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Chapter 135: Invitation

Machi was surprised, not only by Luo's sudden return but also by the fact that he brought a woman back to Meteor Street.

Sanbica, on the other hand, wasn't surprised. The moment she saw Machi, she thought of the rope-knotted pearl necklace Luo had asked her to help make.

The two exchanged silent glances, scrutinizing each other with evaluative eyes.

"Why are you dressed like that?" This was the question that crossed Machi's mind upon seeing Sanbica.

"The two don't look alike." This was Sanbica's assessment upon seeing Machi. Luo had mentioned that the purple pearl was a gift for a friend, likely Machi. But if that was the case...

Were the two of them living together?

Sanbica wondered to herself.

"Let's talk inside."

Luo, unaware of what Sanbica and Machi were thinking, broke the silence and took the initiative to walk into the house.

Machi stepped aside to let them in, then closed the wooden door behind them.

As Luo approached the simple, hard plank bed and prepared to place the cloth bag on it, he noticed that the bed was dust-free, which warmed his heart.

Quietly setting down the bag, Luo took a seat on the bed plank and introduced, "This is Sanbica, a friend I met outside." Then, turning to Sanbica, he said, "This is Machi..."

"Friend," Machi interjected.

Luo paused, then added, "An important friend."

Sanbica nodded, saying nothing.

"I'll go tell them you're back." Machi's addition earned a glance from Luo; 'they' referred to Uvogin and the others.

"No rush, let's go straight to Uvogin's place first." Luo patted the cloth bag, suggesting Uvogin's home as the best meeting spot.

Machi timely said, "Just a heads-up, Uvogin might throw a punch at you on sight."

"Should I take the hit or dodge?" Luo inquired, seeking advice from Machi.

"Better to dodge," Machi replied blandly.

"Hmm…" Luo stroked his chin, seriously considering, "Knowing Uvogin's temper, if I don't take the punch, it might never end, right?"

"That's correct, but if you take it head-on, you might break an arm," Machi warned.

"Is it that serious?" Luo shrugged.

Machi coolly stated, "It's all because of you. Everyone's been working hard to get stronger, especially Uvogin."

"So it seems I do need to face it," Luo smiled, "Because…I've gotten stronger too."

"Suit yourself," Machi decided not to persuade Luo further, letting Uvogin vent his frustration might be for the best.

Listening to Luo and Machi's conversation, Sanbica found it interesting, but such a dialogue was not something she could, or particularly wanted to, join.

Before meeting Luo, she was only interested in viruses. After meeting him, her interests expanded to include the power of God's Hand.

"Let's not talk about this. I've brought you guys something nice this time." Luo stood up, patting the cloth bag.

"What is it?" Machi asked curiously.

"B-grade ingredients!" Luo chuckled, eager to see Machi's surprised expression.

Machi fell silent for a moment, then asked in confusion, "What's that?"


Later that night, the trio walked towards Uvogin's house.

Through Machi's brief narration, Luo learned that his "death" had spurred Uvogin and the others to consider taking down the Elders and to find out who was responsible for his death, before leaving Meteor Street to avenge him.

However, it was Chrollo's rational persuasion that prevented them from acting impulsively upon hearing the news for the first time. Instead, they patiently grew stronger.

After all, they believed that whoever could kill Luo was definitely not weak, and it was only recently, when the time was right, that they prepared to act. But the plan changed due to Pakunoda's ability, Memory Dive.

They intended to find out from Wogret who killed Luo but accidentally discovered that Luo was faking his death.

It felt like... after gathering strength for months and ready to throw a punch, they realized the target was actually cotton disguised as iron—utterly frustrating.

Nobunaga took it better, but Uvogin, with his temper, exploded, swearing to punch Luo down. Despite his words, he was actually happy.

The change in circumstances also altered their original plan.

Initially, they planned to kill the Elders and then leave Meteor Street to find Luo's killer. Since Luo was alive, whether to proceed with killing the Elders needed reconsideration, which also explained their prolonged stay.

Had Luo not returned, they might

have left Meteor Street soon to look for him, potentially missing each other.

Luo was genuinely surprised upon hearing Machi's story. He had let Wogret keep the secret, intending to return once strong enough, to preempt any unexpected developments.

What he didn't expect was that Uvogin and the others had planned to kill the Elders. Logically, if it was to avenge him, they should be targeting his killer, right?

"Wogret is still alive, right?" Luo asked. If Wogret had died, he would have noticed through the darkening of the pages.

Machi nodded, "He doesn't know about Pakunoda's ability. If you hadn't returned, we would have killed him before leaving."

Using Pakunoda's ability, without Wogret's awareness, they obtained the information they wanted without rushing to kill Wogret.

It was clear that Wogret had planned to assist Kuli in killing Luo, while the Elders didn't care about the matter.

Even though Kuli and Wogret failed, Uvogin and the others deemed Wogret's actions worthy of retaliation.

"Is that so."

Luo paused, then materialized a book in his hand.

Noticing Luo's action, both Machi and Sanbica watched him.

Luo opened the book with one hand, flipping automatically to the page with Wogret's name. This matter was his to handle, not requiring Uvogin and the others to intervene.

He slowly traced the heart symbol beneath Wogret's name with his index finger. This gesture was superfluous; a mere thought could instantly take Wogret's life.

After making the gesture, the page turned pitch black. Simultaneously, Wogret, at home, shuddered and fell dead amidst his confusion.

Machi understood Luo's ability and knew that Wogret's heart was sealed within the book. She also knew what tracing the symbol meant—killing Wogret as casually as if swatting an ant.

Luo had changed somehow.

Machi keenly sensed this. If she knew what Luo had been through these past months, she wouldn't be surprised.

"Luo, join the Troupe."

Machi looked at Luo, her tone serious.

Faced with Machi's invitation, Luo suddenly sighed.


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