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Chapter 493: Spatial Displacement, Reversed Directions, This is the Power of God!

Five round iron balls, propelled by electromagnetic force, sped towards the distant Tower of the Heavens at twenty times the speed of sound.

A distance of two kilometers, at such a speed, would not even require a second to cross…

However, the situation was quite the opposite. The speeding iron balls, under the influence of some force, gradually slowed down until they barely reached the Tower of the Heavens after three seconds, then flew around it and out.

Is there some kind of force field magic for protection nearby?

Lynn immediately realized this and was not surprised. Such a critical place, impervious even to nuclear explosions underground, would definitely be protected.

A stronger offensive is needed!

This thought flashed through Lynn's mind, but he was then interrupted by a strong warning signal. Without any hesitation, his form transformed into a streak of light, retreating backwards!

Almost at the same moment, a golden-red scepter fell from the sky, landing exactly where Lynn had just stood!

With a teeth-gritting boom, the scepter was deeply embedded into a piece of rubble. The divine runes on the staff lit up one by one, and the elements from the void surged in like they were returning to their nest.

In an instant, a huge vortex of gas silently formed and began expanding rapidly in all directions.

Surrounding broken eaves, debris, and even corpses were swept into it, then continuously gathered and shredded by the swirling elements around the scepter.

In just a second or two, the vortex swelled into a behemoth with a diameter of three hundred meters, erasing everything within its range.

Fortunately, everyone's reaction was quick, and they had already escaped the area when they sensed the danger...

The expanding vortex soon reached its limit, and the materials gathered inside were expelled at an even faster speed!

A powerful shockwave swept across the area. Victorio extended his hand, continuously forming runic chains in front of him, creating a solid wall that blocked the shockwave and the rain of various materials flying towards him.

Once the gas vortex dissipated, only a long, several hundred meters deep crater remained on the ground…

The golden-red scepter also disappeared from the spot, spontaneously falling into the hands of a middle-aged man wearing a white robe and a crown.

"Pope Alves?" Lynn narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he had never met the man before, he had gathered quite a bit of information about the Pope and could naturally recognize him.

Lynn then turned his gaze to the two people behind him, who must be the remaining legendary clergy of the Church, the ascetic Lava and Saint Randall!

Seeing no fourth or fifth person appear, Lynn, Harof, and others let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that apart from the legendary Saint and Edweil, the Church only had these five legendary clergy out in the open, which was undoubtedly good news.

"Sinner! You dare to destroy the Holy City, the land of the Lord's promise... Now, accept the Lord's judgment!" Alves's anger had already reached its limit, raising the golden-red scepter in his hand.

The next moment, starlight appeared in the sky above the Holy City, then fell like meteors!

This was the legendary magic, Star Rain!

Its range covered the entire central district!

Lynn and the others immediately judged that with their speed, it was impossible to escape the range of this divine magic. Since that was the case, they would face the strong attack head-on!

"One person deals with one, move quickly. The Pope with the scepter should be a bit harder to deal with, so Lynn and I will take care of him!" Victorio suddenly spoke.

Harof and Aurora immediately understood, dodging a few starlights before swiftly attacking Lava and Randall.

Alves did not stop them, as this was exactly what he wanted. Despite his immense anger, he did not forget his purpose. As the starlights rapidly fell, they exploded upon landing!

The fierce starfire almost swept across the entire district, burning everything it touched to ashes.

This unique soul fire is precisely the purgatory flame, the fire of hell mentioned in the Bible!

Ah, the genuine kind!

Harof and Aurora, also within the range of the attack, did not want to face this soul-burning flame head-on. At the moment the starlight fell, they flew into the sky.

Most of the starlight exploded upon hitting the ground, making the air slightly safer.

Lava and Randall were no exception. Most magic does not discriminate between friend and foe; it's not uncommon for wizards to be killed by their own fireball spells.

This is why Harof and Aurora could easily dodge the starfire — Alves had to be somewhat concerned about his own people's well-being...

But Lynn and Victorio weren't so lucky. Being the main targets, the most starlight fell towards them, leaving no escape...

the starfire enveloped the entire area.

"Burn to ashes in the fires of hell, sinner…" Alves's cold voice echoed through the rising starfire, then suddenly stopped, his expression turning solemn.

For this bizarre and powerful starfire was blocked about three meters away from Lynn and Victorio.

If one could observe at the microscopic level, they would see an invisible crystal shield surrounding them, with a strong electromagnetic field on the outside blocking the advance of the starfire.

This was Lynn's newly developed graphene shield!

Lynn didn't fully understand what the soul was yet, but it's essentially a special kind of energy. Since it can affect matter, there must be a way for matter to influence it!

【Seal of Banishment!】

At the same moment, Victorio was not idle. Dozens of runic chains extended from his domain, shooting directly into the rising sea of fire.

He had already encountered the starfire of 【Aila】 before and nearly suffered a great loss, so he naturally prepared defenses. This Seal of Banishment was specifically used to bind souls and could resist the invasion of starfire to a certain extent...

Most importantly, these runic chains created a path for Lynn through the starfire!

"Sound Speed Strike!" The moment Lynn spoke, his figure vanished from the spot, the intense sound waves nearly flipping Victorio next to him. When he reappeared, he was in front of Alves, his body transformed into heavy steel, with terrifying speed, stomping towards Alves's head.

What would it be like for a nearly one-ton iron mass to fly at the speed of sound?

The path it flew through turned into a vacuum, and even the closest distance, without the separation of runic chains, the terrifying starfire was naturally repelled.

