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Chapter 157: Babu Town

Kukuroo Mountain, located within the Republic of Padokea, is a dormant volcano standing at 3722 meters in altitude and is the residence of the Zoldyck family.

Adjacent to Kukuroo Mountain is a vast forest, all of which belongs to the Zoldyck family, enclosed by towering walls. Any outsider who dares to intrude pays with their life.

As a notorious family of assassins, the Zoldycks differ from ordinary assassins who usually conceal their whereabouts; their residence on Kukuroo Mountain is public knowledge.

Despite this, few have ever seen the true faces of the Zoldyck family, even a photograph carries a reward of one billion Jenny.

Clearly, the enduring Zoldyck family is not to be underestimated.

After returning home, Illumi didn't immediately give his mother the clothes but instead went to see his father first.

He pushed open the door to a spacious room. At the end of the room, in front of the wall opposite the door, sat a silver-haired man on a bed piled with cushions. His right elbow rested on his knee, and his hand supported his chin.

The man had long silver hair and an expression of calm strength, his muscular build impressive beneath his clothes, commanding attention.

He sat there expressionless, his presence alone emanating a natural authority.

This man was Illumi's father, named Silva Zoldyck, a star-class fighter with formidable strength.

Seeing Illumi, Silva patted the seat beside him, signaling for Illumi to come over.

Illumi walked over and sat beside Silva.

"Something important?"

Silva glanced at the package in Illumi's hand, knowing it was clothes for his wife. Thus, Illumi should have first delivered the clothes instead of coming directly to him.

Illumi nodded, from his perspective, it was significant.

He then thoroughly explained the situation involving Luo, including how Luo managed to knock down thousands with just his aura, and concluded with his own assessment, which he believed to be a warning.

Hearing about Luo, Silva remained expressionless, his emotions unchanged.

If surprised, it was only at how seriously Illumi regarded a young man.

"At that level, even your grandfather couldn’t do it," Silva said lightly, referring to knocking down thousands with aura.

"Not even Grandfather?" Illumi exclaimed.

Silva nodded, speaking matter-of-factly, but he reserved judgment on whether Luo used his aura to knock down thousands, considering the many types of Nen abilities that could potentially incapacitate thousands of ordinary people within a short period.

"What about Great Grandfather?" Illumi pressed.

"I don't know," Silva shook his head.

Hearing this, Illumi lowered his head, pondering.

"Bring the clothes to your mother," Silva said, watching Illumi in thought.

Illumi looked up, paused, and said, "Okay."

As soon as he spoke, he got up, picking up the package to deliver the clothes to his mother.

Illumi viewed Luo's existence as a warning and informed his father, but his father seemed unconcerned, which was expected.

Given Illumi's abilities, any task involving Luo would be strenuous and thankless, likely a losing deal even before starting. But for his father or grandfather, such a task would likely not be difficult.

However, Illumi's basis for seeing Luo as a threat included another aspect—the potential Luo showed for the future.

Just a few months showed such growth; what about a few more years?

He wanted his family to take note of this. Of course, if there were any tasks involving Luo soon, as long as his father or grandfather handled them, there would be no need to worry further.

In any case, he had delivered the information; what followed was no longer his concern.

"Illumi, this information is useful," Silva said, as Illumi was about to reach the door.

Illumi stopped, nodded at his father, and then pushed the door to leave.

The door opened and closed.

Silva watched the closed door, silent.

The young man named Luo seemed to possess even greater strength than Illumi, certainly not to be underestimated.

If there would be a future confrontation or if Luo became an assassination target, the information Illumi brought back could serve as a benchmark for assessing the value.

Assessing risk based on the target's strength and then setting prices accordingly, whether or not the client accepts, was no longer their concern.

Minimizing losses was one of the Zoldyck family's principles.

Silva remembered Luo's name, his distinctive features, and the rusty knife.

Luo... was gradually entering the radar of these experts.


In the central part of the Yorbian Continent, there is a famous town in the woods named Babu Town, a renowned tourist destination, ranked among the top ten tourist spots on the continent each year.

The houses in Babu Town are

 primarily brick, constructed from stone bricks, unlike urban architecture, more akin to villas, with three stories being the maximum height.

Upon arriving in Babu Town, one sees a seamless town, brick and stone pavements as far as the eye can see, houses of similar height and appearance, all with chimneys and unadorned roofs, predominantly featuring sloped triangular sides.

The color scheme of the houses is mostly earthy yellow, related to the building materials, but nearly every house has a small attached garden, and the brick walls are often covered with lush climbing vines.

It's a place that feels tranquil at a glance.

Luo and Sanbica Norton arrived at Babu Town, now at the end of winter, during the off-peak tourism season.

Though not overflowing, the number of tourists was still considerable, the crowd lively.

After briefly surveying the town's environment, which felt very comfortable, Luo wondered about the climbing plants on the houses, which remained green even in winter.

Luo walked on the damp brick road, wet from a light snow that had melted upon touching the ground.

He asked a local aunt for directions to the ancient city in the woods, and without lingering, headed in that direction.

Luo's visit to Babu Town was motivated by the Dark Sonata, and Fringe's Residence, now only a tourist site for visiting, was located in the nearby forest.

This place was celebrated as a tourist holy land, not just for its local customs and environment, but also because the forest near Babu Town was very safe.

It was an unexplored forest by humans, maintaining its natural scenery without any creatures that could pose a threat to humans.

Normally, forests unexplored by humans are often teeming with ferocious beasts, not only unsuitable for tourism but also challenging for human habitation.

This shows how rare an environment like the Babu Forest is on the continent.

"Shouldn't touch the ruins carelessly, right?" Luo asked as they walked along a path in the woods.

"Yeah," Sanbica replied.

That could be troublesome.

Luo thought silently.


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