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Chapter 495: I am Aila, the Goddess of the Moon, Eternal, Supreme!

"What do we do now?"

Within the sacred city, Aurora looked with a chill in her heart at the goddess of the moon, who materialized in front of her from thin air, her form solidifying from the void.

Even the End of Days - Atomic Breath proved unable to obliterate her, which was beyond Aurora's expectations.

Lynn, Harof, and Victorio were equally on high alert. However, upon her appearance, Aila made no move to attack them. Instead, she closed her eyes and floated at the original location of the Tower of the Heavens, her form rippling like water waves.

"Perhaps she's encountered some problem. Let's kill her now!" Victorio was the first to sense something amiss and spoke fiercely.

It seemed their breaking of the Tower of the Heavens was not in vain, indeed causing some effect. Although the End of Days - Atomic Breath wasn't enough to kill her, their other techniques might still be useful!

Time Blade, Laser Slash, Sealing Locks, Electromagnetic Railgun...

The four on the scene didn't hesitate to use their strongest means, attacking the unmoving false god Aila together.

"My Lord!"

The ascetics Lava and Randall, severely injured, also noticed something wrong with Aila's condition. They called out loudly while using their remaining power without hesitation to stand in front of Aila. Their bodies rapidly expanded in energy form and exploded.

A violent explosion resonated within the holy city.

The two saints, through the self-destruction of their legendary bodies, managed to block the group's magic attacks with the generated energy wave!

Unlike Pope Alves, who perished along with his soul, Lava and Randall's souls were harvested into the divine realm through their self-explosion.

This was their true intention. Since the souls of nine hundred thousand devout followers and all the church's priests and bishops could not merge with the divinity, they would fill this void!

"Awaken, my Lord, you are the creator of all things, destined to ascend to godhood, reigning supreme in the heavens!"

Aila, confused by the sea of prayers, curses, and toxic faith to the point of merging with the moon goddess Diana, suddenly heard this voice rising in her heart.

This was the firm belief and hope of the two saints. Though trivial compared to Aila's original strength, it was like a candle in the darkness, helping her regain clarity. With a flick of her hand, she shattered the moon appearing in the heaven.

At this moment, outside, within the holy city, Victorio's Sealing Lock had reached in front of her.

Compared to the nearly instant Time Blade, the incredibly fast Electromagnetic Railgun, and Laser Slash, the rune lock was much slower but, because of its slowness, was unaffected by the saints' self-explosion.

The undying flame had already ignited inside the Sealing Lock, promising to peel off a layer even from a legend trapped within.

However, just as the Sealing Lock was about to bind her, Aila, who had kept her eyes closed, suddenly opened them. Her eyes flickered like the bright moon, deep and profound, and cold words unexpectedly came from her mouth.

"I am Aila, the Goddess of the Moon, the creator of all, Eternal, Supreme!"

Her cold voice echoed continuously within the holy city, reverberating in everyone's ears. The elements around began to surge, and the previously dissipated projection of heaven descended once again.

The approaching Sealing Lock broke instantaneously, completely destroyed at the microscopic level.

Then, Aila extended a finger towards Victorio... Despite the clear distance of over five hundred meters between them, Aila's gesture seemed to traverse time and space, instantly reaching its target...

Victorio felt his soul freeze, his magical defenses and domain seeming useless at that moment. The attack came too swiftly; Victorio barely managed to dodge with his head, but half of his body was directly erased by an inexplicable force...

Aila did not continue her assault, as a powerful beam of light was already heading towards her! It was Harof, launching the End of Days - Atomic Breath in a critical moment!

Even Aila had to deal carefully with such power, her figure soon engulfed in the scorching flow of fire and energy waves.

Lynn and the others saw clearly, the powerful nuclear blast was split apart! Like water flowing around a rock, it simply bypassed her.

Everyone was shocked, witnessing someone forcefully resist a nuclear explosion for the first time!

Sure enough, after the light beam dispersed, Aila remained unharmed and stepped forward to Lynn. Light shimmered between her delicate fingers, but when touching his surroundings, it was blocked!

On the microscopic level, a thin hexagonal crystal shield blocked the starlight and her delicate fingers.

Although it lasted only two or three seconds, it was enough!

In a flash of lightning, Lynn's figure vanished at the speed of sound, reappearing hundreds of meters away.

Harof and the others' support also arrived in time.

The electromagnetic cannon, also flashing with lightning, was the first to reach. Aila showed no intention of dodging; invisible ripples emerged from her divinity, and the moon hanging high in the sky shone with dazzling brilliance.

The electromagnetic cannon projectiles unexpectedly changed direction, heading towards Victorio and Harof in the distance, but one nearly shattered Aila's brain, bypassing the defenses.

This was not due to her lack of strength but rather a sudden disturbance.

The moon in the sky, in concert with the sun, continuously projected magic power down, merging into her body.

But Aila would rather not have this additional strength.

The stronger the power belonging to Diana, the more severe the erosion she suffered. A torrent of prayers continuously invaded her brain.

The title of Goddess of the Moon, originally a gambit to increase her chances of merging with divinity, now became her greatest obstacle, a reliance for Diana's revival!

Aila's sudden halt in her assault gave Harof and others a moment to breathe.

"Is it related to space?" Lynn, guessing something from her several attacks, immediately thought to himself.

"071, connect to the magic net!"

The next moment, Lynn felt his computational power soar.

In these days, the number of magic net users had doubled, and with the computational power of over a thousand wizards, dozens of grand wizards, and three legendary wizards, it soon broke through a certain limit.

His mental power rating in the smart brain also changed from seven to eight...

The world before Lynn had entirely changed.

He saw the curves of space...


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