The three divine protections on Alves were shattered, but they bought him a moment to raise his scepter against Lynn's stomping foot.


A teeth-gritting thud sounded, and a conspicuous crack appeared on the golden-red scepter. Alves's shoulder burst open, his arm went numb as if losing sensation, but he managed to withstand without retreating.

"Eh~" Lynn was surprisingly able to block this hit, but he didn't stop his movements. After the strike, he immediately took advantage of the momentum to rush towards the Tower of the Heavens!

That was his target!

Lynn was very clear that it would be almost impossible to deal with the Church's three high-ranking officials in a short time.

According to Victorio, clergy like Joshua and Gustav were still pseudo-legends, but they could exert legendary-level power within the kingdom of God.

Edweil even demonstrated the technique of resurrection to them before, and entangling with these people would waste a lot of time.

So the best course of action was for one person to hold off Alves while another attacked the Tower of the Heavens!

After the initial probe, Lynn was certain that 【Aila】 must be inside, likely doing something very important that should not be disturbed.

Since Alves wanted to protect the Tower of the Heavens, then he would destroy it!

Lynn's sudden turn was beyond everyone's expectations, causing Alves to pause momentarily. It was this brief halt that allowed Lynn to directly pass by.

Lava and Randall's expressions changed drastically, but they were unable to help due to Harof and Aurora's obstruction.

"Seal!" With the path opened by Lynn through the sea of fire, Victorio's chains had already reached Alves, directly blocking his ability to attack Lynn from behind.

At this moment, Lynn was less than 1.5 kilometers away from the Tower of the Heavens. In his palm, a uranium stone with a diameter of fifty centimeters quietly formed, planning to use 【Endgame - Atomic Breath】 to completely destroy the Tower of the Heavens.

Under the seal of the runic chains, Alves's expression turned extremely ugly, then he suddenly spoke, his loud voice echoing in every corner of the Holy City.

"God separated the heavens and the earth, established directions, thus creating north, south, east, and west!"

The next moment, Lynn, who was about to make his move, found the Tower of the Heavens had disappeared from in front of him!

Beside him was not the crater blasted by the starfire, but another ruin.

Lynn recognized it; this was the area they had just passed through…

The layout of the entire Holy City seemed to have been mirrored, reversing front to back and back to front.

The Tower of the Heavens appeared behind him, with the starfire still burning on the ground in the distance.

An illusion?

That was Lynn's first reaction. He immediately launched an electromagnetic cannon towards the original location of the Tower of the Heavens, hitting nothing.

Legendary-level perception also told him that this was not as simple as an illusion, because the elemental content of the entire area had undergone subtle changes, indicating

they had indeed moved from one place to another.

"Spatial displacement, direction reversal, huh?" Lynn's face showed shock. How was this done?

Most importantly, they didn't notice anything, such a bizarre situation sinking Lynn's heart…

Not just him, Harof, Aurora, and Victorio were also startled.

Alves spoke again.

"The gates of heaven open, the messengers of the Lord will descend according to the divine oracle, judging all evil and sin!"

As his voice sounded, numerous ethereal bronze doors appeared within the Holy City. Hundreds of divine guards, shimmering with divine light, flew out, wielding bows, swords, and various weapons, attacking Lynn and the others.

"Sinners, unable to stand above the heavens!" Alves's words seemed endless.

Lynn, Harof, Aurora, and Victorio immediately felt a force pulling them downwards. If a formal wizard or great wizard were here, they might be dragged down without resistance.

But fortunately, they had already broken through to legend, so under the protection of their own domains, they were only somewhat hindered in their movements.

"Nonsense!" Aurora scolded, deceiving the ascetic Lava with a mirror avatar, then between her palms, a spark of lightning appeared.

After cutting through numerous divine guards, she did not stop but swept across the entire Holy City. She did not believe Alves had the power to change the heavens and earth; she believed it was an extremely sophisticated illusion.

Laser beams sliced through, cutting all the ruins and debris around them! This undoubtedly proved that everything they saw was not an illusion but a real existence, and the laser's endpoint was the Tower of the Heavens, which had changed its position!

The ascetic Lava naturally wouldn't allow Aurora to continue destroying, quickly approaching to interrupt her magic with divine arts.

Alves again performed a spatial shift, changing the scenery once more. If the last time was a north-south change, this time it was an east-west change!

Lynn's brows furrowed tightly. Under such rapid spatial shifts, they were unable to launch effective attacks.

But after the initial shock, he also noticed the limitations of this magic. Spatial shifting only occurred within the range of the Holy City.

For example, the position of the sun in the sky had not changed, nor had their own positions and arrangements been affected. Lynn guessed some of the principles.

All elements within the projection of the kingdom of God had been imbued with 【Aila】's divine power. In other words, theoretically, everything from grass to trees to bricks and stones was under the opponent's control. Though large-scale reshaping was extremely difficult, it was not entirely impossible.

While pondering, Lynn dodged several attacking divine guards and used a high-frequency vibrating particle knife to cut them down. Then, he stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped in the void, a wave invisible to the naked eye began spreading outwards!

This technique was his 【Spatial Wave】 that he hadn't used since ascending to legend!

However, Lynn reduced the power of this technique to the limit, causing no damage, but the range of the technique was increased by hundreds of times.

He didn't need to know whether the suddenly shifted Tower of the Heavens was real or not, nor did he care about everything around him being a mirror image or an illusion.

Because wherever there was strong force field protection, that was definitely the location of the Tower of the Heavens!


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