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Chapter 127: Lakeside

In the Amarlo Jungle, there are two dominant creatures: the Butterfly-Spotted Giant Serpent and the Handhand Violent Bear.

Luo's target was the Handhand Violent Bear. According to intelligence, Handhand Violent Bears are often active near lakes. It's unclear how many Handhand Violent Bears there are in the Amarlo Jungle, only that their numbers are few.

The bear paws of the Handhand Violent Bear, which can easily smash a person into pulp, are considered B-grade ingredients. Similarly, it's reasonable to classify the Handhand Violent Bear as a creature with a B-grade difficulty level in capturing.

As they progressed, the sky gradually darkened.

The jungle becomes even more dangerous at night. The limited visibility makes it easier for creatures skilled in lurking and ambushing to pose more of a threat.

Since entering the jungle, not counting the venomous insects and ants, more than a dozen precious beasts have launched sneak attacks on Luo, all of which he counterattacked and killed.

Luo had tried using his aura to intimidate the precious beasts, but the results were not ideal. Of the dozen or so precious beasts that attacked, only two or three were scared away.

Perhaps the aura he could muster at the moment was not strong enough, or perhaps the precious beasts in the Amarlo Jungle were generally too fierce.

With a full belly, Luo's need for food was very low, forcing him to abandon the bodies of the precious beasts he had killed along the way.

Regretfully, a thought emerged.

Could he improve the ability of his book to create an effect that allows the storage of bodies, or perhaps develop a Nen ability similar to a refrigerator?

This way, ingredients could be stored or retrieved anytime, anywhere.

While it was a thought, achieving it was very difficult. Currently, God's Hand could store fresh ingredients in the book, but implementing this was rather cumbersome and full of unpredictability.

At night, the rustling sounds in the dense jungle never ceased, and strands of moonlight pierced through the gaps in the branches and leaves, casting light across the forest like stage beams.

Using his ability, Luo effortlessly built a small treehouse atop the canopy and then ground the red stones he had found into powder to sprinkle around the edge of the treehouse.

He had tried it before, and it seemed that the venomous insects and ants disliked the composition of the red stones, but only to the extent of dislike, not resistance.

Scattering the powder around the edge of the treehouse had some effect, albeit a minimal one.

After setting everything up, Luo lay in the treehouse, lazily watching the moonlight pouring in from outside.

He had specifically chosen a tall tree and built the treehouse above its lush branches, creating a "forest sea view room" in the dangerous jungle.

Without God's Hand, not to mention building a treehouse in such a location, just gathering materials would be very strenuous, a thankless task. But with God's Hand, it was a breeze, easily done with a flip of the hand.

Luo turned over, faced the other side, and with a flick of his finger, carved out a circular window in the wooden wall.

Through the window, he could see Red Pudding Mountain in the distance.

At this time, most of the examinees on the mountain top had probably boarded airships to the next test site.

"Find the ingredients, then return to Mafando Port, and directly head back to Meteor Street for the knife," Luo murmured to himself, his left hand behind his head, his right hand raised, and amidst fluctuations of Nen, a black and white book appeared in his hand out of thin air.

On the book's cover, within the rectangular black frame, the image of Jesus crucified on the cross remained unchanged, but other areas had some slight modifications.

Below the picture, there was a string of white numbers: 1068.

Besides the change in numbers, on the pitch-black cover, there were now countless white fine lines, flickering like breathing lights, giving the impression of...breathing capillaries, evoking a sense of something being nurtured.

The cover's color, resembling obsidian, highlighted the light effects, reminiscent of an item enhanced with enchantments in games.

Staring quietly at the book undergoing changes, after a moment, Luo flipped his hand, withdrawing the book without paying much attention.

Today, he had saved many people, increasing the page count of the book to over a thousand, while also consuming a significant amount of aura. This was why Luo decided against traveling by night.

Gradually closing his eyes, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, within the dense jungle, it would be hard to find anyone more comfortable than Luo.

The next morning, a thin mist engulfed the Amarlo Jungle.

Luo got up, looking at the endless hazy fog below, as if standing atop white clouds.

"If I

remember correctly, it's this direction."

The fog obscured his vision, preventing Luo from seeing the lake, forcing him to rely on memory to determine the direction.

Exiting the treehouse, Luo jumped down and landed steadily, heading towards the direction he remembered.

The mist enveloped him, carrying a slight smell of rotting roots and leaves.

As Luo made his way, he found a tree covered in purple berries.

The berries grew in clusters, resembling grapes, but each was as big as a chestnut.

Luo picked a large cluster from the tree, holding it in his hand as he walked and ate.

The berries were sour and sweet, with a refreshing taste, similar to blueberries, but sweeter than sour, and very juicy.

Treating this cluster of fruits as his breakfast, Luo walked alone towards the lake.

Perhaps because the creatures in the dense jungle were more aggressive, Luo encountered several attacks along the way, all of which he resolved.

By noon, he roasted a rabbit leg, larger than his entire body, for lunch. After eating, he continued on his way.

With the fog cleared, Luo occasionally climbed to the top of trees to confirm his direction, gradually approaching the lake.

As Luo was about to reach the lake located in the center of the Amarlo Jungle, suddenly, several human screams filled with despair came from ahead.

Immediately afterward, a deafening roar of a beast overshadowed the human screams, its volume startling birds and beasts, even causing the leaves to tremble slightly.

"Ahead, huh..."

Hearing this imposing roar, Luo remained undaunted and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Soon, the forest ahead lit up with white light, indicating an open space not far away.

Luo accelerated, bursting out of the forest to the open space by the lake. Before he could clearly see the scene, he felt a slight tremor under his feet.


A massive black creature stood by the lake, roaring with its mouth full of sharp teeth, creating ripples on the lake surface with its voice.

Luo looked at the giant creature, a bear-like beast about twelve meters tall, covered in dense black fur, with a large inverted triangle mark on its chest.

The bear-like creature's arms were thick and long, resembling those of an ape, suggesting that it could touch the ground with its palms by slightly bending over.

Its bear paws resembled human hands, with five fingers, but the palms and backs were covered in raised flesh.

"Handhand Violent Bear!"

Recognizing the long arms and the hairless inverted triangle mark on its chest, Luo identified the black bear.

At this moment, seven or eight people, both men and women of generally young ages, ran towards him.

The Violent Bear chased the group, each step causing the ground to shake.

As it ran, it reached forward with its hand, catching a man who was lagging behind.

The man screamed miserably upon being caught.

The Violent Bear ignored the piercing scream, biting off the man's upper body, silencing the screams abruptly, with blood and viscera scattered all around.

Like snacking, it stuffed the man's lower body into its mouth to chew, then continued its pursuit of the humans.

Luo noticed the fleeing people, among them a woman, who was the same one who had previously sought to form a team with them in the village of Amarlo, her conspicuous safety helmet unmistakable.

As Luo saw them, they also noticed him.

The woman, whose name Luo didn't know, recognized him and burst out with a curse, sighing, "Great, another one for the burial."


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