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Chapter 106: Special Training Time

A hole was broken through the wooden wall of the kitchen, a deed of Luo's, created for making steaming baskets.

After sending out two batches of steamed buns, more and more people began to gather slowly.

They stood outside the broken hole, not rashly rushing in, but instead looked with longing eyes at the figure who was busily moving inside.

Sanbica Norton came to the kitchen doorway, quietly gazing at Luo, who was rolling up his sleeves and kneading the dough, and noticed the crowd gathering outside the hole.

She paused for a moment, then turned around and left.

Luo noticed what the people in the slums needed now, and she knew what the people in the slums would need afterward.

Batch after batch of fragrant steamed buns were sent out by Luo’s hands. They were just ordinary buns, yet they managed to leave a lasting memory for these people on the brink of despair.

Night fell.

Luo used up all the materials, yet the people outside the house were unwilling to leave.

To this, Luo’s approach was simple and rough; with just a slight release of his aura, he dispersed everyone. Previously, it was also by relying on his aura that he could maintain order, otherwise, the scene would have already descended into chaos.

The people, hungry and famished, would not be satisfied with just one steamed bun, and those squeezed outside could not come in. Even if their bodies were weak and powerless, they would still appear agitated.

In such situations, the aura, rendered by the volume of qi, could produce miraculous effects, preventing a bloodshed over steamed buns.

The materials brought today were depleted, but the military would drop supplies early tomorrow morning, once a day, and each drop was enough to cover the daily needs of the slum.

The despairing clouds looming over the slums showed signs of clearing.

The large amount of steamed buns distributed not only sustained some people’s lives but also increased the number of pages in Luo's book.

The number on the cover changed to 326, an increase of more than 200 pages.

While making and distributing the steamed buns, Luo did not think much about it, and the increased number of pages did not surprise him much, feeling it was a natural outcome.

With the materials used up, Luo left some steamed buns for Sanbica Norton and the others as dinner for today. And they were not idle either, for the sake of quickly overcoming the unknown virus, they directly brought over a young corpse that died from the virus.

After half a day of research, the group of doctors only managed to clear up a bit of the situation. If it weren’t for Sanbica Norton's occasional reminders, the progress might not have been so fast.

With Sanbica Norton's Nen abilities, deciphering the unknown virus was not difficult, nor was directly treating the infected, but this was treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

There were many people in the slums, and her volume of qi would run out eventually. Solely using Nen abilities for treatment, there simply wasn’t enough time, so finding a way to overcome the virus was the only solution.

At this time, the role of the medical team could be demonstrated. Sanbica Norton timely pointed out the direction, guiding them onto the right path.

Good progress made the accompanying doctors enthusiastic, immersing their minds and bodies in it.

Luo brought them steamed buns, but aside from a few volunteers, the other doctors were unwilling to put down their work.

After staying for a while, Luo left, and Sanbica Norton went out with him.

“Don’t you need to stay inside?” Luo leaned against the wooden wall outside the house, looking up at the starry sky.

Sanbica Norton said, “Now is the time for special training.”

“What?” Luo was startled.

Sanbica Norton suddenly looked at him, calmly saying, “Don’t you want to master the method?”

Luo then understood.

“Follow me.”

Sanbica Norton didn’t explain further, leaving behind a sentence as she stepped into the moonlight.

Luo, puzzled, could only follow Sanbica Norton.

Wandering aimlessly among the intertwined low-rise buildings for about ten minutes, Sanbica Norton led Luo into one of the houses, where a young man lay dying.

The narrow room was filled with an unpleasant smell, mixed with a hint of blood.

Luo barely made out the room's environment, seeing bloodstains on the young man’s chin and chest.

Even with unexpected guests breaking in, the young man had no strength to react, his eyes lifelessly staring at the ceiling.

“He’s about to die,” Sanbica Norton stated calmly.

Luo did not speak, watching her masked profile.

“I will try to explain as much as possible while treating him, listen carefully,” Sanbica Norton approached the young man tormented

by the virus, about to die.

This yet-to-be-named virus appeared suddenly, with an indefinite incubation period. Once it proliferates to a certain extent, it quickly dissolves the host’s blood vessels and organs, causing the host to die from internal bleeding.

As the symptoms in the host become more severe, it indicates that the virus has proliferated quite a bit. And when the host dies, it reaches the peak period of virus quantity, which is also the peak of transmission.

Even just lightly touching the corpse could directly infect the virus.

Sanbica Norton approached the young man infected with the virus, took off her gloves, and placed her bare hands on his exposed, blood-stained chest. Her Nen abilities activated, qi seeping out from her palms, slowly infiltrating the young man's body.

“The effect of qi will vary according to the user’s intention.”

“Once I infuse qi into his body, just a hint of malice could possibly kill him.”

“Therefore, one must concentrate with no stray thoughts, focusing one’s mind on one thing, then setting a target.”

“I will imagine turning qi into flowing water, then gently enveloping him.”

Sanbica Norton’s voice was pleasant, like wind chimes, and as soft as water.

In such a quiet environment, her voice was even more discernible, just like the qi she emitted, so gentle like water.

The aura, like a gentle breeze on the face, made Luo unconsciously think of Greed Island’s Archangel’s Breath.

It was a rare card in the game, which upon use would materialize an angel, and a gust of wind could instantly heal critically injured players.

“Let the water-like qi flow through every part of his body, find the harmful target, and then be accepted by one’s own body!”

Sanbica Norton was focused, infusing qi into the young man, wrapping up all the unknown viruses, and then drawing them into her palm along with the emitted qi.

The viruses absorbed into her body, no matter their number or danger, were devoured by the numerous viruses inside Sanbica Norton, leaving behind a ‘spark’.

Rather than devouring, combining the characteristics of several terrifying viruses into an individual was the most frightening aspect.

The unknown virus inside the young patient was cleared, his condition did not visibly improve, but the death aura enveloping his body had significantly thinned, even showing a hint of vitality.

“The target must be clear to achieve the desired result, this is very important,” Sanbica Norton slowly stood up, explaining to Luo with her back turned.

“Clear targets, huh…” Luo pondered.

Sanbica Norton turned towards the door and said, “Let’s go, find another patient.”

Rather than staying here thinking, it's more useful to practice.

The two left the house and soon found another patient.

“If your ability is to separate, then you must focus solely on separating, without any other stray thoughts. The reason you failed is probably because you thought not only about separating but also about controlling.”

Sanbica Norton looked at the patient in front of her and said, “Give it a try.”

The so-called clear target encompasses everything.

For example, when carrying a bucket of water, to have a clear target, one needs to know what the bucket is, what water is, and how to carry it after filling...

“Just focus on separating?”

Luo silently approached the patient, slowly squatting down, and used his Nen ability on the patient.

Following Sanbica Norton's words, he focused his mind on one thing, with no stray thoughts!

The qi, condensed into an aura, quietly radiated out.

If Sanbica Norton’s aura was as benevolent as water, then Luo’s aura was dominating.

Feeling Luo’s faintly domineering aura, Sanbica Norton's eyes slowly widened.


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