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Chapter 141: Chance Encounter

A Buddha Jumps Over the Wall soup conquered a group of naive taste buds.

This delicacy from Southern China’s Fujian province marked the Phantom Troupe's first time experiencing it, likely to be engraved deep in their hearts forever.

After a satisfying meal, the topic of inviting someone to join the group was not brought up again, making Luo feel much relieved.

Thinking about tomorrow, Luo requested the Troupe to stay out of it – no need to help him, but also, not to assist Meteor Street.

Position-wise, the Troupe should stand with Meteor Street.

Luo didn't want to strain the relationship between Machi and Meteor Street, but he also didn’t want the Troupe siding with them.

The Troupe agreed to Luo's request. Even Franklin could only submit to neutrality under the majority's decision.

Machi's attitude, among the three, was clear – they regarded Luo as more important than Meteor Street. If it weren’t for Luo's firm stance on not getting involved, they would have definitely stepped in.

Chrollo, too, believed that the relationship maintained between the Troupe and Luo was more significant than that with Meteor Street.

Although Luo wouldn't join the Troupe, it didn't hinder the possibility of establishing a long-lasting, good relationship.

They all agreed to Luo's request. In fact, Luo had another reason for not wanting the Troupe involved – he worried that Machi and the others might interfere more than help, possibly even becoming a hindrance.

While firearms posed almost no threat to top-tier Nen users, they could be quite intimidating to second or third-tier users.

Regrettably, from Luo's perspective, even the current Uvogin might not withstand a bullet, let alone Nobunaga and Machi. As for Chrollo, since they hadn’t fought, Luo couldn’t be sure.

Had Machi and the others known this opinion of Luo's, he guessed he’d be hung up and whipped. Anyway, keeping this reason to himself would still get them to agree to stay out of it, so it was best left unsaid.

As the night deepened, the gathered people dispersed.

Machi's home was too small, considering the addition of Sanbica Norton, so Luo decided to stay at Uvogin’s place, marking his last night in Meteor Street.

Sanbica, unfamiliar with the area, naturally followed Luo, thus staying at Uvogin’s as well. Fortunately, Uvogin’s house was big enough to accommodate them.

Seeing Luo and Sanbica staying at Uvogin’s, Machi returned home.

She jumped onto a hammock, leaned back, and stared at the ceiling in the dark, lost in thought.

The faint moonlight seeping through the window formed a strip of light that brushed across her face.

Suddenly, she took out a pearl necklace, examining it quietly in the light, and then thought of the moment Luo gave two small pearls to Uvogin and Nobunaga, a smile spreading across her face.

“Even if you don’t want to join, you have to join for me!”

Muttering to herself, Machi put on the necklace and then tucked the pearls into her clothing before slowly closing her eyes.


The next morning.

Luo and Sanbica set out together, walking on the streets of the Western District.

The saying “The early bird catches the worm” was fully embodied in Meteor Street. By around eight in the morning, the streets were already bustling with people.

Machi used to head out early in the morning when she first arrived in Meteor Street.

As they walked on the main street, the passersby paid them no mind.

“What are your plans after this is resolved?” Luo asked softly, looking ahead.

Sanbica kept a step’s distance from Luo and calmly responded, “I don’t know.”

Luo was momentarily stunned, then smiled, “Then, might as well not leave.”

Sanbica glanced at Luo, then looked away, remaining silent.

Their agreement was for three months, and the time was nearly up. Sanbica didn’t need to stay by Luo’s side anymore. She had willingly stepped into this mess.

Having been with Luo for nearly three months, what she had gained, even she was unsure.

Because of her unique physique, she had always been alone and had even considered living the rest of her life in solitude.

Walking with someone was something she had never thought of before meeting Luo, even somewhat resistant to the idea.

However, during her time with Luo, she felt at ease. If she left now, she wondered if she would yearn for that sense of ease.

Seeing Sanbica silent, Luo thought she was unwilling, a hint of regret flashed in his eyes, and he dropped the subject.

There were many places he wanted to visit, and having a doctor accompany him would be ideal. But if Sanbica was unwilling, Luo wouldn’t insist.

They walked in silence

, the straight street allowing a clear view of the church ahead. Passing the church would lead them to the Eastern District and eventually to the Elder’s home on the East Street.

There weren’t many familiar faces on the streets for Luo, who had spent most of his time in Meteor Street with Machi and the others, paying little attention to the people of Meteor Street.

Just as he was reflecting on this, a robust middle-aged man approached from the opposite direction.

Luo was surprised upon seeing the man.

The middle-aged man was Marzar, the one who had used him as a pretext to trouble Machi, also dragging the Kuli brothers into the ordeal.

If Luo remembered correctly, when they went to raid Cook’s place, Marzar wasn’t among the beaten men, and Luo hadn’t paid him any mind afterwards, treating him as insignificant.

When Luo noticed Marzar, Marzar also spotted Luo, his body suddenly tensing, frozen in place.

Seeing Luo approaching, the once arrogantly bold eyes now harbored deep fear and disbelief.

Why was Luo here? Wasn’t he supposed to be dead?

He stared dumbfounded as Luo walked past, his body trembling like a leaf.

Such an obvious reaction caught Sanbica’s attention, who then glanced at Luo, sensing the middle-aged man’s strange behavior must be related to him.

Noticing Sanbica’s gaze, Luo remained indifferent, only giving Marzar a cold look before moving on, no longer paying him any attention.

Luo and Sanbica passed by Marzar, who was standing still, shaking with fear.

A few meters past them, Marzar knelt down, desolate and shocked, his eyes filled with confusion and lingering fear.

He had seen Luo’s gaze, and beyond the aftershock, he felt a profound sadness.

What kind of look was that? Looking down from a height? No, it was more like how humans look at ants.


In that moment, Marzar felt like an ant to Luo, an ant unworthy even of Luo’s effort to step on.

“Ha, haha…”

Marzar propped himself up with his hands, letting out a series of low, indistinct laughs, audible only to himself, as droplets fell to the ground, his sweat.

“Who was that?” Sanbica asked, a few hundred meters away.

“Someone who caused me trouble before, I forgot his name,” Luo casually replied.

Hearing this, Sanbica lost interest.

As they headed toward the East Street, paying little attention to the people around them, at a corner leading to an alley, an old woman and a young boy stood watching Luo’s departing figure.

The elderly was smoking a brass pipe, and the young boy, with black hair and eyes, held a package.

“Do you know that kid?” the old woman puffed on her pipe.

“Seen him twice,” the black-haired boy replied.

If Luo were there, he would recognize the boy as Illumi, and the smoking old woman as the rude owner of a clothing store in the Western District, whom Luo remembered clearly.


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