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Chapter 285

The car drove through several streets before finally stopping outside a manor in the outskirts. The young driver with blond hair and blue eyes honked the horn, and the grand gates silently opened from the inside. "We're here, baby," Qin Muhuo called out softly. Seeing Ling Chunann open his eyes and look out the window, he explained, "This is a manor I stumbled upon a few years ago. I had it fixed up recently. It's only an hour's drive from the Moorland conference venue."

The manor's décor style bore some resemblance to the one Qin Muhuo had during his time as a vampire. However, the architecture and furnishings felt more vintage, especially the main house's castle-like structure, which looked solemn and serious. The rooftops covered in snow added a touch of mystery. "It's a nice place," Ling Chunann commented.

"If you like it, we can stay for a few more days," Qin Muhuo offered as he adjusted Ling Chunann's scarf, then opened the car door and got out first.

"Master Qin." Qin Feng, who had been waiting outside for a while, bowed respectfully and then whispered, "We've found out."

Qin Muhuo nodded, "Send the information to the study." After saying this, he walked naturally to the other side of the car, opened the door, and his cold expression instantly softened, "Baby, let's get out."

Watching his boss's expression change so drastically, Qin Feng pinched his thigh hard enough to hiss in pain. Before Qin Muhuo looked over, he quickly bowed again, "Yes." He had always known the lady of the house was special, but it still seemed unbelievable. Perhaps he should ask the boss how he has managed to survive around these two for so long.

After dinner, Ling Chunann pulled Qin Muhuo back to their room. They sat face to face, and Ling Chunann, with an unusually serious expression, said, "Tell me, what happened?"

Qin Muhuo looked puzzled, "Baby?" Being shot by a sniper because of a momentary distraction wasn't something to brag about.

Staring at the man trying to squirm his way out, Ling Chunann narrowed his eyes, "Why are you injured?"

Although Qin Muhuo had guessed why Ling Chunann was angry, hearing his dear one's concern still made him uncontrollably happy. Noticing the increasingly ugly expression on the face opposite him, he quickly restrained himself and admitted his mistake obediently, "I'm fine, baby, I've already recovered."

Qin Muhuo had waited for the wound to almost heal before coming home, not expecting Ling Chunann to find out. But now, he was truly healed, though he felt a bit guilty under Ling Chunann's gaze.

"Where were you hit?" Ling Chunann asked.

Qin Muhuo hesitated before quickly saying under Ling Chunann's light gaze, "The heart was targeted, but I dodged in time, so the bullet lodged in my lung. It has been removed, and the wound has healed. You can check." Saying this, he actually began to unbutton his shirt.

Ling Chunann touched Qin Muhuo's chest, which was muscular and perfect without a single scar, "Have you found out who it was?"

Being touched by Ling Chunann made Qin Muhuo's heart flutter, and he subconsciously answered, "The information is in the study. I haven't had the chance to look yet."

Pushing Qin Muhuo away, Ling Chunann immediately stood up and headed to the study, "I'll take a look."

Qin Muhuo also stood up, hastily buttoned up his shirt, grabbed a coat from the wardrobe, and followed, "Baby, wear more clothes!"

Ling Chunann strode towards the study. When he was informed by 098 last night that Qin Muhuo had been attacked and injured, his heart skipped a beat. He hadn't forgotten how Zeng Wuyue died in the first mission world. No matter how strong the recovery, the heart was still his Achilles' heel, and in this world, Qin Muhuo was just a normal person.

If 098 hadn't told him Qin Muhuo was okay later, he would have taken a gun and dealt with that missioner himself.

But even so, he wouldn't let them go. Ling Chunann's eyes flashed with a murderous intent as he forcefully pushed open the study door.

"Baby, be careful not to catch a cold. It's cold outside," Qin Muhuo quickly followed into the room.

Qin Feng, who was standing at the staircase corner preparing to go upstairs, froze.

What did he see?

The lady of the house charged into the study with a fierce momentum, and the always well-dressed boss followed in disarray—his shirt was only buttoned up at two places, and they were mismatch

ed—at his heels.

What shocked him the most was that the lady seemed to be wearing a men's shirt... apparently the boss's. The originally shapely figure was now flat, and his good eyesight also told him... there was an Adam's apple on the lady's neck?

Thinking this, Qin Feng involuntarily gasped, cursing his sharp eyesight.

No, the key point now was, his beautiful lady boss had turned into a man! And his boss had known all along. More importantly, this lady boss was a world-famous singer, and he had managed to deceive the whole world.

Deeply shocked, Qin Feng walked down the stairs in a daze, then was stopped, "Hey, Feng, weren't you going to deliver documents to the boss? Why are you taking them back?"

