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Chapter 239

Ancheng is an ancient city, and the essence of an ancient city lies in its long history. Its architecture and streets are mostly filled with a sense of the past, although many buildings have been renovated in recent years. However, the most ancient parts have been preserved, including two iconic structures of Ancheng University.

One is a bell tower, allegedly ordered to be built by the last monarch a hundred years ago. Miraculously, the large bell on top is still in operation to this day.

The other is an ancient well, which is at the center of numerous supernatural stories. This well is located on the back mountain of Ancheng University.

The entrance to the ancient tomb of Ancheng is actually on the back mountain of Ancheng University. Combining the background that Tang Shouxu introduced along the way, Ling Chunann organized the plot in his mind and asked, "Are you saying there's an ancient tomb beneath Ancheng, and the thing inside has already emerged?"

"Yes," Tang Shouxu nodded, "I was planning to deal with it slowly, but it seems to be in a hurry." After saying this, he added, "Darling, stay away from your friend for now. I'll pay him a visit in a couple of days."

Ling Chunann nodded, "Okay."

Tang Shouxu parked the car at a red light, then turned to say, "Don't worry, he won't be harmed."

"Okay," Ling Chunann smiled at him, "I believe you."

098 saw Tang Shouxu almost mistaking the gas pedal for the brake when Ling Chunann spoke, although he quickly corrected himself, the goofy smile on his face completely betrayed his aloof image.

However, this man never really had an aloof image in front of Ling Chunann to begin with.

After Ling Chunann left, Han Chen rubbed his head, unable to recall what he had been doing these past few days. The thought of not having bathed in ten days made him feel incredibly dirty. He charged his phone, which had been off for several days, and headed to the bathroom.

The bathroom in his rented apartment was small, and Han Chen, being 1.85 meters tall, had to be careful not to accidentally knock down the light fixture above him while showering.

Turning on the shower and hearing the water heater start up, Han Chen stripped off his clothes, then noticed the amulet Ling Chunann had given him. He reached to take it off but remembered Ling Chunann's warning not to do so and instead started to undress.

Feeling the hot water on his body finally made him relax. He began to calculate how many credits he had lost and realized he hadn't called home since the start of the semester, probably worrying his family. He decided to call them after his shower.

While thinking, he reached for the soap, only to remember he had run out and hadn't bought any. Cursing under his breath, he scrubbed himself vigorously, only to discover a painful spot on his back.

Wiping the fog off the mirror to take a closer look, Han Chen saw patterns densely covering his skin from his left shoulder to his spine and down to his tailbone. It took a lot of effort to make out that the patterns seemed to form an animal, greyish-brown with red eyes and sharp claws, its head resembling that of a dragon.

After observing in the mirror for a while, Han Chen couldn't identify what the creature was, nor how such a tattoo had appeared on his body.

Baffled, Han Chen decided to give up on figuring it out for now, dried off with a towel, wrapped a bath towel around himself, and was about to leave the bathroom when he glanced at the tattoo in the mirror again. It seemed to move, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing unusual.

After observing for a while longer without seeing any changes, he gave up and went back to his room to dress. Then, he noticed that the jade pendant on his neck had lost some of its luster.

Although Ling Chunann had promised Tang Shouxu to stay away from Han Chen, Han Chen sought her out the very next day. He looked pale with dark circles under his eyes, appearing quite haggard.

"Chen brother, did you need something?" Ling Chunann stirred her coffee and asked.

Han Chen paused, then pulled out the jade pendant around his neck, "Xiaoyan, look."

The jade pendant Ling Chunann had given Han Chen the day before was now covered in fine cracks, as if it would shatter at any moment.

098: "Host, the jade pendant is about to break!"

"I see," Ling Chunann replied, "That thing is much more powerful than we thought."

Then Ling Chunann's phone rang. She got up, "I'll take this call."

Han Chen nodded, "Go ahead."

Ling Chunann stepped out of the cafe, then took out her phone. The screen showed the

word "Alarm," which she dismissed before dialing Tang Shouxu's number.

The call was quickly connected.

"Darling, I'll be there soon. Be careful, don't go with him, especially to the back mountain of your school," Tang Shouxu's voice came through the phone, "Otherwise..."

Just then, the call dropped, and Ling Chunann turned to see Han Chen smiling and waving at her.

"Host, is there anything I can help with?" 098 asked, feeling a shiver down its spine at Han Chen's smile.

