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Chapter 87: G2

The visitor was Kenda, and Luo was not surprised, but he was taken aback now because of Kenda's hand and the lingering murderous aura.

"Your hand...?"

Luo glanced at Kenda's right arm, from which the bandage had been removed, revealing a palm that was slightly blackened.

Kenda slowly lifted his blackened right hand and said, "It's nothing, just used it to do something that needed to be done. It'll be useless after a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his right hand down and looked at Luo, saying solemnly, "Please come with me to a place."

Luo raised his eyebrows and asked after a moment, "What place?"

"A drug manufacturing factory... on the second basement level of this place," Kenda said gravely.

Luo was slightly surprised that Barney had built a drug manufacturing factory underneath his mansion.

Ten minutes later, Luo followed Kenda to the second basement level, passing by at least twenty corpses along the way. Kenda took the initiative to explain that he had killed these people without Luo needing to ask.

Suppressing his curiosity, Luo followed Kenda.

They arrived in a room with drug manufacturing equipment, with five corpses on the floor.

"This is Barney's drug manufacturing factory," Kenda stood in the room, looking down at the corpses on the floor.

Though called a factory, the space was not large, but even so, this room continuously produced drugs that were sold to other places.

Luo looked around at the equipment and then at Kenda, asking, "Why bring me here?"

There was another doubt, the bodies scattered across the floor.

Without answering, Kenda walked to a door on the inside, opened the iron door without saying a word, then stepped aside to let Luo see what was inside.

The sight through the iron door made Luo's eyes slowly widen, a chill rising from the bottom of his heart and quickly spreading throughout his body.

"This is...?"

Luo stepped past Kenda and walked into the room, closely observing the hellish scene inside for a long time without speaking.

"This is the method of manufacturing G2, different from G1. G2 is cultivated using human bodies before being processed into drugs. Compared to G1, it has fewer side effects. If released, it would quickly replace G1's position as a best-selling drug," Kenda said solemnly.

The spacious room was filled with neatly arranged transparent glass chambers, each containing a person whose gaze was unfocused.

There were about a hundred glass chambers in the room, containing men, women, the elderly, and children, all sharing the common feature of missing limbs.

Luo looked at this inhumane scene in silence. Since arriving in this world, its dark side had gradually been revealed, as if forcing him to adapt and understand.

"Although everyone here is still alive, they're beyond saving," Kenda entered the room, walked between the two rows of glass chambers, and said with his back to Luo, "Killing them now would be doing them a favor."

Luo took a deep breath, looked at Kenda's back, and said solemnly, "Since you kept silent on the airship and brought me here now, what are you planning?"

"I only confirmed it today. The original purpose was to destroy this place and the method for manufacturing G1," Kenda slowly turned around, looked at Luo, and said, "The reason I brought you here is to let you know, Miss will not become the second Barney."

This was something Luo also intended to do, but he had not revealed a word, merely agreeing to protect Elly without expecting Kenda to take such decisive action.

The motive was to let Luo know that Elly would not become the next drug lord, thus freeing him of any unnecessary concerns and enabling him to protect Elly with all his might.

"You realized it?" Luo stared at Kenda, asking.

Kenda slowly nodded, glanced at his completely useless right arm, and said, "Although we haven't been together long, I understand what kind of person you are, which is also why Miss likes you."

"Even if there's a slight possibility, I don't want you to extend your views of Barney to Miss."

"Destroying the source is also a promise I make to you."

Luo was silent for a moment, then turned and walked out of the uncomfortable room.

Seeing this, Kenda silently followed and closed the door behind them.

After leaving the room, Luo suddenly turned around, extended his hand to Kenda, and calmly said, "Give me your heart."

"Okay," Kenda responded without hesitation, using Zetsu to retract all his aura into his body, waiting for Luo to use his ability on him.

Seeing Kenda's resolute attitude even towards handing over his heart, Luo sighed deeply, rubbed his forehead, and said with a wry smile, "Kenda, I have to tell you some unfortunate news."

Kenda's face showed confusion as he said, "Tell me."

"While practicing Nen abilities earlier, something went wrong. For the next month, I can only use Ten at most and can't use Ren. So even if you're willing to give me your heart, I can't take it." Luo had thought about telling Kenda this news today, but he hadn't expected to reveal it at such a moment.

The bodies they had seen on the way here made him feel regretful. These fallen people were a potential force against future enemies.

"Ah?" Hearing Luo's words, Kenda was dumbfounded, taking several minutes to digest the bad news.

He had permanently disabled his right hand and killed more than twenty viable fighters to destroy this place, all because of his absolute faith in Luo's strength. But now that the deed was done, it seemed as if Luo was playing an April Fool's joke on him.

"Don't be disheartened. I see there are still plenty of people in the mansion. We can hold on for a month, and I might even recover before then," Luo said, patting Kenda on the shoulder in consolation.

Kenda, on the verge of tears, said, "You make it sound easy."

Luo withdrew his hand, giving an awkward smile. He hadn't wanted this, who knew that absorbing so much Nen would turn out this way.

Kenda accepted reality, sighed, and turned back to open the door to the G2 room again.

"What are you going to do?" Luo asked.

"To give them a quick end, isn't that what you also wanted?" Kenda walked into the room, intending to end the lives of nearly a hundred people.

Luo, hearing this, silently watched Kenda enter the room.

The impression of the haughty butler from their first meeting was gradually being replaced.


In La Xiang City, at the top floor of a nine-star hotel.

In the suite, a handsome young man with a buzz cut sat on the sofa, legs crossed and resting on the coffee table, swirling a glass of wine in his hand, the ruby-colored liquid spinning in the glass.

A soothing melody played in the room, captivating the young man.

Suddenly, the melody came to an abrupt halt.

The young man's narrowed eyes snapped open, a hint of displeasure crossing his face.

"Boss, it's done," said a well-dressed middle-aged man standing to the side.

"G2?" The young man tossed the wine glass onto the carpet and turned to look at the middle-aged man.

"Yes," the middle-aged man replied.

A spark of cunning flashed in the young man's eyes, followed by a low chuckle, "So Leibo is dead. Well, it doesn't matter since we've got the goods. As for anyone related to Leibo, don't leave a single one alive."

Leibo was the middle-aged man Kenda had shot last.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man paused, not leaving immediately but asking, "What about Barney's remnants?"

"No rush. There are so many dogs in La Xiang City. Just throw them a bone and let them bite each other first."

"And don't you think... that luxurious house, along with all those dogs, would make a great testing ground for G2?"


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