of the small villa, holding a file bag. From the moment he pressed the doorbell, he couldn't help but let his gaze wander inside.

He glanced at the path leading to the main door, then checked the time. Was it too early? What if they hadn't woken up yet? Would a sudden visit be too impolite? At this moment, he had completely forgotten that he was here on official police business.

Si Yu opened the door, his tone unfriendly, "Officer Xue, what is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Si." Xue Zhengyang was a bit surprised to see Si Yu here, but he quickly switched to a professional tone, "Regarding last night's terrorist attack at the Du residence, I have some questions for Du Er Shao."

"Go ahead and ask," Si Yu stood at the doorway, showing no intention of letting Xue Zhengyang in.

Xue Zhengyang glanced inside, "Du Er Shao...?"

Si Yu still blocked the door, "He's frail and resting. I was with him all night, ask me if you have any questions." He added, "Ask them here." He didn't want this annoying guy entering his and his darling's territory.

Thinking of Ling Chunann's condition, Xue Zhengyang nodded, took out a notebook, and asked a few minor questions such as, "Where did you go after leaving the Du family's banquet last night?" "Why did you return after leaving?" Finally, he asked if Si Yu was aware of the terrorist attack at the Du family's house.

Si Yu, unusually cooperative, answered each question and then cut off Xue Zhengyang when he began to inquire about Ling Chunann's condition, "Any more questions?"

Feeling the obvious hostility and even enmity from the man before him, Xue Zhengyang was under a lot of pressure and involuntarily stepped back, "It's like this, Mr. Si, Du San Shao was injured in last night's attack and is currently unconscious in the hospital."

"I see." After answering, Si Yu looked at Xue Zhengyang again, "Anything else?"

With such clear unwelcoming behavior, and all his questions asked, Xue Zhengyang should have taken the hint to leave, but thinking about the inexplicable relationship between this man and Ling Chunann, he hesitated to leave so easily, so he asked one more question, "May I see Du Zixuan?"

When Ling Chunann woke up, it was already late morning. Si Yu was sitting beside him, engrossed in reading a book. Ling Chunann glanced at the book's cover, a streak of light flashed in his eyes, then he nuzzled into the man's shoulder and said, "I'm hungry."

Si Yu's action of turning pages paused, and then he quickly closed the book and shoved it under the pillow, "Darling's awake, breakfast is ready. I'll bring it to you in a bit, go wash up first."

"I'll wash up myself, I feel like eating noodles today, go cook them for me." Ling Chunann bit the man's shoulder lightly, raised his head, and they exchanged a heated kiss, "Hurry."

Dizzy from his darling's rare enthusiasm, Si Yu staggered out of the room.

Ling Chunann flipped over, pulled the book out from under the pillow, and decided to see what was so engrossing about the book that his man even forgot about him waking up.

He didn't recognize the cover's script, but it was similar to the characters he had seen on Si Yu's token, "098."

"098: Yes, host."

"Can you translate this?"

"Please wait." 098 was somewhat excited; ever since arriving in this world, it had felt constrained, especially since the master appeared, it had dared not even speak too much. Now the host finally remembered its existence!

Nervously excited, 098 quickly found the translation program, translated the title from the demon language to the common language of this world, and suddenly felt a worldview being refreshed.

"What's the matter?" Ling Chunann asked as he opened the first page, and when he saw the content, he paused, then laughed out loud.

Without needing 098's translation, he could tell what was written in the book. This high-quality demonic scripture turned out to be a detailed manual of bedroom secrets. Although the demons varied in form, from the pictures, it was clear

 that both participants were male, or rather, masculine. Ling Chunann flipped further and found several familiar positions, thinking to himself that he had believed this guy would develop new positions in his lifetime, but it turned out he had a manual.

He flipped a few more pages, unsurprisingly finding more positions they had used in the past few days. Seeing that it was about time, he stopped flipping and stuffed the book back under the pillow, getting up to head to the bathroom.

Du Zi'an, eyes red, glared at the bedside demon, "What exactly happened?"

"This is my mistake, I didn't expect that human girl had a seal inside her, she was on the brink of death before, and I later disturbed her soul, which is why the seal's demon awoke." William sincerely admitted his fault, "To show my apologies, I will heal your wounds, free of charge."

