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Chapter 294

However, Qi Yang's moment of shock was brief. Having inherited the powers of a celestial master, he quickly recognized the corpse aura emanating from the man—it was a zombie, one with autonomous capabilities, and beyond the elementary level.

Suppressing his pounding heart, Qi Yang pulled out several talismans from his pocket, formed a hand seal, and hurled them all at the zombie. Since gaining the celestial master's inheritance, aside from the burst of power in the ancient tomb, Qi Yang had no real combat experience. Fortunately, his luck held, and the talismans successfully interrupted the zombie's feeding, causing it to look up at Qi Yang.

Staring into those crimson eyes, Qi Yang shivered—it was an advanced zombie! Qi Yang was well aware of his own limitations, and it was clear he was no match for this zombie.

As Qi Yang rapidly thought about how to escape unharmed, the advancing zombie suddenly paused and quickly retreated in the opposite direction before Qi Yang could react. Qi Yang, who had been closely watching the zombie, clearly saw a look of reverence in the eyes of the advanced zombie, and it was not directed at him. His gaze was focused on something behind him.

This realization made Qi Yang break out in a cold sweat. He quickly turned to look at the entrance of the alley—there was nothing there. Weighing the situation between investigating outside the alley and the woman who had collapsed on the ground, Qi Yang chose to save her.

A person bitten by a zombie could turn into a new zombie within three hours if not detoxified, though an advanced zombie could control the virus to prevent its spread. However, Qi Yang didn't believe the fierce-looking zombie from earlier would be so kind. Although Qi Yang knew the remedy, he had no tools on him and had to carry the woman back to his rented house off campus. Thankfully, it wasn't far. He sighed, then bent down to pick her up.

Meanwhile, in another quiet alley, the advanced zombie that had attacked earlier was kneeling on the ground, the ferocity gone from his demeanor, replaced by fanaticism and reverence. "King, you have finally returned! Your subordinate, Ji Guang, obeys your commands," he said.

Ling Chunann watched the zombie, who was clearly a fervent fan, for a while. "Are there others?" he asked.

"Your Majesty, the celestial masters may have declined, but our clan suffered heavy losses a thousand years ago during the upheavals. Today, fewer than a hundred of our kin are strong enough to serve by your side," Ji Guang replied, his voice tinged with resentment but quickly regaining composure as he bowed deeply, asking for forgiveness. "I do not mean to blame you, my King, please forgive my words."

"It's fine, I do not blame you; it was I who involved our clan at that time," Ling Chunann said calmly. "Keep the matter of my return a secret for now. There are things I need you to do."

"Of course, my King. Command me as you wish," Ji Guang responded, his voice filled with excitement and obedience.

Watching the zombie disappear in an instant, Ling Chunann spun the ring on his finger and shook his head. The original owner of this body had become a zombie after ingesting the blood of a corpse king, and being a naturally gifted spiritual fox, he perfectly inherited the legacy of the zombie king, becoming the only one of his kind. All zombie clans would unconditionally obey his commands, a trump card in that era. If it were not for him, conquering the world would not have been an issue, let alone winning a woman's heart.

However, this newly minted love-struck zombie king was stubbornly silent in his affections. The woman didn't like him drinking blood, so he refrained; she liked to travel, so he quietly followed. In the end, she fell for a celestial master, and of course, he willingly allowed himself to be sealed.

Such self-destructive courage, yet lacking the courage to fight for happiness, was truly not worthy of pity. Ling Chunann lamented the melodramatic tale as he left the alley. Having come out after a long time, he intended to enjoy a good walk.

Without concealing his appearance, Ling Chunann casually tied his long hair with a ribbon at the back of his head and wore a set of casual clothes. Walking down the street, he turned heads—two hundred percent of them. Some young people discreetly took out their phones to snap photos. Noticing this, Ling Chunann smiled at them, causing one young man's face to swell up like a tomato about to burst, completely unaware that he had dropped his phone.

After witnessing several accidents caused by the host, 098 was puzzled. Why couldn't the original owner, with his divinely bestowed appearance, hook up with even one girl? Perhaps it was because the girl had unique tastes. Maybe.

Perhaps due to

 the aura around Ling Chunann, despite the enthusiastic public, no one approached him; they just speculated about his identity.

"He must be a star, but I don't recognize him, so he must be undiscovered."

"If he debuted, I'd definitely support him! Such a beautiful young man! Whose evil creature is he?"

