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Chapter 167: Gathering

How painful must it be for those greedy for money when they encounter a treasure trove they cannot enter?

Uncle Li and his team have been unable to enter the legendary tomb of Stajy due to the difficulty of finding a suitable Exorcist.

Now, they have accidentally discovered a symbol that offers a potential solution, but this sudden find does not bring the joy of effortless success that one might expect.

Can you believe it?

Uncle Li expressed his skepticism, as did Aya and Ruby.

The three quickly concealed their surprise and looked at Luo with disbelief.

Exorcists are rare, and they knew that even within the Hunter Association, Exorcists are few and far between. Procuring the services of one from the Association would come at a considerable cost.

In just a moment, the three recalled the strange incidents from the previous day, and exchanged a knowing look, yet remained skeptical.

Seeing their reactions, Luo knew they didn't believe him, which was not surprising.

He stood up, grabbed the Almighty, and casually slung it over his shoulder, saying, "What, you don't believe it?"

"It's hard to believe," Uncle Li admitted honestly.

"We've been looking for so long and haven't found one. You show up and claim you are one, who would believe that?" Aya said, hands on her hips, her demeanor as fiery as ever.

"Whether you find an Exorcist or not has nothing to do with whether I am one," Luo replied, looking puzzled.

Aya glared at him, momentarily lost for words. After thinking it over, she realized he had a point.

"Then it's time for this handsome guy to make an appearance!"

Ruby suddenly jumped out, expertly spinning three and a half times and striking a signature pose, his eyebrows wiggling like wriggling black caterpillars.

Hearing his declaration, including Luo, the three turned to look at him.

Facing everyone's gaze, Ruby grinned and said, "Whether I'm an Exorcist or not, why not give it a try?"

Luo watched him, waiting for what would come next.

Uncle Li and Aya thought of Ruby's Nen ability and both looked enlightened.

Ruby said, "This handsome guy's Nen can turn aura into musical notes and attach them to a target. If you know how to perform exorcism, feel free to try."

The rhythm of life, Ruby's Nen ability, was just one of the effects it could produce, and he wouldn't reveal its more impressive aspects.

Luo nodded and said, "Let's try."

The simplest way to make them believe was also what he hoped to see.

Ruby looked at Aya, but before he could speak, she disdainfully said, "Get lost!"

Ruby felt wronged, thinking, I haven't even said anything yet!

Uncle Li watched the two and sighed softly, volunteering, "Ruby, let me do it."

Ruby, without wasting time, pulled earplugs from his pocket and stuffed them into his ears. His internal aura surged to the surface of his body, forming into bouncing musical notes.

He manipulated the notes to swirl in his palm, then walked over to Uncle Li, placing his hands on Uncle Li's thighs. After a moment, he removed his hands, leaving behind a green musical note on each thigh.

"You can start now," Ruby told Luo, the musical notes he left on Uncle Li's thighs affecting his coordination, albeit only for three minutes and not very effectively.

It was the effect of Nen, and he wouldn't foolishly blurt it out, merely prompting Luo to start the exorcism.

Uncle Li glanced at the notes on his legs, stood still, and waited for Luo to perform the exorcism.

Musical notes... a Nen related to music?

Luo thought silently, approaching Uncle Li. Extending his left hand, aura surged in his palm. Before he began, he sensed Uncle Li's body tense slightly.

This was normal, and Luo paid it no mind, swiping his hand over the musical notes on Uncle Li's thigh, easily dispersing them into the air.

Watching this, Uncle Li and the others' expressions changed, then quickly turned to elation. They were indeed experiencing the joy of effortless success.

"You really can perform exorcisms!" Aya exclaimed, unable to hide her amazement. She had always imagined exorcists as old charlatans, not a young boy.


Luo remained calm, a stark contrast to the excitement of Uncle Li and the others.

"Everything's ready, then? When do we go in?" Luo asked.

"As soon as tomorrow. I need to notify the others to gather here," Uncle Li replied, trying to stabilize his emotions.

"Tomorrow at ten in the morning, here," he added.

"Alright, see you then."

Knowing the time and place of the gathering, Luo crisply turned around, waved to the three

, and walked towards the cliff's edge, then jumped down.

Mount Grul's terrain was unique; climbing it wasn't difficult, and for someone with Nen abilities, jumping down was quite straightforward.

Seeing Luo leave so decisively, without asking anything further, Uncle Li and the others were puzzled.

If they knew Luo wasn't interested in the potential treasures inside the tomb, they wouldn't be puzzled. Moreover, if Luo knew the entrance's location, he would likely go in alone.

"Let's get to work and call everyone over."

Uncle Li adjusted his glasses and glanced casually at one of the several large rocks around before pulling out his phone.

"Ah, this handsome guy is boiling with excitement!" Ruby exclaimed, seeing Uncle Li preparing to contact the members.

After waiting so long, they could finally explore the tomb and, if successful, live out the rest of their lives in luxury.

Aya adjusted the shoulder strap of her large backpack, her fiery demeanor making her slightly nervous, unlike Ruby's excitement.

After making several calls, Uncle Li finished notifying everyone.

"Let's go back and get ready."

After notifying everyone, Uncle Li and the others descended the mountain to prepare for tomorrow's venture.

The next day, before ten o'clock, Luo arrived at Mount Grul with the Almighty.

When he reached the summit, Uncle Li's trio was already there, each carrying a considerable amount of gear.

Seeing that Luo only had a knife, Uncle Li and the others were surprised.

"Where's your gear?" Aya asked, incredulously.

Luo reached into his pocket and after a moment, pulled out a flashlight and several spare batteries.

"Right here."

Luo shook the flashlight, smiling.

He also had items resembling lighters he didn't take out.

Silence fell as they looked at the flashlight.

"You're just here to play, right?"

That was what Aya wanted to say, but she held back since Luo could remove the Nen at the entrance.

Luo didn't care what they thought, casually finding a rock to sit on as he waited for the others.

Seeing how calm Luo was, Uncle Li had to forcibly assume that Luo was bold due to his skill.

With less than ten minutes to ten o'clock, people continued to arrive.

Luo used Gyo to observe each person ascending the summit. Most were ordinary people, with only four being Nen users, and their skills didn't seem very impressive.

According to Uncle Li, there were supposed to be twenty-two people, which meant two were still missing.

At that moment, another person climbed the mountain, and Luo noticed that it was a very handsome man, but he was an ordinary person.


After the handsome man reached the summit, someone quickly followed.

Luo was about to think that everyone had arrived, but when he saw who was following the handsome man, he was momentarily stunned.

"Why is she here?" Luo thought to himself in surprise.

After reaching the summit, Biscuit also saw Luo sitting on the rock.

"Why is he here?" Biscuit thought, equally surprised.

At this moment, Luo hadn't noticed the expressions on Uncle Li and the others' faces. Thinking that Biscuit was also one of the members, he was quite shocked.

"Who is this girl?"

Uncle Li looked at the unfamiliar Biscuit, then at the handsome man.

Noticing Uncle Li and the others' gaze, the handsome man's mouth twitched.


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