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Chapter 494: Sun and Moon Shine Together, The Ascension Ceremony!

Like a stone entering a lake, invisible spatial fluctuations rapidly spread outwards...

Lynn quickly noticed something unusual, about a mile and a half away from him, where there was a clear distortion in space.

However, it wasn't in the location where he remembered the Tower of the Heavens being initially, nor was it the location after Yarvis's spatial transposition.

Instead, it appeared slightly to the right in front of him...

No, Lynn quickly dismissed this conclusion. Judging by the distance, the Tower of the Heavens's location must have never changed!

It was always there. The reason his railgun missed was because Yarvis's spatial transposition was not a 180-degree mirror flip, but rather about 170 degrees.

Just as there is no up, down, left, or right in the universe, and it's difficult to discern direction during star travel, relying only on reference points, after two rounds of spatial transposition by Yarvis, his sense of direction was also disordered...

The spatial vibration deployed by Lynn was no secret to those with spatial perception abilities like Harof and others, even the legendary clergy noticed something amiss.

Distracted, Randall was half sliced by Harof's "Time-Space Blade", nearly being bisected.

Yarvis's complexion changed drastically, having the right to control the projection of the divine kingdom, he could manipulate and move any space, except for the Tower of the Heavens!

Because not only was a divine nature stored there, but it was also the Lord's dwelling place, he had no power to move it, only to conceal and cover it up, then use spatial translocation to confuse the enemy.

But Lynn discovered the trick so quickly...

Yarvis raised his scepter and recited divine words anew, and the space of the entire holy city shifted again.

Lynn was not panicked, for he had found a suitable, unchanging reference point—the sun above his head!

With a light tap of his finger, he sent out a communication via electromagnetic waves.

Receiving the message, Harof and Aurora swiftly attacked towards the true location of the Tower of the Heavens.

"Great Disintegration," "Electromagnetic-Thunder Net"...

"Stop them!" Yarvis shouted sharply.

In fact, he didn't need to remind them, as the ascetic monk Lava had already taken action. Divine light flashed around him, blocking the thunderous attacks aimed at the Tower of the Heavens.

The Great Disintegration was handled by the guards of the divine kingdom. After sacrificing nearly half of them, they dissolved the spell.

The already heavily injured Randall endured the thunderous onslaught, launching a suicidal attack on Aurora and Harof to slow their movements.

"You should worry more about yourself." Victorio intensified his attack on Yarvis, numerous seals of banishment came rolling in, quickly trapping him inside.

Moreover, a chilling flame was attached to it.

Victorio was very cunning. After extracting the model of the undying flame from Lynn, he added it on.

Last time, they used this method to deal with Joshua, first binding him with the seals of banishment, then burning his energy body with the undying flame that could burn all things, even legends could not escape a fallen fate!

With Yarvis's power, he shouldn't have been so embarrassed, but the multiple large-scale spatial transpositions were not without cost, and over sixty percent of his god-given power was already consumed.

More importantly, Yarvis was focusing part of his attention on Lynn, specifically on the palms of Lynn's hands.

Countless uranium atoms gathered together, forming a silver sphere that emitted a terrifying aura.

Casting "End-Atomic Breath" required a few seconds of charging, which was why he sent the message to have Harof and others draw attention.

The moment the spell was activated, everyone present felt an inexplicable threat, a strong sense of life and death crisis surged through their bodies!

"Impossible!" Yarvis's face contorted in agony, and at the cost of one hand, he forcefully broke free from Victorio's rune chains, even ignoring the undying flame burning on his body, and directly stood in front of the Tower of the Heavens, intending to block the spell with his flesh!

But it was just wishful thinking!

A strong light appeared in Lynn's palm, brighter than the sun, as if it contained the power to destroy everything, and then a terrifying wave of energy burst forth, carrying scattered flames towards the towering Tower of the Heavens!

Yarvis's pupils constricted.

He finally understood how the light cone that pierced the sky and earth came about, and also realized what kind of spell the Lord's incarnation died under.

Whether it was the alarm in his heart or the terrifying energy fluctuations, Yarvis knew he could not block it.

But... behind him was the Tower of the Heav


Yarvis's eyes turned blood red, invoking the maximum authority to control the divine kingdom projection, elements surged in the void, hundreds of elemental walls appeared out of nowhere, trying to block this devastating strike.

However, the moment those hundreds of elemental walls appeared, they were instantly annihilated by the incoming light column, layer by layer of defense was torn apart as easily as tearing rotten wood, Yarvis only had time to place his golden-red scepter in front of him before the terrifying wave of energy reached him.

At that moment, Yarvis was like an insect trying to stop a chariot with its forelimbs, at the moment of contact with the energy wave, the scepter in his hand burst open, followed by his body!

The heat, trembling, and pain from the soul surged together, but everything happened in an instant, Yarvis's energy body was directly torn apart, piece by piece shattered, destroyed down to the atomic level...

Then came the Tower of the Heavens behind him, although it also had a force field protection, it was not nearly as thick as the one outside the holy city.

Most of the energy wave was blocked outside, the little that dissipated inside was still terrifying.

Because at that moment, the diameter of the light column had exceeded one hundred meters, directly destroying the entire Tower of the Heavens.

"No!" As the ascetic monk Lava and Saint Randall witnessed the Tower of the Heavens being blown up, their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, they both felt their divine power being stripped away.

Lynn was extremely cautious, not letting his guard down just because the Tower of the Heavens was blown up, his gaze fixed on the front.

After the fire and smoke cleared, the towering tower had disappeared from everyone's sight, but not everything was gone, a strange crystal was floating in the void.

