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Chapter 129: The Hunt

Upon actual encounter, Luo realized the difficulty and danger posed by the ferocious bear, yet he never considered retreating.

If one were to retreat here, then where else could one go?

As he observed the ferocious bear, his thoughts rapidly processed.

The palm strike he had delivered earlier only managed to slice through one-third of the ferocious bear's right ankle. It would likely take two more strikes to completely sever it.

Severing one ankle would render the massive body of the ferocious bear a burden, significantly limiting its mobility. From this point on, gaining the upper hand, he could slowly whittle it down.

The ability of God's Hand, once manifested, could prevent wounds from healing even if the ferocious bear had regenerative capabilities, thus Luo had ample time to operate.

He needed to be cautious of the ferocious bear's strength and handle it with care, avoiding direct hits from its paws and feet.

"It might be worth trying a ranged attack, but opening up my domain would be too dangerous."

The radius of the domain spans twenty meters, a distance not too close for humans, but merely a step or two for the ferocious bear. Hence, using the domain would only place oneself in danger.

After all, deploying a domain requires the support of a significant portion of one's aura, consequently reducing one's defensive capabilities to their lowest, which is unwise against a ferocious bear.

If the effectiveness of ranged attacks proves insufficient, then he would continue with close combat, and severing the ankles remains the key to victory.

With his thought process clear, Luo took the initiative, condensing a basketball-sized aura ball with his right hand, which he then compressed into a disc shape.

Formed from condensed aura and flattened to enhance its penetrative power, this technique, known as Aura Disc Slash, is designed for slicing.

Luo hurled the aura-formed disc, which, upon release, spun at high speed towards the ferocious bear's right ankle.

However, the ferocious bear wasn't a stationary target; it moved, causing the Aura Disc Slash to miss.

Seeing the Aura Disc Slash miss, Luo remained calm. After dodging a bear paw strike with the force of a thousand jun, he ran towards another open area by the lakeside.

A woman hiding in the forest cursed Luo in her heart upon witnessing this scene, thinking him foolish for persisting in his confrontation with the ferocious bear.

This woman, unfamiliar with the concept of Nen, only saw the ferocious bear as beyond the capabilities of a normal human, at least, she believed Luo incapable of handling the ferocious bear.

Despite Luo being kicked away yet emerging unharmed, it didn't change the woman's perspective, attributing her opinion merely to age.

After creating some distance, Luo turned and launched another Aura Disc Slash at the ferocious bear, but it seemed to sense the attack or perhaps the dangerous aura it emitted, dodging it once again.

Invisibility was imperceptible, yet it dodged based on instinct.

If Luo could master the advanced technique of In, he could completely conceal his aura, making it utterly invisible to the ferocious bear, which cannot see aura.

Unfortunately, Luo wasn't proficient in In, and judging by the effectiveness of the two Aura Disc Slashes, success with ranged attacks seemed unlikely.

"If only I could control the flight path of the Aura Disc Slash at will."

Luo sighed softly, his idea was wishful thinking, yet, while other Nen users might not achieve this, he who had stepped outside the box could, just not with his current abilities.

After all, with only twenty percent of his potential awakened, there was still room for improvement across four more levels.

The ferocious bear, unable to crush Luo, grew increasingly irritable, increasing the speed and frequency of its swings, pressuring Luo into a perilous situation.

Each swipe created wind pressure that affected Luo's balance, but fortunately, concentrating aura in his feet increased his grip, preventing the wind pressure from throwing him off balance.

Under the relentless barrage of the ferocious bear's paws, Luo closed the distance and once again positioned himself beneath the bear.


Luo's palm strike hit the wound on the ferocious bear's right ankle, and after landing the hit, he immediately moved to avoid the bear's left foot.

"One more to go!"

At that moment, Luo thought of the Almighty, wondering if having that knife would allow him to sever the ferocious bear's ankle in one strike.

After being struck twice on the right ankle without feeling pain, the ferocious bear sensed something amiss and began to guard against Luo's approach.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

More large pits appeared in the open area by the lakeside.

The woman with the safety helmet didn't flee; instead, she watched the struggle between Luo and the ferocious bear, thoroughly overturning her understanding.

Luo created distance, and the ferocious bear, now cautious, no

longer rashly attacked him.

"Phew...just a B-grade ingredient and it's this troublesome."

It was close to the last strike, if not for the ferocious bear's large size making it clumsy, perhaps even the second strike wouldn't have landed.

The ferocious bear, stationary, suddenly plunged its hands into the ground, roaring as it dug up sand and rocks half its own size, holding them in front of itself.

Seeing the ferocious bear's actions, Luo's eyelids twitched.

Was it switching to ranged attacks after sensing the threat up close?

This upright bear was only B-grade...how formidable then are A-grade species?

As these subtle thoughts emerged, the ferocious bear threw the sand and rocks forward, then clapped its paws on them.

This behavior startled Luo again, thinking, "Has it become sentient?"

The force of the ferocious bear's palms shattered the rocks into countless fragments, forming a wide-area barrage covering Luo.

Facing this shotgun-like attack, Luo was surprised but pleased, meeting it head-on without hesitation.

If it were a focused palm strike from the ferocious bear, he wouldn't want to be hit at all, but now with the force dispersed, he could use his abilities to defend.

The incoming fragments, each the size of a head, would be manageable if hit by one or a few, but being hit by dozens or hundreds would be disastrous.

Luo chose to confront it directly, charging forward, his surrounding aura forming a ring-like planetary ring, drawing the countless fragments onto the ring's trajectory.

The fragments followed the path of the ring, bypassing Luo from both sides, then colliding behind him, turning into clouds of dust and raising a significant amount of dust.

As the ferocious bear smashed the rocks, the resulting dust cloud obscured its vision, and it roared again from within the dust cloud, unaware that Luo had already reached its feet.

When it sensed the dangerous aura reappear, it hurriedly attempted to lift its right foot.

However, Luo's third palm strike had already landed on the wound, completely severing the ankle.

Due to the lack of pain and continued limb connection, the ferocious bear didn't realize this, and in the obscured dust cloud, it stepped down heavily.


Losing its foot, coupled with the large motion, the ferocious bear's cumbersome body suddenly lost balance and fell heavily by the lakeside, stirring up a large amount of dust.

This heavy fall caused the ferocious bear to feel dizzy.

"It's done!"

Seeing the prey fall according to his plan, Luo softly smiled, rushed into the dust cloud, climbed onto the ferocious bear's body, and directly targeted its heart, then slapped it into the book to execute the kill!

After darkening the ferocious bear's heart, it looked puzzled, feeling its life force rapidly fading, and issued a reluctant roar before quietly dying.

The severed location suddenly spurted a large amount of fresh blood.

After darkening the ferocious bear's heart, Luo withdrew the book, slightly gasping for air. Given the ferocious bear's defense and size, without targeting its vital heart, he estimated his aura would be depleted before it could be killed.

The capabilities displayed by the ferocious bear made Luo aware that the ingredients of this vast world are not easily obtained, at least not with his current abilities.

"B-grade ingredient, I wonder how much it will increase my aura limit."

Luo walked on the body of the ferocious bear, crossing the lingering dust cloud, heading towards its arm.

He didn't notice the large bubbles rising from the lake behind him.


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