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Chapter 101: Conditions X Ultimatum X Registration

The bustling scene of La Xiang City differed from that of Yorknew City. The latter boasted a dense modern urban feel, while the former resembled the densely populated scenery of a coastal fishing village.

The sidewalks were paved with green bricks, black square street lamps stood alongside bushes, and the buildings along the way were generally not tall, with the tallest being no more than three stories high. However, the city covered a much larger area than Yorknew City.

The buildings in La Xiang City were primarily in shades of blue and white, reflecting the colors of the ocean.

Each house had a roof covered with blue tiles, with the eaves extending outward on both sides, forming a distinct 'human' shape.

The walls were almost entirely white, resembling clouds, without any decorations or paintings. The porches and floor-to-ceiling windows were mostly arched, giving the city a strong exotic atmosphere.

Both La Xiang City and Yorknew City are coastal cities on the Yorbian Continent, yet their styles are markedly different.

This city, seemingly allowing one to smell the sea, thrived not because of the sea but due to drugs and entertainment facilities that were out of place here. Thus, even though the buildings' colors matched those of the sea and clouds, there were no decorations related to marine life.

During the day, it was like a tourist destination cherished by visitors from various places. By night, it became a place of revelry.

Luo walked on the sidewalk with a large bump on his head, a souvenir from Sanbica Norton's punch.

When Sanbica threw the punch, he did not resist and even restrained the aura on his head, fearing he might hurt Sanbica's hand.

His reaction stemmed from seeing Sanbica's hand, which was like porcelain, giving a fragile sensation.

Sanbica walked ahead of Luo. Due to her physical sensitivity, she had punched Luo in a moment of frustration, but Luo's response left her feeling unsettled.

Despite being the aggressor, she had to endure Luo's concern, as if he was afraid of hurting her hand.

"Sanbica, are we there yet?" Luo suddenly asked.

They were looking for a place to access the internet and register for the Hunter Exam online.

"Just across the road ahead, then a few dozen meters more," Sanbica pointed ahead.

Luo quickened his pace, reaching Sanbica's side, and focused on the red light flickering beside the road, indicating it was about to turn green. "Hurry," he said.

After speaking, he sped up, intending to cross the zebra crossing during the green light.

Seeing Luo's increased pace, Sanbica silently followed him, planning to upload information about the G2 virus to the database once they found a computer.

As they were about ten meters from the zebra crossing, the light turned green. A mother and her daughter, seeing the green light, stepped onto the crossing.

At that moment, the roar of an engine grew louder, echoing through the street.

Many pedestrians turned towards the noise, expressing shock.

A brown SUV sped from the opposite side of the road, blatantly ignoring the red light and the zebra crossing without any sign of slowing down.

Hearing the sound, the mother, leading her young daughter of about five or six, looked towards it and froze.

The SUV, much larger than an ordinary car, was heading straight for them, with maniacal laughter audible amidst the engine's roar.

In a feeble attempt to protect her child, the mother embraced her daughter, turning her back to face the oncoming SUV. Given the vehicle's speed, the outcome was foreseeable.

Pedestrians on the sidewalk watched in horror, unable to offer any assistance, as the SUV was about to hit the mother and daughter.

Both Luo and Sanbica saw the dangerous situation unfold.

Sanbica's complexion changed, instinctively gathering aura in her feet, but Luo was quicker.

In a flash, he positioned himself in front of the mother and daughter, extending a hand in front of the SUV.

The logical rescue method would be to carry the mother and daughter away from the zebra crossing, then dodge the rampant SUV. However, there was no time for that.

The scene blurred before the onlookers' eyes, and they braced for the addition of another life to the toll, with many unable to bear watching and closing their eyes.

A moment later, the anticipated crash did not occur. When they opened their eyes, they saw the SUV, which had been speeding over a hundred kilometers per hour, eerily stopped without any skid marks on the road.

A slightly youthful hand had blocked the SUV.

Seeing Luo stop the vehicle, Sanbica breathed a sigh of relief and ran to the still-stunned mother and daughter.

Luo looked through the window at the people inside.

They were several young individuals, their faces twisted in frenzy, seemingly high on drugs.

His gaze turned cold,

his aura slightly bursting forth, and with a loud "bang," the front of the SUV caved in as if hit by a gigantic invisible fist, emitting plumes of white smoke.

Witnessing this, the pedestrians were dumbfounded.

The young individuals seemed to sober up a bit, anger flaring as they grabbed solid steel pipes and stepped out of the car.

Luo, uninterested in giving them a chance to act, released a formidable aura. With just a glare, he caused the young men to tremble, lose consciousness, and collapse to the ground.

"Sanbica, let's go."

Luo withdrew his gaze and, without looking at the mother and daughter, crossed the zebra crossing.

Sanbica glanced at the shocked mother and daughter, then briskly followed Luo.

The people on the street stood in stunned silence as Luo walked away, still processing what had just occurred.

A teenage boy, with a fresh lipstick mark on his cheek and a large bump on his head, had single-handedly stopped an SUV and then with a glance knocked out several aggressive young men emerging from the vehicle.

"Luo..." Sanbica caught up to Luo, about to speak, but then saw the aura on Luo's hand fluctuate, manifesting a book with black and white covers. The cover bore four characters she didn't recognize, and below them, a number '104'.

Luo did not open the book, merely glancing at the number.

"Is this your Nen?" Sanbica seized the opportunity to ask.


Luo nodded, then dispelled the book.

Having saved the mother and daughter, the book gained two more pages, confirming that rescuing others indeed added pages to the book.

Even without this condition, anyone with the capability would normally choose to rescue in such sudden situations.

Honestly, Luo did not dislike this condition; on the contrary, he wholeheartedly agreed with it.

This agreement with the condition, akin to accepting one's will, embodies individual will.

Nen is... quite peculiar.

Whether it's the nameless swordsman who remains undefeated and has never harmed anyone, or Chairman Netero, who persistently feels gratitude towards Nen, both represent the embodiment of individual will.

Adhering steadfastly to one's will can gradually bring Nen's power to an ultimate form.

The characteristics of Luo's God's Hand, not to mention manipulation within its domain, but its cutting ability.

If Luo, like the swordsman blessed by the divine, vowed not to use his abilities to harm any living being, then, after fully embracing this will, he might be able to cut through anything.

The condition to increase the book's pages is an expression of such will. If Luo fully commits to it, then the traits of God's Hand would become even more terrifying and pure.

"Why did you specifically use Nen after saving someone?" Sanbica observed the connection between the two.

Luo thought for a moment, then earnestly replied, "It's just a special way to celebrate, celebrating that I just saved two people."

Sanbica, having spent some time with Luo, knew enough to realize he was bluffing, wisely choosing not to press further.

For the first time in her life, she felt curious about something other than viruses - Luo's Nen, harboring a desire to explore it.

Without continuing the topic, she headed towards a bookshop that offered computer use.

Luo smiled and followed Sanbica.

Together, they entered the bookshop and occupied a computer.

At Luo's request, Sanbica used the name 'Luo' to register him online.


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