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Chapter 238

As they exited the elevator, 098 quietly asked, "Host, what brings you to the hospital?" The protagonist wasn't here, and it had nothing to do with the plot. Even though the incidents involving the two families were a bit strange, it still couldn't understand Ling Chunann's purpose for coming here.

"I'm here to look for someone," Ling Chunann said.

"Are you looking for the original host's mother? Did you find her?" 098 asked. It hadn't seen any strange spirits in the hospital, nor was there any yin energy.

Ling Chunann shook his head, "Not here."

Once they got into the car, Tang Shouxu didn't immediately start the vehicle but turned his head to ask, "Baby, do you want me to check for you?"

"Yes," Ling Chunann nodded. "Just find out what happened back then."

"No problem," Tang Shouxu smiled brightly, promising to complete the task. Tang Shouxu was always efficient, especially when it involved his beloved. He got the information in less than three hours after returning to Ancheng.

The information was detailed, but it might be because it had been a long time, there were no photos from back then. However, the evidence was clear enough, requiring only a bit of verification.

"Baby, are you okay?" Tang Shouxu was a bit worried after Ling Chunann had finished reading the document. He then apologized, "I'm sorry, baby. I should have checked earlier."

"It's okay. I told you not to," Ling Chunann closed the file and smiled at Tang Shouxu, "Leave those people to Uncle Tang to deal with."

"Don't worry."

"I'm hungry. I want to eat sweet and sour ribs."

"Alright, I'll make it."

"The host is really pitiful," 098 said after Tang Shouxu, who had seen the document too, left.

Ling Chunann: "Hmm?"

"Sorry, host. It's the original host who is really pitiful," 098 corrected itself. "Those people are too despicable!"

The documents showed that Chen Huanling didn't elope with another man but disappeared the year after giving birth to Xie Ziyen, when she went back to her maternal home with Xie Quan. The specific reason was a minor incident during the New Year when Chen Feng and Xie An, who was visiting, got into a fight. Xie Quan, who loved chaos, got involved, and the three men started brawling. Chen's mother, Ling Chunann's grandmother in this world, tried to break it up and was almost hit by Xie Quan's kitchen knife. Chen Huanling pushed Xie Quan away to protect her mother, and Xie Quan's knife and Chen Feng's axe both struck her.

Panic ensued in both the Xie and Chen families. Xie Quan and Chen Feng began to shirk responsibility, ultimately pinning it on Xie An because Chen Huanling was tripped by him when she stepped in front of her mother.

Of course, Xie An refused to take the blame, turning it onto Chen's mother, as Chen Huanling had rushed over for her sake. The dispute went on endlessly without resolution.

While they were busy deflecting blame, including Chen Huanling's mother, whom she had saved, no one thought to take the still alive Chen Huanling to the hospital.

Later, after Chen Huanling died, they gruesomely dismembered her body and buried it in the backyard of their old home.

Afterwards, Xie Quan took Xie Ziyen back to Lucheng, cutting off all ties with the Xie and Chen families, and claimed to the outside world that his wife had eloped with another man. The information 098 found when it first came to this world was all fabricated by Xie Quan to hide the truth of Chen Huanling's death. Although his techniques were not great, they were sufficient to deceive 098 for a moment.

Therefore, when Ling Chunann first came to this world, the woman he saw at Xie Quan's house and in the morgue after Xie Quan died was Chen Huanling, the original host's mother.

However, since then, Chen Huanling had not appeared again, and 098, which did not have the ability to see spirits at that time, was unaware of this. Thinking this, 098 suddenly had an idea, "Host, the incident with Xie Quan back then, could it have been done by Chen Huanling?"

Ling Chunann smiled noncommittally, "I'm not too sure about that."

A few days later, the news was filled with the discovery of a body in a certain city's backyard and the arrest of the murderers from the Xie and Chen families. The media always chase the story, and with Ling

Chunann already attracting attention as the most handsome top scholar of the year, followed by a scandal involving his relatives, and now a murder case involving his mother, his popularity surged even higher than that of a top celebrity.

However, compared to the storm outside, Ling Chunann enjoyed a rare moment of peace, avoiding the media's eyes, and knocked on Han Chen's rented house outside the campus.

After standing outside the door for half a minute without hearing any response, Ling Chunann knocked again, still with no answer.

"Host, according to the records, the protagonist hasn't come out for three days," 098 said. "But I can't find his location now. Could something have happened to him?"

