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Chapter 295

Compared to Ling Chunann's contentment, Qi'an had been having a rough few days. Ever since he brought that girl home, only for her to almost bite him after turning into a zombie and then escaping, he resolved to diligently practice Taoist skills, but he immediately encountered problems.

He was just an ordinary student from a not very wealthy family, and everything, whether drawing talismans or other tasks, required money.

With his current financial situation, he couldn't even afford decent talisman paper, let alone other magical implements.

First defeated by reality, the next day Qi'an was caught by Zhang Feng, who still had an arm slung in front of his chest. That reminded him of what he had forgotten—it seemed like he had volunteered to pick him up the day before.

To apologize, he invited a few people to a meal, only to be followed by a ghost afterward.

Having listened to this little ghost cry for several days, which severely disrupted his studies and rest, Qi'an finally lost his temper. He picked up a newly written soul-calming talisman, channeled spiritual power into it, and said ominously, "Cry one more time and see what happens?"

The little ghost looked about twelve or thirteen years old, a boy. If one ignored his blood-stained face, his eyes were still large and bright. He looked at the talisman in Qi'an's hand, fear flashing through his eyes before he belched and finally stopped crying.

"Alright, now tell me, what's going on? Why are you following me?" Qi'an sighed in relief as the little ghost finally stopped crying.

However, just as he asked this, the little ghost burst into tears again.

Qi'an: "..."

"Host, the male lead has been haunted by a little ghost," reported 098, laughing, "This male lead is too good-tempered, there are plenty of ways to get rid of that ghost, yet he has endured it for so many days."

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann queried, "What little ghost?"

"It seems to be a traffic accident ghost. So far, besides clinging to the male lead and crying, it hasn't spoken a word," 098 obediently responded, "This ghost appeared on the male lead's way home after he treated classmates to a meal on the second day of school, an external character to the plot." After all, the male lead had not ditched his classmates or treated anyone to a meal the day before, so these were indirectly caused by Ling Chunann.

Hearing 098's addition, Ling Chunann nodded, "Keep me updated."

"Baby, time to go," Han Fenglian carried two suitcases out from the room, bending down to kiss Ling Chunann on the forehead, "It'll be about a three-hour drive, and we'll stay there for three days. Is that okay?"


Curious about the legendary foremost Taoist family he had only heard of in books, Ling Chunann wasn't worried about his identity being discovered. According to Han Fenglian, unless someone had a higher cultivation level than him, it would be impossible to detect Ling Chunann's identity, especially since Ling Chunann now possessed his specially made concealment talisman.

Han Fenglian's house was located on the top floor of a high-end apartment building in the city center of Beicheng, occupying the entire floor, a bit of a hidden-in-plain-sight feel to it. The house wasn't far from Beijing University, and even closer to the district where the male lead rented, so Ling Chunann hadn't considered moving after being brought here.

After setting down the suitcases, Han Fenglian found Ling Chunann seated in the driver's seat, "Baby, you're driving?"

"Obviously." Ling Chunann raised his chin, "You don't trust my driving?"

"Of course not," Han Fenglian quickly turned and opened the passenger door to sit down.

Although Ling Chunann had never driven this body before, and had barely watched Han Fenglian drive, it was clear that Ling Chunann knew how to drive and was quite skilled at it.

Han Fenglian didn't question Ling Chunann's proficient movements; in his eyes, whatever his darling did was natural.

Ling Chunann smoothly drove the car out of the residential area and then through two streets, just in time to encounter the male lead coming out, with the little ghost still persistently crying behind him, looking utterly miserable. Our good-tempered male lead seemed on the verge of exploding, impatience tingeing his usually calm eyes.

Han Fenglian glanced in the direction Ling Chunann was looking, "Baby, do you know that man?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, "No."

Han Fenglian's expression brightened significantly, continuing with a tone of not giving up any potential rivals, "Does baby like that little evil spirit?"

Stopping the car at a pedestrian crossing to wait for the green light, Ling Chunann turned to

 look at Han Fenglian, "What if I did?"

Hearing Ling Chunann's words, Han Fenglian's expression stiffened for a moment but quickly returned to its bright state, "If baby likes it, I can catch it for you."

Without needing analysis, Ling Chunann could hear how reluctant this man was, and couldn't help but laugh, "My taste isn't that twisted."

Han Fenglian: "Baby's taste is naturally the best! Baby, it's green."

Glancing at the man who didn't know what he was proud of, Ling Chunann restarted the car.

