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Chapter 150: Swift and Decisive

Desperate cries filled the air.

Saber dodged a strike.

Marshall's three Nen bullets were ruthlessly severed again.

Kite minimized his aura, trying to erase his presence.

Their last chance was to coordinate with Kite's "Shadow Play." If the plan succeeded, they could secure a victory.

Luo, unaware of the elders' plan, compared the strength of the elders to the people on the ground and quickly made a basic assessment.

Marshall, positioned atop a high-rise, was an Emitter. Considering the power and speed of his Nen bullets, he posed almost no threat and could be dealt with last.

Saber, who had charged straight at them, was indeterminate in Nen type but was a close-combatant. It was ideal to defeat him from a distance, and even in close combat, he could be overcome with swordplay; his threat level was not significant.

The one truly to be cautious of was Kite, who had minimized his aura and remained motionless like a venomous snake waiting to strike at the perfect moment.

"If he has reduced his aura, he should be vulnerable to a critical strike. He needs to be dealt with first..."

After making this decision, Luo did not reveal his thoughts. Kite was being cautious, seemingly waiting for Saber to engage him.

Saber stood still, adjusting his mindset.


Three more Nen bullets came from above.

Even though Luo could easily sever them, Marshall did not cease forming Nen bullets—it was all he could do.

At that moment, Luo moved. Not wanting to wait for his opponent to regroup, he decided to strike first and force a flaw.

Despite Luo's limited actual combat experience, he could overestimate his opponents and thus minimize potential risks.

He charged at Saber, and as a Nen bullet approached, he swung his arm, cutting it with three simple, unskilled slashes—no excess movement, just efficient and effective.


He swung his sword and then sheathed it.

Three Nen bullets were once again split in two.

After severing the bullets, Luo glanced at Kite's position and quickly closed the distance with Saber.

The sword energy at medium range was easy to dodge, but by closing the distance, the chances of being dodged decreased.

Seeing Luo rush towards him, Saber, rather than evading, covertly checked Kite's position, suppressed his fear, and faced Luo head-on.

That covert glance, however, did not escape Luo's notice.

"Even though I don't know what his Nen is..."

As he dashed forward, Luo silently calculated the positions of the three of them, including Marshall's Nen bullets, ensuring he could take down Kite with the swiftness of lightning.

Distance control had to be precise. Before Kite could utilize his Nen, Luo intended to eliminate him!

When Luo and Saber were within ten meters, Luo saw Kite finally make a move, subtly maneuvering, apparently aiming for his back.

Vaguely, the positions of the three formed a right-angled triangle, each moving closer to one another.

A slender line... pierced through the eye of a needle at that moment.

Luo lifted his eyelid and abruptly halted his charge. In that instant, he did two things.

He severed Marshall's three desperate Nen bullets, and his lifted arm did not immediately retract but swung in a slant, sending a crescent blade of sword energy flying towards Saber.

"This time, you must not dodge!"

Saber, seeing this, displayed determination on his face, his aura surged, and without dodging, he crossed his arms and met the incoming crescent blade.

After cutting once, Luo did not wait to see Saber's reaction; instead, he pushed off the ground, speeding towards Kite positioned diagonally.


Kite's expression changed. He had been very cautious, waiting for a moment when he could burst forth and reach the necessary distance, but unexpectedly, Luo targeted him, and with such speed.

This was not only unforeseen by him but also by Saber and Marshall.

Saber was closer, and Luo's initial target was Saber; there was no reason to suddenly switch targets and attack the more distant Kite.

That behavior of minimizing his aura indeed reduced Luo's sensitivity during combat, but with few targets to begin with, such deliberate behavior actually made Luo notice him first.

"It's too late, left or right? Can I dodge it? As long as I can dodge it, I can step on his shadow!"

Kite's pupils constricted, thinking if he successfully stepped on Luo's shadow, the battle would end!

With that thought, Kite desperately dodged to the left, a movement filled with hope.

However, Luo backhandedly slashed, striking precisely on Kite's crown.


Kite's head tilted to one side as his neck snapped, making a cracking sound, and he flew off to the side, dead beyond doubt.

"The true lord is a rusty knife, but it is the sharpest and dullest of knives."

The strike on Kite's crown did not cut through his skin; instead, it delivered a blow heavy like a hammer.

Meanwhile, the sword energy Luo had unleashed before shifting his target passed through Saber's body, flying forward a distance before vanishing.

"I blocked it!"

Saber thought he had successfully blocked Luo's sword energy. His body showed no signs of abnormality.

Luo sheathed his sword and turned sideways to look at Saber, who maintained his crossed arms. Luo asked curiously, "You should have been able to dodge. Why did you choose to endure it?"

Saber turned to Luo, his voice harsh, "My Nen can make my body impervious to blades and even bullets..."

He paused suddenly, then slowly looked down to see a slash wound extending from the left side of his chest to his right waist.

This can't be...!

He had adjusted his emotions well enough to fearlessly block any damage.

In such a state, even bullets should have been easy to block. How could he have been so easily severed in two?

A deep confusion crossed Saber's face, pride in his shield shattered.

It was merely an Emitter's sword energy, yet it had overwhelmed his shield!

This answer, he would never know, because Luo was not inclined to discuss his Nen openly.

Luo shook his head slightly, and as Saber's upper body slanted toward the ground, Luo charged forward, slashing several times across Saber's body as he passed by, cutting him into several pieces.

God's Hand's attribute would not let Saber die, but being slashed into so many pieces essentially rendered him useless.

Having swiftly dealt with two elders, Luo looked up at the rooftop where Marshall had been stunned.

Why was Luo able to strike their trump hand?

Marshall couldn't understand, and even if he did, their abilities were not on the same level.

Luo didn't care about Marshall's thoughts. From a distance, he flicked his wrist and sent a sword energy slicing the building in half, causing the upper half to slide forward.

As Marshall stood at the edge of the platform, he fell toward Luo as the building slid. Hanging in mid-air, he screamed several times, hurling his last three Nen bullets at Luo.

In a moment of desperation, his emotional surge enhanced his Nen, increasing the power of his Nen bullets by at least fifty percent.

However, Luo simply waved his sword a few times, effortlessly severing the Nen bullets once again.

He didn't know whether it was the sword or Luo's Nen that made the difference, but it no longer mattered.

Luo stepped forward, flipping his wrist to strike the flying Marshall in the neck with the base of his sword handle.


A spurt of blood sprayed from the back of Marshall's neck as his body was catapulted backward, landing heavily on the ground, clutching his neck as his body trembled slightly, his eyes gradually dimming.

Luo had used the handle wrapped in aura to shatter his throat bone, leaving him with no chance of survival.

In less than a minute, Luo had resolved the conflict with all involved, truly a swift and decisive battle.

Two elders lay dead, the rest were alive but left as broken bodies.

At this moment, Machi and the others had yet to deal with another group of enemies.

The three elders were not exactly weak; whether it was Marshall's Nen bullets or Saber's defense, they were not easy to handle, but their opponent was Luo.

Until their deaths, they could not discern Luo's Nen type or what abilities he possessed.


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