Looking at the shiny golden head and the dazzling smile in front of him, Qin Feng unusually didn't respond, silently walking out the door. Thinking back to the look Qin Muhuo gave him when he entered, he swallowed hard, "I need some quiet time."

In the presidential suite of the Moorland city center hotel, a remarkably tall man leisurely sipped his red wine, looking at the documents that had arrived from the domestic front a few hours ago. Seeing the news of the target's serious injury, a smile appeared on his face, "051, check the current status of the missioner."

"Yes, host. Deducting 200 energy points. Searching for you now."

Ten minutes later, 051's emotionless voice sounded again, "Host, the missioner did not board the plane 13 hours ago. The seriously injured target was secretly sent back to Haicheng, and a sniper attack has been launched against the target's company."

Ge Lingsheng drank the rest of his wine with satisfaction, "Keep a close watch on the missioner's movements. Notify me immediately of any updates." The Wilran music festival had a rule: any awardee who couldn't attend in person would lose their award. This event was crucial for the male lead's achievements, and that was why Ge Lingsheng made his move, although it was a pity he didn't kill Qin Muhuo. But being critically injured and near death was almost the same. At least for the near future, Ling Chunann wouldn't have time to interfere with him. Once he completed his mission, he would deal with him properly.

Still, when he heard 051 mercilessly deducting two thousand energy points, he couldn't help but wince in pain.

"Host, a decoy has been sent to the opponent's system. They have not pursued further investigation," 098 reported to Ling Chunann.

After reading the document, Qin Muhuo left. Ling Chunann, unusually not asleep, was working on the computer. Hearing the report, he smiled, "Understood." Then he hit the enter key, "Track the missioner's whereabouts."

"Yes, host." 098 quickly reported the location, "Host, the missioner is in room 1103 of the Moorland city center hotel. The adult is on his way there."

Ling Chunann abruptly stood up, put on his coat, and walked out the door.

Qin Feng, waiting at the door, said, "Ms... Miss."

"Prepare the car."


Meanwhile, Ge Lingsheng received a call from the manager of one of his investment companies, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, there's trouble. Our partner companies are all fake, and several key investment funds have evaporated. Without sufficient funds, the company will face bankruptcy."

"How could this happen? I had those companies thoroughly investigated. They can't be fake," Ge Lingsheng frowned.

"I've confirmed with the business management office just now. These companies do not exist."

Ge Lingsheng's mind raced. This company was his main source of funding and couldn't go bankrupt. He made a decisive decision, "Stabilize the situation for now. I'll handle the funding issue."

"Yes, boss."

Just as he hung up, the phone rang again, this time from the general manager of his entertainment company.

"Boss, there's trouble. Our artists are declaring they're leaving en masse."

"How many?"

"All the second-tier stars and above, plus a few potential directors and agents."

This was almost the entire lifeline of the company leaving. Ge Lingsheng's forehead vein throbbed, "Where do they plan to go? Aren't they afraid of the breach of contract fee?"

"Star Emperor. Star Emperor paid all the breach of contract fees."

Hanging up, Ge Lingsheng clenched his teeth in anger, "Star Emperor!"

"051, why was the information wrong?" Those companies were all vetted by 051, and only after confirming there were no risks did he invest.

"Host, there were no anomalies in the system data. The only possibility is that there

 is a system in this world more powerful than 051, which transmitted false information to 051."

"That's impossible! She's a new missioner, right? How could her system surpass you? Are there other missioners in this world?"

"The possibility is less than 10%," 051's voice remained unfluctuating.

Then Ge Lingsheng's phone rang non-stop.

"Boss, the company's stocks are in deficit."

"Boss, the company is under surveillance by the business management bureau. They suspect tax evasion."

"Boss, the health department conducted a surprise inspection. Our products were deemed substandard."



Hanging up, even Ge Lingsheng, who had experienced countless worlds, felt overwhelmed. The vast business empire he had painstakingly built was shaking overnight.

Who had such power? "051."

"Yes, host." This time, the system didn't deduct energy points, "Two energy sources, specific identities cannot be traced."

"Can't be traced?! Again with can't be traced! What the hell can you even find? After deducting so many energy points from me, you're just a piece of junk!" Ge Lingsheng exploded in anger.

"Insulting the system, deducting 20,000 energy points."

"..." Ge Lingsheng's face turned the color of liver.

"The company's bankruptcy does not affect the mission progress. Please rest assured, host." The system's voice was neither cold nor warm.

At that moment, Ge Lingsheng heard the doorbell ring...


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This is a fun one!!! I'm so excited!!!!