Realizing this was the demon's limit, Du Zi'an fell silent for a moment, "What about Xiao Jingyi?"

"Your little girlfriend might have been assimilated by the demon's soul." William shook his head, somewhat regretful. She had escaped yesterday, and he had a feeling that if he had consumed that demon, he might have leveled up.

Over the next six months, Qingyang City experienced a dozen severe murder cases, and the methods of death began to diversify, but the one common factor was the absence of any suspects, leaving the police clueless. Xue Zhengyang was extremely stressed, barely managing to find time to visit Ling Chunann for a check-up at the beginning, but otherwise, he was swamped.

One early morning, a cellphone vibrated in a small police office, startling the officer beside it, "Hello."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Hanging up, the young officer was energized, "Boss, something's happening on Songhua Street!"

Since starting half a year ago, Xue Zhengyang had been keeping an eye on Du Zi'an, but despite his cautiousness, they had almost caught him several times, yet he always managed to slip through their fingers, and he seemed to have divine assistance, always able to distinguish between police bait and real prey, and always able to clear himself at critical moments.

After half a year of a battle of wits, Xue Zhengyang and his team had become very familiar with the murderer's habits. The victims were not exactly good people, but they were not utterly vile either, mostly found in several chaotic districts within the city. Despite setting up countless surveillance cameras over these months, they had been useless.

Songhua Street, near the old city's demolition area, was quiet during the day but filled with petty thieves and criminals at night, fitting the murderer's hunting criteria perfectly. In order to successfully deceive the murderer, Xue Zhengyang had spent a lot of time setting up this trap, even specifically transferring criminals from prison for it.

This was their last chance, hoping the mysterious person's so-called formation would be effective. Thinking this, Xue Zhengyang felt almost possessed, desperately believing in some formation.

Arriving at Songhua Street, he took a deep breath before getting out of the car. He didn't have the habit of smoking, but at that moment, he really wanted a cigarette.

Leading several fully armed subordinates into the noisy, dirty alley, Xue Zhengyang suddenly froze. In the seemingly empty alley lay a dirty, unconscious man, their bait, and in the middle of the formation he had personally drawn with a mixture of bloods lay a young, beautiful girl.

"Host, the male lead tricked the female lead into your trap, and now he's headed towards the Western City District," 098 reported to Ling Chunann in real-time.


Over the past half year, Ling Chunann appeared to the outside world to be in seclusion recovering from injuries, but he had actually been monitoring the male lead's situation. Since that night, Du Zi'an seemed to have activated a dark mode, competing with the demon possessing the female lead on how to kill more artistically, and even negotiated with the demon to start cultivating power. Now, the couple, who should have been sweetly in love, had become relentless enemies. It turns out Ling Chunann, the big villain, had no more room to use his martial skills.

Thus, to fulfill his own duties, Ling Chunann secretly helped Xue Zhengyang.

This trap was Ling Chunann's own creative idea—an absolute formation to trap a demon.

Unfortunately, the male lead was just that, not so easily captured.

Ling Chunann had intended to continue sleeping, but his attention was drawn by a touch on his body. Anyone waking up to find a hand on their sensitive spot would probably find it hard to sleep, and he opened his eyes to glare at the man.

"Darling's awake." Seeing Ling Chunann open his eyes, Si Yu didn't withdraw his wandering hand from Ling Chunann's waist, instead, it moved further

 down as he huskily whispered in Ling Chunann's ear, "I haven't finished using the new positions I learned last night, want to..."

"Get lost." Remembering what this man had done the previous day, Ling Chunann's face instantly turned pale. He lifted his leg to kick him but accidentally misjudged the force due to his sore waist, kicking the wrong spot. The man groaned in pain, his voice sounding particularly painful, "Darling, you've hurt me."

Ling Chunann looked suspiciously at the man's pained expression, reached down to check, and immediately realized he had been tricked. The area was clearly very spirited. Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, the man shamelessly caught it, "Darling..."

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann smiled sweetly.

"I..." Si Yu suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis looming over his little buddy.


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