Qi'an noticed the car slowly driving past him, but his attention was not on the people inside, but on the expensive emblem of the car, inwardly lamenting that it must be nice to be wealthy, then continued towards the school with the accompaniment of the little ghost's crying.

Because of this ghost, he had missed two days of classes already. If he missed today's specialized classes, he'd have to retake them next semester, and retaking in his last semester of senior year was not just a loss of face, it was downright shameful.

Two and a half hours later, the car stopped at the end of a mountain road, in front of a towering cliff.

"Is this the place?" After being chased by traffic police for speeding for dozens of kilometers, Ling Chunann, sitting back in the passenger seat, asked.

"Yes." Han Fenglian's eyes held a trace of nostalgia, "I haven't been back here in a long time."

After speaking, Han Fenglian opened the car window, pinched a hand gesture, then threw out a talisman.

The talisman transformed into a pale cyan light that spread forward, and then the cliff walls in front of the car gradually spread apart, eventually forming a wide road.

Watching the road change, Ling Chunann's spirits lifted, his previously slumped back straightening.

"This is a small mechanism formed by combining some formations and hand gestures. If baby is interested, I'll show you the principles when we get back," Han Fenglian said.

"Okay." Using the methods of cultivators, it was actually very easy to achieve this effect, but clearly, this was not a mere cultivator's technique. Ling Chunann was quite interested in this new type of combined formation.

The road was about a kilometer long, and within a few minutes, the car had driven out of the valley and into a large, ancient-looking manor. Above the entrance of the manor were the words 'Han Residence'.

Before the car had even stopped, a white-haired old man stood in front, and at the same time, Ling Chunann also sensed the presence of at least a dozen masters nearby. Based on their strength, if he had come here alone, he might not have been able to leave safely.

This place was indeed full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Looking at the old man in front of him, Ling Chunann remarked.

Seeing Han Fenglian get out of the car, the old man, who had initially adopted a defensive posture, now showed joy and bowed respectfully, "Welcome home, young master!"

"There's no need for such formality, Uncle Han." Han Fenglian nodded in response, then walked over to take Ling Chunann's hand, his expression softening a bit, "This is Cangyu, my lover. Baby, this is Uncle Han, the butler of the Han residence, who raised me since I was a child."

Ling Chunann generously smiled at the old man, "Hello, Uncle Han."

Uncle Han also showed a kind smile to Ling Chunann and bowed again, "Hello, Young Master Cangyu."

"You're not planning to leave soon this time, are you?" Uncle Han asked while leading the way.

"I'm here to retrieve something and will leave after three days," Han Fenglian replied, "Also, I'll be taking some people with me."

Uncle Han did not inquire about what had happened, merely asking, "May I accompany you?"

"Of course."

Ling Chunann wasn't paying attention to their conversation; he was listening to 098's report, "Host, there are over a thousand cultivators within the Han residence. Among them, over five hundred have cultivation levels similar to yours when you first woke up, and fifty are on par with your current level. No trace of any operatives has been detected."

Based on this data, if the Han family were to come out in the original story, there wouldn't be much room for the Zombie King to strut around. Thinking of this possibility, 098 shivered, relieved that these people were on the side of the adults.

Midway through, Han Fenglian was stopped by his subordinates, who were ecstatic about his return. Ling Chunann went with Uncle Han to the room where he would stay for the next three days.

"Young Master Cangyu, this is the young master's room. I have kept it

 as it was all these years." Pushing open the bedroom door, Uncle Han stood to one side and respectfully said to Ling Chunann, "Please rest for a while. I'll make some tea for you. May I know what kind of tea Young Master Cangyu prefers?"

"There's no need, thank you," Ling Chunann smiled, "I'll just wait here for him."

"Alright, I'll be waiting outside. If Young Master Cangyu needs anything, just let me know. You are the young master's lover and thus the mistress of the Han residence. Please feel at ease," the old man bowed and exited.

Ling Chunann closed the door and walked over to the window, pushing it open. His view was filled with a garden of rose bushes. Further away, there was a rockery, and beyond that, a small pond where water lilies were quietly sleeping under the warm sunlight.

"This place is really nice," Ling Chunann remarked.

"You could consider retiring here after rescuing Xia Lingyan," 098 suggested, then continued reporting, "Host, behind the rockery, there are three people watching you. To the left, a hundred meters away in the bushes, there are two people. In front, fifty meters behind the flower branches, there are four people. To the right, seventy meters behind the willow trees, there are two people. Additionally, there are several people in the pavilion on the opposite hill."


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