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Chapter 515: Overestimating One's Abilities—Do Not Self-Study Quantum Mechanics!

A week later, in the capital city at the academic seminar venue, over ten thousand wizards gathered to discuss today's agenda—the issue of the distribution of magic medals.

Typically, this was merely a formality, except for a few historical exceptions, any wizard nominated would achieve the corresponding honor.

However, this time was different due to a very important unresolved theory in magic studies—the quantum theory proposed by the Star of Magic, Lynn Maxwell! If correct, it could easily earn a Morning Star Medal...

No, to say that it merited just a Morning Star Medal would be an understatement because it implied that the very foundations of magical study had to be rebuilt! Precisely because the quantum theory completely contradicted their previous logic and magical theories, most wizards refused to believe it was true, striving through experiments to find evidence proving the theory utterly absurd.

The principle of thermal field electron emission guns, which Lynn had explained in detail, was replicated by numerous grand wizards.

Yet, this spontaneously initiated research competition was incredibly fierce; within just a week, over sixty grand wizards delving into quantum fields had driven eight of them mad! Indeed, eight wizards had lost their minds in just seven days!

Another grand wizard even fainted from anger.

His research project was on how to capture an electron.

As a staunch supporter of particle theory, Grand Wizard Monroe believed that if he could capture an electron and place it in a palm-sized special container, it would confirm particle theory as the absolute truth! To his detractors, he'd simply show it off and say—Look, the electron I captured is right there, it's definitely a particle! This wasn't hard to imagine because Lynn's thermal field electron emission gun had already provided a method to produce a single electron; all he needed to do was capture one! However, as for containing the electron, Monroe initially planned to use gravitational fields to capture it, but as a grand wizard, his force field magic couldn't trap such a microscopic entity, forcing him to settle for an electromagnetic field instead!

However, actually executing this was not so easy. After failing hundreds of times, Monroe finally created the trap, and after days of fortunate observations, he barely managed to trap an electron within it.

Subsequently, Monroe excitedly called thousands of wizards to admire his masterpiece!

However, by the time everyone arrived, he suddenly discovered that the electron he had 'captured' had disappeared!

It had vanished into thin air inside what was supposed to be an electron-trapping cage.

No one knew why, but without a doubt, this electron display turned into a complete joke, Monroe's luck had also run out, and his on-the-spot electron capturing demonstrations repeatedly failed, eventually leading him to suspect that the whole affair was a deliberate mockery.

In front of the spectators, a farce unfolded, and Monroe, having lost face, fainted on the spot and hasn't woken up since...

'Monroe's electron' became yet another substantial proof of the bizarre nature of the quantum field, and to this day, no one knows whether the electron trapped in the cage ever existed.

His fate was even considered good compared to some wizards who delved deep into the dual nature of wave-particle theory and directly lost their ability to cast spells.

Given these bloody lessons, the council had to issue an emergency statement, halting all current quantum experiments.

Lynn also advised through the Magic Daily that all future research into the microscopic realm must be conducted under proper guidance to avoid blindly dabbling and hitting a dead end.

Suddenly, a new term began to circulate in the Magic Kingdom—"Overestimating One's Abilities!" Meaning, never self-research quantum mechanics!

However, to those wizards firmly opposed to probability theory, this undoubtedly seemed like the Star of Magic was building a moat around his own theory, requiring all microscopic theoretical research to go through his guidance and approval.

This was simply monopolizing the discourse of knowledge!

When Lynn Maxwell arrived at the venue with Jonny, Elok, and others, what he saw was a group of eager grand wizards ready to debate with him.

"Please hold, Speaker Lynn!" Grand Wizard Jeff was the first to intercept Lynn's path, speaking very respectfully. "This week, I've studied your latest paper, 'The World of Probability—Quantum Mechanics,' and I have many questions to hear your answers to."

"Of course, no problem!" Lynn nodded casually.

"Since microscopic particles exhibit wave-particle duality and uncertainty, does a macroscopic object composed of microscopic particles possess the same properties?" Jeff's question was very sharp.

In his view, this was the biggest 'flaw' in quantum probability theory! If the properties of quantum are so chaotic, then wouldn't the things made up of microscopic particles be even more chaotic?

However, reality is not so, as real-world materials are very stable, certainly not ceasing to exist just because they are unobserved!

"Of course, there is!" Lynn

 replied decisively.

"Since there isn't, then how can you prove..." Jeff was ready to continue along this line of questioning, but quickly realized that the Star of Magic had said there is, not there isn't! The rest of the wizards waiting for Lynn to deny also looked astonished, taking a moment to recover, their faces suddenly showing extreme surprise.

"So you're saying macroscopic materials also have wave properties? Could we be waves too?" A male wizard scoffed.

"Indeed, it's not easy to provide an example because the wave nature of macroscopic materials isn't as apparent due to their massive size compared to their microscopic counterparts." Lynn nodded, then, without waiting for the excited Jeff and others to start rebutting, he continued smilingly.

"Any macroscopic element, even at the atomic level, is composed of a large number of microscopic particles, which I believe you've already demonstrated experimentally can influence each other."

"Are you suggesting that because they interfere and interact with each other, their form is instead fixed in place? Displaying particle characteristics? The greater the mass, the more stable the state?" Alade said in surprise.

"That's not a wrong understanding." Lynn nodded, the essence of energy interference is actually wave superposition.

This involved the theory of quantum entanglement, Lynn didn't elaborate further, looking at the previously speaking male wizard, he smiled and said, "I can't provide you with an example, but calculating your wavelength only requires one formula!"


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