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Chapter 168: The Newcomer

An hour ago, a handsome man felt proud of his charming face and magnetic allure. While on his way to Mount Grul, a cute little girl approached him, much to his delight.

Most importantly, when the little girl batted her eyes, it was clear she had taken a liking to him.

Initially, with plenty of time to spare, he decided to flirt with the little girl before joining the others. Facing her admiring, watery big eyes, he accidentally let slip some details about the important task he was about to undertake.

Though he mentioned it, he thought little of it since she was just a cute girl, and he didn’t continue. After checking the time, he prepared to set off.

However, the little girl became intrigued and incessantly asked questions.

With pressing matters at hand, he was reluctant to indulge her. Then…

When the little girl forcefully broke the pickaxe he was carrying with her fair, small hands, his face turned pale.

That was no mere stick, but the head of a pickaxe.

This was the reason why the handsome man led Biscuit Krueger to the top of Mount Grul. In just a minute, an unforgettable impression was formed in his mind.

Seeing the handsome man’s reaction, Uncle Lei frowned, displeased at bringing a stranger without acting as if nothing had happened.

Biscuit first noticed Luo's presence upon reaching the top with the handsome man. She quickly averted her gaze to avoid Luo detecting anything unusual.

When Chairman Netero approached her some time ago, he only gave her a photo of Luo along with a brief instruction, essentially saying: "As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter whether you do it or not."

Because of that instruction, Biscuit was rather casual, initially thinking Luo might be Netero's illegitimate child, given the unusual attention from the chairman, despite Luo not being a member of the Hunter Association.

If he were Netero's son, she would have taken more care. Since he wasn't, she let it go.

To her surprise, Luo was there.

"This kid is here for the tomb of Stajy," Biscuit thought without any self-awareness. She casually found a spot by a rock to sit down, making herself at home.

Biscuit only glanced at Luo, but Luo frequently looked back at her.

His appearance, attire, and her iconic golden spiral twin tails helped Luo immediately recognize Biscuit’s identity.

"The muscle woman must be here for that centuries-old famous gem," Luo mused, aligning his thoughts unwittingly with Biscuit.

Luo was unaware of Biscuit's mission to approach and potentially train him, mistakenly believing her interest was in the gem, thus creating a beautiful misunderstanding.

He didn't dwell on it much and turned to Uncle Lei, asking, "Is everyone here? Where's the entrance?"

Uncle Lei briefly glanced at the serene Biscuit and then at Luo, stating, "We're still missing one person."

Luo quickly scanned the crowd and said, "Twenty-four people. Is there still someone missing?"

The conversation drew everyone’s attention.

"No, one is an outsider," Uncle Lei clarified, his gaze shifting to Biscuit.

At that, the atmosphere shifted as people followed Uncle Lei’s gaze toward Biscuit.

The people gathered were invited by Uncle Lei to form teams, mostly in groups of three or two, and strangers among them weren't unusual. But pointing out an outsider made it significant.

"Biscuit is an outsider?" Luo blended his gaze with the crowd, openly scrutinizing Biscuit, his surprise evident.

Facing the crowd's gaze, Biscuit simply stood up, calmly asking, "What are the conditions to join?"

At this moment, the handsome man discreetly moved aside, not wishing to get involved. He was somewhat familiar with Biscuit’s penchant for violence.

Uncle Lei didn’t use Gyo to scrutinize Biscuit; even if he did, he couldn't fathom her intentions. He was about to respond when someone cut him off.

A brusque man, eyeing Biscuit, scoffed, "Join? Go back home and play princess, little girl. You're not even developed enough to play with the adults."

Laughter erupted among many on hearing this.

Aya observed the group's reaction, a look of displeasure crossing her face, though she remained silent.

Luo looked at the man mocking Biscuit with pity; he knew Biscuit was very strong, although he wasn't sure just how strong.

Having been ridiculed, Biscuit merely smiled lightly, then casually slapped a nearby boulder.


The boulder dented deeply from her strike.

The laughter around ceased instantly as those who had laughed gawked in amazement at Biscuit, feeling a chill run down their spines.

The man who had mocked her began to tremble in fear.

Biscuit, having held back with that strike, effortlessly pulled a soccer ball-sized rock from the boulder and tossed it at the man who had mocked her first. He grunted as it struck his head, knocking him out cold with a massive lump on his head.

After knocking the man out, Biscuit dusted off her hands, then turned to an astonished Uncle Lei and smiled, "May I join?"

Uncle Lei cursed the handsome man under his breath before vigorously nodding, "Yes, yes!"

"That's settled then," Biscuit said.

"And your esteemed name?" Uncle Lei's eyes twinkled slightly.


After responding, Biscuit seemed too lazy to continue talking and simply sat down again, remaining a quiet, pretty girl.

Uncle Lei wanted to introduce himself too, but seeing Biscuit's reaction, he simply held back, figuring he had already asked her name. He planned to find an opportunity to learn more about her background later.

A significant but not overly dramatic episode concluded with Biscuit’s display of strength, inadvertently securing her a spot on the team.

Luo felt it was best to keep his distance from Biscuit, given her violent nature.

The agreed time had already passed by ten minutes, yet one person hadn't arrived.

"That person is late again," Aya complained.

"Should we wait for him?" Ruby asked.

"Yes," Uncle Lei decisively said.

It was better to have more strong people in an unclear situation.

A few more minutes passed, and finally, a fully equipped man climbed up.

"You're late, Antomu!"

Seeing the man, Uncle Lei expressed his displeasure.

The man, touching his buzzcut, hastily apologized, "Sorry, sorry, I slipped halfway up, and that delayed me."

Uncle Lei knew it was an excuse but didn't bother to pursue it further since everyone was now present. He quickly briefed them, and they could start.

Antomu, the last to arrive, was also a Nen user, towering at two meters tall with bushy eyebrows, small eyes, a square nose, and a thick mouth, his build as imposing as a gorilla.

Luo merely observed him and didn't think much of it; this man seemed weaker than Uncle Lei's group.

Among all, Biscuit alone gave Antomu more than a few looks.

"This man is very strong, much stronger than the others, but why... is he intentionally hiding his strength?" Biscuit pondered, her judgment based on experience.

Thinking of Antomu's motives made Biscuit believe the trip would be worthwhile.


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