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Chapter 107: Pandora's Box

Can a power strong enough transcend the rules themselves?

Undoubtedly, the capital possessed by mighty power is dominion and command.

The aura emanated by Luo seemed as if it sought to dominate everything...

This might be his own will driving the ability, or perhaps the ability bringing forth the will.

Sanbica Norton was not influenced by it, but she indeed felt the will carried within Luo's aura.

She thought, if Luo were to fully unleash his aura and if the gap in strength between them was too vast, she might choose to submit without even fighting.

Luo was unaware of Sanbica's thoughts. His focus was intensely concentrated, and his mind was set on separating the unknown virus from the body of the patient before him.

Viruses, being infinitely smaller than organs, bones, and blood vessels, are not easy to manipulate freely, not to mention separating them.

As long as the target is clear... the Nen constructed of aura will assist in achieving the desired result!

There's nothing impossible, only what cannot be done... Nen should be as such.

Luo slowly retracted his hand, revealing a transparent orb the size of a rubber ball in his palm, containing nothing visible to the naked eye.

Then, he extended his hand towards Sanbica, eyes half-closed, and surprisingly said, "It seems to have worked."

Viruses are invisible to the naked eye, but Luo could feel the presence of the virus. If the orb the size of a rubber ball were to be reduced to the size of a ping pong ball, or even as small as a ballpoint pen's steel ball, the sensation might be even clearer.

Hearing Luo's words, Sanbica paused, then walked over, reaching her hand into the orb, her expression gradually changing.

She silently absorbed all the viruses from the orb into her body, then looking closely at Luo, said, "You... are a monster, aren't you?"


Luo, with a deadpan expression, replied, "Are you insulting me?"

"You could take it as a compliment."

Sanbica walked past Luo, checked the patient to confirm the virus had been cleared, then turned back with an inquisitive look towards Luo.

Success on the first try made her suspect that Luo might have been playing with her, perhaps capable of separating the virus from the beginning.

"I can feel the virus being absorbed by you. Will you be okay?" Luo, unconcerned by Sanbica's gaze, instead raised his own concern.

Sanbica fell silent for a moment, then looking at Luo, calmly said, "My constitution is very special, not only can it be immune to the harm viruses bring, but it can also keep the viruses inside my body."

"I can destroy them, or combine them into more dangerous pathogens, or even turn them into tools for saving people."

Luo looked surprised and hesitated, "Is this your Nen?"

A hint of bitterness flashed through Sanbica's eyes, but her expression remained calm as she said, "My constitution is innate, while Nen is acquired later. However, considering both as one isn't wrong."

Luo stared blankly at Sanbica.

"My father believes my birth was meant to benefit all of humanity, but I prefer to call myself... Pandora's Box," Sanbica spoke in a flat tone, Pandora's Box being the name she chose for her Nen.

Luo fell silent.

He suddenly thought of biological weapons. Just by spreading highly contagious viruses, one could effortlessly annihilate a human settlement.

If Sanbica were willing, by collaborating with any major country's research institutions and combining massive resources, perhaps an unprecedented biological weapon could be created.

"Pandora's Box, huh..."

Luo took a deep breath, glanced at the comatose patient, and said in a deep voice, "You shouldn't have told me this."

Sanbica looked at Luo and said lightly, "Then let's make a trade."

"A trade?" Luo puzzled.

"Yes, a trade."

Luo paused, asking, "A trade for what?"

"Secrets," Sanbica's gaze was serious.

Luo and Sanbica locked eyes, and after a long moment, he sighed, "What do you want to know?"

He understood Sanbica's intention: to exchange secrets and then keep each other's secrets.

"Whatever you're willing to tell."

Sanbica's gaze was serious, but her words showed a casual attitude.

"About my Nen, you've seen it several times," Luo didn't hesitate and materialized a book, facing it towards Sanbica, saying, "I can answer one question for you."

This was the second time Sanbica saw the book called God's Hand, and in less than two days, the number on it changed from 104 to 327...

Before using his ability on the patient, the number was 326, but it changed to 327 after successfully separating

the virus.

Due to the detailed nature of the virus separation, this patient occupied a page in the book.

Currently, 67 pages have been used, with 4 pages not turned black.

They are page 5 for Hisoka, page 9 for Wogret, page 66 for the fat officer, and page 67 for the patient.

Aside from these 4 pages, 63 pages have turned black.

"What does this number represent? And I've never seen these four characters before," Sanbica pointed at the book and asked.

It was two questions, but Luo still answered, "The number represents the number of people saved, and these four characters are in Chinese, translated into the common language, it's called God's Hand."

"I will keep this secret," Sanbica nodded.

Luo showed a look of helplessness and seriously said, "Sanbica, from now on, you can't let anyone else know about your Nen."

"The thing you're worried about won't happen. If that day comes, I will completely lock away Pandora's Box, but... I'll promise you for now," Sanbica earnestly said.

Luo silently chuckled, thinking to himself how he, an outsider, seemed more anxious than the person involved.


Half a month blinked by.

With the assistance of Sanbica, the medical team developed an antibody from rats unaffected by the virus, and after conducting clinical trials, the results were outstanding, successfully suppressing the virus.

For a healer, success is indeed a cause for universal celebration.

On the surface, they indeed also put in a great deal of effort, but without Luo and Sanbica's protection, failure was certain, and this slum would have become a death zone, with the unknown virus vanishing only to resurface in the future.

Sanbica not only accelerated the medical team's development of the antibody in a short time but also used her ability to save people on the brink of death every day, significantly reducing the death rate during this period.

Another person who played a role in reducing the death rate was Luo, who turned supplies into large pots of food every day.

In half a month, the number on the book cover changed to 622, then stopped.

After resolving the slum's issues, Luo and Sanbica didn't stay long and left the place.

The successful resolution was also thanks to Luo's God's Hand, and without the full cooperation of the fat officer, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

After Luo and Sanbica boarded the spaceship, Luo blacked out the fat officer's page in the book.

During this time, Luo gained a lot, also brought him closer to Sanbica, and the time for the Hunter Exam was drawing nearer.

The spaceship's destination was the city of Mafando, with less than ten days left before boarding.

The number of pages had increased to 622, enough for Luo to make a trip to Meteor Street, but he decided to attend the Hunter Exam first, not only to increase the pages but also for Grade B ingredients.

He had already planned, after returning from the Amarlo Jungle, to take Sanbica to Meteor Street immediately and use Grade B ingredients to prepare a dish that Machi and the others would never forget.


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