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Chapter 121: Intimidating the Entire Scene

The Amarlo Jungle is dangerous enough during the day, but at night, visibility can drop to zero, making the forest even more perilous.

Considering the current time of day, it will be completely dark in less than an hour. The question then becomes whether to venture back into the jungle to hunt some game or to play it safe and stay put until daylight.

A remark from the examiner triggered the first thought in most examinees' minds to look at Luo's wild boar.

Instead of risking their lives re-entering the jungle, there was a simpler solution right in front of them: steal the wild boar.

This was the crowd's initial, subconscious reaction. While some might act on this thought, others would just consider it without taking any action.

Those wanting to act on their thoughts were, after all, in the minority. Many chose to re-enter the jungle to hunt for their dinner.

Based solely on physical appearance and build, the one to watch out for was Buhara, who could easily handle a large wild boar. As for Luo, he looked like a mere kid and could be easily dismissed.

What was previously as noisy as a marketplace had now become eerily quiet.

Dafei remained detached, an outsider and a spectator, quietly observing the changes unfolding at the scene.

After he announced that no meals or accommodation would be provided, some examinees immediately re-entered the jungle, while others did not take any action nor did they show interest in Luo's wild boar, presumably because they had brought their own provisions.

The examinees truly intending to snatch the wild boar were few, but their intentions were clear, likely thinking Luo and Buhara posed little threat.

"Wasting time like this isn't wise," Dafei thought expressionlessly.

He didn't see anything wrong with taking the wild boar. This was the Amarlo Jungle, where the law of the jungle applied. Similarly, he didn't think these examinees had the capability to snatch the wild boar from Luo.

Judging by appearances would only lead to jumping into a pitfall of despair if met with failure.

Dafei watched as the atmosphere on the scene quietly shifted, then glanced at the composed Luo and Buhara, scratching his head.

He wondered if he was being too unfair, given that the test hadn't officially started, and they might already be eliminating examinees.

Not that he was being unfair to Luo and Buhara, but to those examinees eyeing their wild boar.

The unobstructed gazes from around conveyed a message to Luo: hand over the wild boar.

Luo, sitting on the ground with one knee up and his hands on his knee, looked up at the surrounding examinees, contemplating how to dissuade them.

Using an aura to intimidate the examinees would be the simplest and most brute force approach, but Luo did not want to resort to this in front of the examiner unless necessary.

As Luo was considering how to deal with the crowd, three young men approached him and Buhara.

"With such a big wild boar, you two definitely can't finish it. Sharing a bit won't hurt, right?" one of the young men said loudly, observing Dafei's reaction while speaking.

Not just these three young men, but all the examinees wanting to snatch the wild boar were also watching Dafei's reaction.

As long as the examiner didn't intervene, they wouldn't need to hold back.

Naturally, Dafei showed no interest, and seeing this, the three young men felt reassured and became more arrogant.

"What if I disagree?" Luo asked.

The three young men exchanged looks, cracked their knuckles, and sneered, "Then don't blame us for using special measures."

Buhara looked at Luo, his gaze filled with questioning. Luo smiled at him and then seriously said, "Buhara, what do you usually do when someone tries to steal your food?"

"Beat them away," Buhara responded without hesitation.

"Right, then beat them away," Luo nodded.

"Hey, just waiting for you to say that," Buhara stood up.

The faces of the three young men changed upon hearing the conversation between Luo and Buhara.

Just then, Buhara suddenly rushed forward and delivered three punches to the abdomens of the young men, who couldn't react in time and screamed as they were sent flying.

Seeing Buhara aiming for the abdomen, Luo nodded to himself. To send these three flying was the most measured place to hit.

After neatly dealing with the three young men, Buhara turned back to Luo.

"Not bad at all." Dafei was impressed, immediately changing his opinion of Buhara, or more accurately, of Buhara's bulk.

As an examiner of the Hunter Exam, if he saw an examinee with good potential, he would pay extra attention.

If an examinee he was interested in passed

the Hunter Exam, the examiner could apply to become that examinee's mentor, deliberately making contact and observing them later on. As long as the examinee had good character, they could be introduced into the world of Nen users.

Although Dafei was muscular, he didn't have a dislike for fat. In his eyes, there was no difference between a strong man and a fat pig.

He believed in the supremacy of strength, and the power Buhara demonstrated had successfully caught his attention.

As the saying goes, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. The three young men who were taken down by Buhara were definitely out of the first round. Though they weren't in mortal danger, they certainly couldn't participate now.

The others, still observing, were not deterred by Buhara's show of strength and gradually, several strong-looking examinees stepped forward, eager to try their luck.

"If you can't hold them off, just call me," Luo said lazily, knowing that Buhara was young but physically large. Although he didn't understand Nen and was overweight, his strength was not small.

Hearing Luo's words, Buhara nodded vigorously, positioning himself protectively in front of Luo and the wild boar like an insurmountable wall.

Perhaps the examinees eyeing the wild boar hadn't realized something: the consequences of trying to take food from a glutton could be terrifying, akin to snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

This became a lively scene as the night approached. Those not wanting to participate had already entered the jungle to hunt, and those with enough provisions watched the spectacle.

The unwilling to give up were, following a series of screams, sent flying in turn by Buhara.

Luo kept an eye on Buhara to prevent him from getting hurt, and he also watched Dafei. The number of examinees coming to cause trouble and then getting sent flying had reached twenty, but Dafei showed no reaction.

As more and more were sent flying, but Buhara showed no signs of fatigue, the remaining examinees could no longer stand firm. They had already wasted enough time and couldn't give up halfway.

Initially, nearly a hundred people wanted to steal the wild boar. With twenty taken down, only about fifty examinees remained, as thirty had early on decided Buhara was too tough to tackle.

At this point, the remaining fifty or so examinees were unwilling to give up and decided to join forces.

The wild boar was large enough to feed fifty people, enough to get through the night. Of course, even if they managed to steal the wild boar, they would leave enough for Luo and Buhara, unaware of how abnormal Buhara's appetite was.

Seeing the remaining examinees closing in, thinking Buhara might not be able to handle a pack of wolves, Luo slowly stood up and then looked at Dafei.

Noticing Luo's gaze, Dafei remained calm, still uninvolved.

"Then there's no helping it…"

Luo retracted his gaze, at that moment recalling Machi and her principle of acting ostentatiously.

Thinking of this, he suddenly missed Machi, wondering what she was doing right now.

Luo chuckled lightly, then walked over to Buhara, patted his arm, and said, "Go gather some firewood, we'll have a whole roasted pig tonight."

"Whole roasted pig!" Buhara's spirit lifted instantly, he swallowed hard and hesitated, "But these guys haven't been dealt with yet."


Luo looked towards the malicious crowd, seriously saying, "Sorry, but not even a small piece of pork will be given to you."

"That's not for you to decide!"

Someone in the approaching crowd shouted coldly.


Luo raised his eyes, and with the commanding aura developed through his Nen ability, spreading it around, instantly enveloped the approaching examinees.

Those black eyes, like a vortex pulling in their consciousness, brought an indescribable chill from within, quickly spreading to their limbs.


Among the fifty or so people, more than half suddenly fell down, unconscious, while the less than ten who remained standing were all terrified, their previous bravado gone.

"To use an aura to this extent, this young man…" Seeing this scene, Dafei was stunned. He knew Luo had used his aura to knock out these people, but he himself couldn't achieve such a feat.

The more than two hundred examinees who had brought enough provisions and were watching the drama were also shocked. Although they didn't know what had happened, it was definitely the work of the black-haired young man. In an instant, their gaze towards Luo was filled with wary respect.


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