"Hmm, let's go in and see." Ling Chunann somehow produced a paperclip, inserted the tip into the keyhole, and with a click, the door opened.

098: "?? When did the host learn this technique?"

But soon, 098 was no longer able to ponder this as the door opened, and it immediately felt a chill, shouting, "Host, get out of here!"

Before 098 could speak, Ling Chunann had already retreated, throwing several talisman papers that forced a mass of black mist back inside with a roar and a flash of golden light.

As the door closed with a bang, Ling Chunann placed a few more talisman papers on the door, which disappeared into it, restoring calm around them, "098, did you feel the protagonist's presence just now?"

Unsure of Ling Chunann's purpose in asking, 098 seriously recalled the sensation from seeing the black mist, "A little," then it was alarmed again, "Host, could something have happened to the protagonist?" Although it asked, 098 was almost certain that the protagonist was more likely in grave danger, given everything that had happened recently, even Chu Lingling had called Ling Chunann two or three times. The protagonist couldn't have had no reaction.

Ling Chunann shook his head, "We need to see to know."

"Should we wait for an adult before going in?" 098 was worried, given the energy it had felt, which was still causing it to tremble, even though it had been strengthened by the adult. If something happened, it would be difficult to explain.

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow, "098, are you doubting my strength?"

"No, how could I," 098 hastily denied.

Ling Chunann nodded, seemingly unconvinced, then knocked on the door again.

098: "???" If the protagonist had been consumed by a monster, what was the point of knocking?

Ignoring 098's confusion, Ling Chunann knocked again patiently after no response. Just as 098 thought there would be no answer, a voice came from behind the door.

"Who is it?"

It was Han Chen's voice, causing 098 to tense up and look at the expressionless Ling Chunann, realizing it had overreacted. It should learn to remain calm following its host.

"Chen Ge, it's me," Ling Chunann said.

Then the door opened, revealing Han Chen's usual smiling face, full of surprise, "Xiao Yan, why are you here?"

"You've been gone for several days, and I was a bit worried. I remembered you told me your address, so I came to check on you," Ling Chunann smiled, "I didn't disturb you, did I?"

"Not at all, come in and sit." Han Chen hurriedly invited him in. After Ling Chunann entered, Han Chen puzzled, "By the way, Xiao Yan, what do you mean I've been missing for a few days? Didn't we just meet yesterday?"

Han Chen's place was a neatly kept one-bedroom apartment, quite clean for a male student's living space, with no signs of abnormality. Ling Chunann withdrew his gaze and countered, "Do you remember what day it was yesterday?"

"It was the day you registered at school, right? You should have seen me in the hall," Han Chen said.

"We've been in school for ten days now, Chen Ge," Ling Chunann turned to Han Chen, who was checking the calendar, "Do you remember where you went after the registration day?"

Struggling with the realization that ten days had passed, Han Chen was somewhat incredulous. After confirming today's date and realizing there was no mistake, he was somewhat shocked. He hadn't requested any leave, so he would lose a lot of academic credits. However, he answered Ling Chunann's question, "I came back here directly that day. No, someone asked me to go to the school's back mountain."

"Who?" Ling Chunann asked.

Han Chen tried to recall but eventually shook his head, "I don't remember. When I woke up just now, I found myself lying on the couch. I thought I had just been too tired yesterday and fell asleep."

Ling Chunann gave Han Chen another look, then handed

him a bagua-shaped jade pendant, "Keep this on your chest. Don't take it off."

"Okay," Han Chen took it, "What is this?"

"A protective charm," Ling Chunann said.

Although he initially wanted to refuse, Han Chen suddenly remembered the inexplicable disappearance of the past ten days and gratefully accepted it, "Thank you, Xiao Yan."

Ling Chunann didn't stay long at Han Chen's place and left soon after. Outside, 098 asked, "Host, the thing you gave him just now, is it really a protective charm?" It remembered Ling Chunann hadn't made protective charms in that shape.

"It's not," Ling Chunann replied, "It's a seal. But it's pretty powerful, won't last long though."

Then, before 098 could finish its question, Tang Shouxu approached them, prompting 098 to close its mouth at the right time.

"Baby, are you alright?" Tang Shouxu inspected Ling Chunann from top to bottom, relieved only after confirming everything was fine.

"I'm fine," Ling Chunann said. "You were gone for quite a while, what happened?"

"A bit of trouble," Tang Shouxu replied, "Let's go back and talk about it."


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