Ling Chunann smiled back at Han Chen, then hung up the phone, replying to 098, "Not for now." Then she asked, "098, have you found out where Chen Huanling's soul has gone?"

"No, host," 098 replied, "Did she go for reincarnation?"

At that moment, Han Chen approached Ling Chunann, "Xiaoyan, let's go for a walk. I've been meaning to show you around the school but haven't had the chance. Today's a good day for it, you won't refuse, right?"

Ling Chunann nodded, "Thank you, Chen brother."

Han Chen seemed to have returned to his normal self. He led Ling Chunann, introducing the cultural background of the school and recounting various interesting stories that had happened in each place, knowledgeable in every detail.

098, closely monitoring Han Chen, suddenly said, "Host, the jade pendant you gave him just now, he crushed it. Don't go forward anymore; the back mountain of the school is coming up. It's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"You must have heard the legend of the back mountain," Han Chen said then, "Xiaoyan, are you interested in seeing the well on the back mountain?"

"Sure," Ling Chunann replied.

"Han Chen, thank you, junior brother!"

As Han Chen led Ling Chunann towards the back mountain, Chu Lingling's voice came from behind.

"Senior sister, hello," Ling Chunann greeted.

"Where are you guys going?" Chu Lingling asked. "And Han Chen, you haven't been attending classes for many days. Where have you been? There's a major course this morning, and Professor He already said if you miss it again, you'll lose twenty points of your academic score. You should hurry to class. Let me take the junior brother."

"It's okay," Han Chen shook his head, "I promised Xiaoyan I'd show him around the school."

"Oh," Chu Lingling glanced at Ling Chunann, still somewhat reluctant, "Then I'll join you."

"No need, be careful not to get caught skipping classes and lose points," Han Chen joked.

Torn between her beauty and academic scores, Chu Lingling finally decided, "I'll still go with you. I know a few fun places in the school."

Han Chen nodded indifferently, and Ling Chunann spoke, "Thank you, senior sister, but having Chen brother guide me is enough. I won't be at ease if it causes you to miss class."

Chu Lingling waved her hands, "No, no, my grades are good. It won't affect my final score."

"Then thank you, senior sister," Ling Chunann said.

"Let's continue," Han Chen spoke, "Just now, I mentioned the back mountain of the school..."

Before Han Chen could finish, Chu Lingling interrupted, "Junior brother, let me tell you, don't go to the back mountain of the school. It's dangerous."

"Why?" Ling Chunann asked.

"The rumors about the back mountain of the school being haunted are not unfounded," Chu Lingling explained. "Just last year, there were several incidents, and to this day, some students haven't been found. The school even hired a Daoist priest to solve the problem, but it didn't work. Instead, two of the priests went missing."

Ling Chunann glanced at Han Chen, whose face was growing darker, then nonchalantly turned back to Chu Lingling, "Senior sister, have you seen it?"

"I've seen it once," Chu Lingling's expression darkened, as the missing two priests were her uncle and cousin.

098: "Host, the well is only two hundred meters away. Don't go any further."

"It'll be fine," Ling Chunann reassured.

"The adult hasn't arrived yet," 098 hesitated before swallowing the words, convinced that Ling Chunann would accuse it of doubting his abilities if it spoke.

But this time, it wasn't about disbelief in him. In the original storyline, the monster from the ancient tomb was eventually subdued by Tang Shouxu, but that was years later. Whether Tang Shouxu had the power now was uncertain, and Ling Chunann's Daoist skills had only been practiced for a few years. Facing that thing with the current situation, the odds were not in their favor.


the monster had somehow possessed Han Chen. What if Ling Chunann managed to kill it, but Han Chen also died?

Ignoring 098's wild thoughts, Ling Chunann didn't even falter in his breath.

As they approached the well, Chu Lingling, who had been focused on Ling Chunann, shivered, "How did we end up at the back mountain?"

Ling Chunann looked at Han Chen, whose smile had brightened significantly, "This is the well I told you about."

"Han Chen, what do you mean? I told you not to come to the back mountain, why did you lead the way here?" Chu Lingling was upset.

"Lingling, I just wanted Xiaoyan to see this place since he hasn't been here before. Don't be so agitated," Han Chen appeared innocent.

Chu Lingling frowned, sensing something off about Han Chen but couldn't pinpoint it. She huffed, "If you want to come, come by yourself. Don't drag the junior brother into this. Junior brother, let's go."

"Okay," Ling Chunann replied.

"Hehe," Han Chen chuckled, "Since we're here, let's explore a bit more."


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