Something that could remain undamaged in the "Atomic Breath" energy wave, even just a few residual waves, was enough to shock Lynn and the others.

The next moment, a dazzling figure transformed from void to reality, and that strange crystal was embedded in her forehead, a vast aura permeated the entire holy city, a difficult-to-describe sense of oppression descended on everyone.

"The Lord, you have finally descended!" The ascetic monk Lava, ignoring his injuries, shouted fervently.

Lynn, Harof, and others also recognized the figure in front of them as the incarnation of the Moon Goddess Aila, who had descended from the gate of heaven!

At that moment, the full moon appeared in the sky, creating a sun and moon shine together scene at noon.


"O great Lord, may your glory shine upon the world, never falling into the abyss." "My Lord, I confess my sins, praying for your forgiveness of my transgressions."

At the moment of recalling her true body, a multitude of prayers echoed in Aila's mind, these were memories stored within the soul power she had gathered and integrated into her body.

There were devout prayers and many filthy memories.

This is the poison of faith, the former gradually transforms the prayed into the god in the eyes of the believers, providing both aid and harm, while the latter is completely useless and harmful!

Of course, with the computing power of a legendary wizard, even harvesting hundreds or thousands of souls at once wouldn't have too much of an impact.

But if this number expanded to tens or hundreds of millions, even a legendary could be completely overwhelmed by the endless prayers, washed away by a flood of memories into madness.

This is the origin of evil gods...

Many wizards who competed with her for this divine nature were not few, and many were not slain by her, but rather sought quick gains to increase their power and ultimately fell due to their followers' prayers.

Aila naturally did not want this, so she divided her consciousness into two parts using the incarnation technique, separating the part containing thoughts and walking among mortals as a holy woman, leaving only the most pure logic to face the poison of faith.

"Heaven descends!" Inside the divine nature, facing the corrosion of the poison of faith, Aila's lips parted slightly, and then within the divine nature, she summoned heaven.

In an instant, in this void space, vegetation soared, rivers appeared, dream sprites flew in the sky, giant trees sprouted from the ground, mountains and rivers extended beneath her feet...

This promised land is the dwelling of gods!

On that vast plain, on the smooth ground, one figure after another appeared, chanting hymns, their expressions devout yet eerie.

These were the devout followers who had been taken into heaven, their souls Aila did not merge, but placed them within the divine kingdom, under the baptism of years and divine power they gradually forgot their memories, leaving only the most devout faith.

Now, she planned to use their faith and devotion to 'purify' this divine nature!

After all, inside the divine nature was the residual power of the moon god, Aila had

almost unified the entire continent by leading the church, and after hundreds of years of exploration and accumulation, she finally had enough confidence to integrate it.

The holy hymns echoed with the expansion of heaven, according to Aila's calculation, as long as her 'divine power' covered every corner of the divine nature, she could control it, using its power to completely eliminate the poison of faith.

Just then, a full moon quietly appeared in the sky, moonlight falling down, directly piercing through the expanding heaven.

"Moon God, Diana, the beginning of everything!" Aila, with a solemn expression, slowly recited this name.

As she spoke, the entire void shook violently, the light of the full moon intensified, dimly illuminating a sleeping figure.

Aila clearly sensed her heaven being suppressed, the rapidly expanding divine kingdom under the 'moonlight' showed signs of collapse.

Is it still not enough?

Aila's expression was solemn, a god who had been dead for hundreds of years, even the residual power possessed indescribable terror...

"Return!" After pondering for a moment, Aila spoke, she wanted to recall her power!

At the same time, throughout the empire, bishops and priests remaining in various cities felt the call of the Lord, they were to enter heaven!

Some were ecstatic, kneeling on the ground without hesitation, waiting for this grace.

Others were terrified, anxious, and uneasy, they did not want to die, at least not willing to go to heaven now.

However, no matter what they thought, it was meaningless, from the moment they were baptized as clergy, they were branded, their fate no longer belonged to them, the divine magic energy inside them began to agitate, directly stripping them of their lives.

The harvest began!

Originally on the verge of collapse, one figure after another appeared within heaven, their faith was much stronger than that of ordinary devout followers, this increased power quickly stabilized the situation.

However, Aila's expression suddenly changed, because forcibly harvesting the church's clergy, the resentment generated was far greater than she had imagined!

She heard the unwilling roars of numerous bishops who had been stripped of their lives, but more were questions and curses.

"I'm still young, I don't want to die..." "This can't be happening, this can't be happening! How could I possibly use magic? It's all fake, fake!" "Gods are actually wizards, we are just their reserve food." "I curse you, Aila, may your divine body burn in the flames, your soul forever fall into darkness!"

Undoubtedly, this was the effect of the council's continuous propaganda campaign over the past few days, dozens of fighter jets day and night, dropping over a million leaflets every day!

Although the majority of clergy sneered at the content, with prolonged propaganda, there will always be clergy who can't help but try.

As long as they learn the basic magic described, they will be surprised to find that they are no different from wizards, able to use the power of devils, and thus believe the rest of the words on the leaflet, even becoming apostates!

Now, these people with shattered faith, because they still possessed divine magic energy, were absorbed into the divine kingdom without selection.

The backlash came quickly, the once-stabilized heaven began to crack, the land collapsed, the water became polluted, moonlight shone on every believer within heaven.

Their hymns grew louder, only many changed the name of the god in their mouths to another.

"Diana, Moon God, Your glory dispels the darkness, lighting up the night sky..." "Diana, my Lord, you are the light, the full moon, with the stars and the sun!"


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