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Chapter 514: The Incident Outside the Portal of Time and Space.

"Electrons are both particles and waves!" "Magic science may not even exist" "Terrifyingly, subatomic particles may have consciousness, and elemental spirits are wandering around every person!" "Truth also throws dice"...

Under the operation of various magical press agencies, the results of the experiments at the magic conference were quickly published, causing a huge stir among the wizarding community.

Despite the fact that tens of thousands of wizards attended the conference, this only accounted for half of the entire wizarding population, not to mention nearly a hundred thousand wizard apprentices. Not everyone had the time to travel to the capital, nor was everyone keen on engaging in magical research.

However, any wizard could not remain indifferent to Lynn's theory of probability, because the most fundamental logic of magic science is order and regularity! Yet now, this regularity was being disrupted, causing shock and panic that was almost suffocating, followed by a flood of skepticism.

The surge in newspaper sales, though pleasing to Rorl, also brought its share of troubles. Within a day, the Magic Daily received tens of thousands of letters from across the kingdom.

Even without opening them, Rorl knew what they contained.

They were essentially refutations and curses directed at the quantum theory of the Star of Magic, arguing that the wave and particle nature of matter could not coexist, and that the probability wave was a fallacy against common sense and magical logic! His assistant, looking at the room nearly filled with envelopes, hesitated and said, "Lord Rorl, what should we do with these letters? Should we send them to Speaker Lynn?"

From the messages on the envelopes, it seemed that only about one-tenth of the replies were intended for the newspaper to publish, the rest were addressed to that lord.

"Who will deliver them, will you? We are not in charge of sending letters." Rorl rolled his eyes, then instructed his assistant to dispose of these letters to avoid clutter.

Is it really okay to dispose of them? The assistant looked at Rorl, wanting to speak but stopping himself, knowing that if this got out, they would certainly be killed by those angry wizards.

But he didn't have the courage to deliver these to the residence of the Star of Magic and could only temporarily use a warehouse to store them.

After dumping this big problem on his assistant, Rorl then focused his attention on an important incoming article.

The sender of the letter was naturally the person who had caused this storm in magic science, the renowned Star of Magic, and the title of the paper was strikingly "The World of Probability—Quantum Mechanics!" In this paper, Lynn elaborately explained what is meant by probability and revamped the internal model of elements, no longer resembling stellar orbits but changing to probability clouds.

The electrons in atoms are not moving along specific orbits, but are distributed around the nucleus with certain probabilities.

Furthermore, he proposed the uncertainty principle, stating that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined simultaneously. The smaller the uncertainty in position, the greater the uncertainty in momentum, and vice versa.

Below, the relationship between position and momentum uncertainty was even expressed with numerous complex equations.

Rorl's understanding of advanced mathematics was only average at best; he couldn't understand the meanings expressed by these complex equations, but one thing he did see.

Whether it's the wave-particle duality of micro-particles or probability theory, these were not just whimsical ideas by the Star of Magic to explain the double-slit interference phenomenon; rather, they were part of a very rigorous theory.

"Let's use this paper for tomorrow's edition." After reviewing it, Rorl handed the manuscript to another assistant, instructing them to make copies quickly.


Outside the portal of time and space, in a barren and silent divine realm, a hundred thousand Moco people were kneeling amidst the 【Blazing Mushrooms】, conducting their routine prayers. Yet the deity they were invoking had shifted from the great Moon Goddess Diana to Aila, not unnoticed by some, but it had become their only hope for survival.

Only through heartfelt prayer and offering their faith could they receive precious food and warmth.

About an hour later, the prayer ceremony officially ended, and as usual, countless loaves of bread fell from the sky, landing beside them.

The devout Moco people excitedly grabbed the bread and started eating, occasionally expressing gratitude to the great Lord for His gifts.

However, those with faltering faith, who had not prayed sincerely, were frozen in place by some powerful force, unable to move, and could only watch others enjoy the divine delicacies.

Hidden in the shadows, Aila silently watched all this. Several days had passed since she entered the portal of time and space, and besides healing her wounds and striving to merge with the divine power, she had also gathered all the surviving intelligent species here.

The number of people was far less than she had expected, and with the scarce resources in this

 dilapidated divine realm, rebuilding a system of divine arts was extremely difficult.

Aila faintly regretted her earlier decision to recall all the Divine Punishment Knights who had been exploring this place, who had almost been wiped out in several battles with the council, otherwise, she might have had some help available now.

"Lord of the Necropolis—Dranatus!" Aila muttered this name in her heart, daring not to speak it aloud to avoid being sensed by him.

This was undoubtedly the greatest trouble she now faced. This Lord of the Necropolis possessed moderate divine power, his divine realm spanning several planes, and was much more powerful than the Moon Goddess, beyond what she could currently contend with.

The only consolation was that this plane was very large, and the 【Blazing Mushrooms】 they were in was like an inconspicuous pebble in a hill, not drawing much attention.

As long as she didn't use her divine power to try to take control of this divine realm, she wouldn't alarm him.

Of course, this was only temporary. Once the Lord of the Necropolis successfully used his divine power to infect the entire plane's elements, no matter where they hid, they would be instantly exposed.

Time was limited for her.

Aila kept pondering countermeasures, quickly forming an idea in her mind.

Although she dared not face the Lord of the Necropolis directly due to the moonlight issue, and couldn't return inside the portal of time and space, she wasn't completely out of options.

Having some of the Moon Goddess Diana's memories, Aila was very aware of the allure a new plane held for a god, especially one that was very large and full of vitality.

Only by setting a wolf to catch a tiger could she have a chance of survival...


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