"I think he must be some wealthy young master; he looks so commanding. But I'm into powerful queens."

"Maybe he's a college student; the nearby Jing University. He must be here to register."

Ling Chunann keenly picked up on the keywords from the lively discussions and asked his system, "098, do I really look like a submissive?"

"Not at all," 098 answered bluntly. You are not.

"I heard that."

"…Sorry, host, my mistake."

After leading a crowd through two streets, Ling Chunann finally lost interest. Just then, Han Fenglian's car stopped in front of him. "Baby, get in."

Amidst screams, Ling Chunann opened the car door.

"Did you hear that? The man in the car called him baby!"

"Holy shit, does my queen already belong to someone?"

"Woe is me; I've lost my love."

"The man driving is an icy emperor; I took a photo, haha! Ah, why is my photo blurred?"

Listening to the fading discussion, Ling Chunann massaged his temples. Why did he feel this world had an unusually high number of fujoshis and fudanshis? Although he had encountered them in worlds before, none discussed such matters openly on the streets.

"Are you tired, baby?" Han Fenglian asked with some concern.

"No," Ling Chunann glanced at the man, "Why did you come so early? Are you done with your business?"

"Almost," Han Fenglian smiled, "Let's visit the family home in a few days."

The street from which Ling Chunann had just departed faced Jing University directly. In the midst of welcoming new students, Chen Yue naturally felt the commotion from that direction but didn't think much of it until a flushed-faced new student came over from there.

"Hello, junior. Are you here to register?" Chen Yue took out the registration form.

"Yes, senior sister," the girl's cheeks were still flushed, and her excitement hadn't subsided.

"What happened over there?" Chen Yue was puzzled. Was it some big celebrity? It was exciting.

"Senior sister, were you here all this time?" the girl asked. Upon receiving Chen Yue's affirmative answer, she showed a regretful expression. "Senior sister, you missed a chance to closely observe a great beauty."

"What?" Chen Yue was stunned.

"No worries, I took a photo! It's just a side profile, but it's enough for me to adore for a lifetime. I'll show you!"

Looking at the side profile photo on the girl's phone, Chen Yue suddenly snatched the phone and scrutinized it a few times before looking up at the seemingly startled girl and asking, "Where is he now?"

The girl, still not quite recovered, pointed in the direction Ling Chunann had left. Watching Chen Yue dash off, she finally realized, "Senior sister! My phone! And he's already gone!"

Over the next few days, Ling Chunann stayed at home, earnestly understanding the world's background. Apart from exercising with Han Fenglian, the time he had spent in the previous days was just enough to comprehend the celestial master families and various mysterious matters. This outing made him seriously realize the importance of understanding the general tendencies and quality of the common people. He definitely did not want to be surrounded and discussed every time he went out regarding what kind of submissive he might be.

To demonstrate his commitment to learning, Ling Chunann even strictly forbade Han Fenglian from any oversteps, which left the man somewhat temperamental lately when outside. However, Ling Chunann was not affected; misfortune was never his to bear.

On the fifth day, Ji Guang returned, appearing somewhat weary but spirited, his fervent gaze upon seeing Ling Chunann evident.

"My King, I have found out the whereabouts of the Jiuxuan Stone. It was last seen near Nanling Mountain, which is under the control of the Chu family and protected by barriers. I didn't probe further to avoid startling them," he reported.

"Good work," Ling Chunann nodded. "Go rest now. I'll call you if needed."

"Yes, my King," Ji Guang bowed again and then leaped to another building's rooftop, quickly disappearing from sight.

"Host, what do you need the Jiuxuan Stone for?" 098 inquired.

The Jiuxuan Stone, a type of spiritual stone, was highly sought after by cultivators for its abundant spiritual energy, but it was useless to Ling Chunann, a natural spiritual body, especially now that he was a zombie.

"It was mentioned in the original text, but not until the plot ended a decade later."

"Just in

 case," Ling Chunann replied.

Coming down from upstairs, Han Fenglian had already arrived home. Seeing Ling Chunann return, he didn't ask where he had been, just took his hand and then frowned. "Baby, your hands are so cold. Go take a bath; be careful not to catch a cold."

Ling Chunann didn't remind him that zombies don't have a heartbeat or body temperature and can't catch colds. He obediently went into the bathroom, then scowled as he discovered that the thick-skinned man had followed him in.


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