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Chapter 328

William did not respond, it was indeed his fault this time, but the aura emanating from Siyu was simply too terrifying. As soon as he arrived, he unleashed his oppressive power, and William dared not step into his domain, let alone come out to help.

William had been a high-ranking demon for centuries, striding across the demon world with authority. He hadn't expected to encounter such a formidable opponent in this weaker human world.

He had been caught off guard last time and sustained serious injuries, thinking it was just his own carelessness and the other's luck, but this time, he had to admit that the other’s strength far surpassed his own.

Glancing at his contractor who was still furious, William felt somewhat impatient.

The territorial consciousness of demons is very strong, especially for high-ranking demons who do not allow another demon within their territory, as the other had just warned.

Du Zian was a ruthless character with many lives on his hands, and though angry, he quickly regained his composure. Now without his usual facade, he appeared more sinister and fierce. "William, I've helped you so much lately, help me this time."

William, sitting on the sofa, his handsome Western face expressionless, his hands elegantly joined and resting on the coffee table, said to the contractor sitting across from him, "If it's about dealing with Du Xuan, forget it."

Had Du Zian made this request earlier, for the sake of that pure soul, William might have intervened, but now, realizing the disparity between his power and the other's, William understood that he could not contend with him; the only strategy was to avoid his edge.

Du Zian's expression twisted slightly, but he quickly returned to normal. "Not him. Didn't you use to like Xiao Jingyi? I don't need her anymore."

Hearing this, William perked up, raising an eyebrow. "You're really willing to hand over your little girlfriend to me?"

"I approached her initially to control the Du family. Now that the company is stable and I have secured the shares, I no longer need her. Just handle the aftermath well," Du Zian said evenly, as if the girl he spoke of was nothing more than an inconsequential item.

Xiao Jingyi, as the female protagonist of this world, though not as pure as Du Xuan, was still highly attractive to demons. If William consumed her soul, he could fully recover from his previous injuries and even rise to a higher level, no wonder he was tempted. "What do you want me to do?"

"It's nothing big. I just want to know the identity of the man next to Du Xuan. He must be a demon, right? But why can we see him?" Du Zian asked.

William looked at Du Zian, somewhat surprised. "You're quite sharp. He is indeed a demon, and his abilities far exceed mine."

"Didn't you say you were one of the top high-ranking demons? How could there be a demon more formidable than you?" Du Zian feigned surprise.

"Indeed," William nodded modestly, his expression suddenly growing more serious, his brows furrowing tightly. "But above high-ranking demons, there is another level, although he has been gone for too long, so I didn't think of it immediately."

"What is it?"

Thinking back to the brief clash before today's banquet and the aura of that demon, William couldn't help but feel a bit frightened, slowly uttering two words: "Demon King."

After leaving the Du residence, Ling Chunann was pressed onto the car seat by Siyu. Seeing him not pushing away for once, Siyu was even more excited, quickly stripping off Ling Chunann’s suit and tie, and was about to proceed further when he was stopped by a slap from Ling Chunann, covering his face. "Enough, I'm tired now, let's go back and rest."

Ling Chunann's voice was slightly hoarse, his eyes red at the corners, and his lips slightly swollen, making Siyu's gaze burn even hotter. He couldn't help but lean in for a kiss, grasping Ling Chunann's hand and moving it downwards. "Baby, I'm in pain."

"Here?" Ling Chunann hooked a smile, followed the man's hand and squeezed that thing, then without hesitation, he pulled his hand back, straightened his half-open shirt, and ruthlessly buttoned up his clothes, covering up the traces on his body in front of the desiring eyes of the man. "Drive, we're going back to the Du residence."

At this moment, William and Du Zian had arrived at the second floor where Xiao Jingyi was resting. Dr. Zhang confirmed Xiao Jingyi was not in life-threatening danger, merely unconscious from suffocation and fright, and after giving a few soft instructions and prescribing some sleeping pills, left the room.

With butler Zhang dismissed, Du Zian turned to William. "Please."


 then, butler Chen's voice echoed, "Young master, you've returned."

"I came back to get something," Ling Chunann said. "Don't mind me."

Originally intending to inform Du Zian, butler Chen nodded repeatedly, wishing he could shrink into the ground under Siyu’s gaze, the man beside the second young master was even more terrifying.

Almost the moment he heard the noise, William also spoke up, "I'll step out for a bit." Before Du Zian could even open his mouth, he had disappeared from the room.

A deep thought crossed Du Zian’s eyes, pondering the identity of that demon that had even the usually fearless William lose his composure.

Looking again at the quietly lying Xiao Jingyi and then thinking of Ling Chunann who had caused such an outcome, a flicker of resentment and deep unwillingness passed through Du Zian's eyes. He had lost face in public today; he couldn't just let it go. But the demon beside him was a Demon King that even William avoided. What could he use to fight him?

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Du Zian's thoughts. He concealed his terrifying expression and opened the door, but seeing Ling Chunann sitting in a wheelchair outside, his expression could not help but darken, his voice almost gritting, "Second brother."

Ling Chunann enjoyed seeing Du Zian’s face change. "I left something in this room."

"What is it? Isn't your room the one next door? How could your things end up in the guest room?"

Ling Chunann didn't answer, turning his head to look at Siyu, who immediately stepped forward, walked into the room, and found a violin case from the lower left corner of the wardrobe, returning to Ling Chunann's side.

As Siyu approached, Du Zian involuntarily retreated to a corner, his face expressing some weirdness—one being anger at his own lack of spine, just a glance from that man had made him uncontrollably step back, and second, he hadn't expected that Ling Chunann really had belongings in this room.

Ling Chunann didn't notice Du Zian’s reaction, instead continuously watching the still unconscious Xiao Jingyi on the bed. William had used magic to put her to sleep, and though now released by Siyu, she had yet to awaken. But being so close allowed Ling Chunann, who had mostly recovered his soul power, to sense changes. He happily patted Siyu's hand, "Let’s go."

Siyu glanced reluctantly at the woman on the bed who had attracted his darling's attention, then slung the violin case over his shoulder and straightforwardly turned the wheelchair to leave.

Throughout, Ling Chunann never once looked directly at Du Zian.

Du Zian!

Du Zian clenched his fists behind them, chewing bitterly on this name, his heart filled with shame. Ling Chunann’s disregard only fueled his anger. Why? Why could he still dare to ignore him now? Staring at their backs, Du Zian’s eyes brimmed with malice. He was no longer the meek youngest son of the Du family; he was the head of the Du family, the chairman of Du Group!

What did it matter if there was a Demon King beside him? He would make sure he had nowhere to be buried!


In the silent room, the girl on the bed, who had been motionless, twitched her eyelids and gradually opened her eyes. But the spoiled innocence previously in her eyes had vanished, replaced by a deep, dark inkiness.

"Host, weren't you just going back to stop the male lead from killing the female lead?" 098 whispered while Ling Chunann was resting his eyes.

"She didn’t die, did she?" Ling Chunann replied nonchalantly.

"But she…" Just then, Siyu looked over, and 098 abruptly stopped talking. When Siyu looked away again, 098 lowered his voice, "But if you leave, what if the male lead lets the demon eat her?"

"Don’t worry, she’s safe," Ling Chunann said lazily.

Knowing the male lead hadn’t called the police, Ling Chunann knew what he would do.

Although the original text superficially described the male and female leads as loving, it wasn’t hard to analyze that the male lead had always been using the female lead. But because she hadn't really displeased him and had the support of the Xiao family, this fairy tale had a superficially happy ending. But this place was different.

Du Zian had lost face at the banquet earlier because of Ling Chunann, and although the woman had been outspoken in his defense, it didn’t stop Du Zian from developing a dislike for the female lead.

Moreover, if Xiao Jingyi died tonight, then the dozens of people present could testify that she had been killed by Siyu under Ling Chunann’s orders. Given the demon’s traceless method of killing, Siyu would undoubtedly

 be deemed the murderer.

Du Zian’s schemes were indeed deep.

Unfortunately, he was still too naive, and it seemed his luck wasn’t very good either, having activated a demon residing in a human body. And it seemed the demon in Xiao Jingyi’s body was of the same level as the one beside Du Zian. She truly deserved to be the female protagonist.

If it weren't for Siyu, the demon lurking in the female lead’s body might never have awakened. Thinking this, Ling Chunann glanced at the obedient man driving next to him.

Demons of the same level could devour each other through combat, but it wasn't as simple as consuming a regular soul. And with William not yet fully recovered, their fight should be quite a spectacle.

And just as Ling Chunann had predicted, the two demons fought that day, and then the Du family’s old house…collapsed.


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