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Chapter 86: Inside the Door

Unable to utilize the aura within, I can only maintain a small amount of it wrapped around my body. How am I to deal with what's about to happen in this state?

Had I known it would come to this, Luo would never have directly absorbed all the aura from the collections.

Now that it's too late to change anything, all I can think about is how to get through this tough situation.

Time counts down by the second, but after attempting to use Ren, time seems to flow faster.

Luo checked the time, then calmed his mind, trying to use Ren as he would in regular training, to control the aura pouring out from his aura nodes.

Even though there was no fluctuation in the aura within him and the aura nodes remained closed, Luo didn’t stop his efforts. After maintaining this state for about a minute, he checked the countdown timer displayed in white smoke characters.


"Indeed, consciously controlling the internal aura speeds up time flow, about three times faster. I wonder if it can be increased further. If it can, only half a month would be needed to run out the timer. If not, a month will suffice."

Luo's panic gradually subsided. Although finding a way to end the 84-day countdown faster was good, even half a month under these circumstances was terribly bad.

And how to explain this to Kenda? Just tell him that there was a mishap during training and that I can't use Ren for a month?

Thinking of this excuse, Luo sighed softly to himself, not even believing it himself but having no other excuses available.

"Luo, what’s wrong with you? Hey?"

Elly waved her hand in front of the pondering Luo, to no avail.

"Luo, what are you thinking about? Didn't you hear me calling you?"

Seeing Luo so focused in his thoughts that shouting wouldn't bring him back, Elly stepped hard on Luo's foot.

She thought she had used all her strength, but when Luo was stepped on, he only felt a bit of pain. However, it successfully brought him back from his thoughts.

"Sorry, I was distracted." Luo looked at the puffed-up Elly and apologized.

"What were you thinking about so deeply? You didn't even react when I shouted." Elly asked, puzzled.

Luo scratched his head and evaded: "I was thinking about what to eat tonight."

Elly looked at Luo with a skeptical eye, but he remained calm.

After a while, Elly said, "We’ve seen the collection; it's time to go up."

"Okay." Luo nodded. Right now, he just wanted to explain the situation to Kenda and then hurry to digest the aura within his body.

The two left the collection room, closed the door, and walked up the spiral staircase.

Stepping on the staircase, Luo glanced at the iron door on the left. He had always been curious about what was behind it and why Elly said she didn’t like it and refused to mention it.

This indicated that what was behind that door was something Elly disliked.

After climbing the stairs and returning to the ground, Elly took Luo on a tour around the vast mansion. She was enthusiastic about explaining each place they visited, not even skipping the small room where cleaning tools were stored, saying it was where she often hid as a child.

They visited almost every place, deliberately avoiding Barney's bedroom and similar rooms.

Finally, Elly took Luo to her room, which was large but had no decorations related to a young girl. There were many books and some antique decorations.

Elly sat on the chaise lounge, hugging a pillow to her knees, and gazed at a corner of the room, saying, "Luo, keep me company and chat."

Luo, feeling helpless, rubbed his forehead and replied, "Okay."


A corridor with steel and pipes allowed for ten people to pass through side by side. Bulbs hung on the wall, providing ample light.

This was a short corridor, but halfway to the end where the iron door was, lay a dozen bodies dressed in black.

A large amount of blood flowed from beneath the bodies, filling the poorly ventilated corridor with a pungent smell of blood.

The door at the end of the corridor was open, and white light spilled out from inside, illuminating the nearby corpses.

The room behind the door wasn’t large, around 600 square feet, filled with equipment that gave off an experimental vibe, and several desktop computers.

Kenda, holding a gun in his right hand, stood by the door, coldly observing a middle-aged man in the room, who wore white clothes and a white mask.

On the ground next to this middle-aged man lay four others in white clothes, their blood flowing from bullet wounds, most likely dead.

"Kenda, how dare you do this?" The middle-aged man's eyes were filled with anger and fear.

Kenda's arm holding the gun was lowered, not pointing at the middle-aged man, seemingly because the latter posed no threat.

He coldly said, "Barney is already dead."

"What?" The middle-aged man's eyes, visible outside the mask, widened to their fullest, clearly showing his shock.

"Why are you so surprised?" Kenda asked, his voice carrying a tone of incomprehension and coldness.

"You..." The middle-aged man's forehead began to sweat, and he was at a loss for words.

"Living this life, one never knows if they'll see the next day. It's not strange to suddenly die the next second, myself included." Kenda slowly raised his arm, pointing the gun at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man shivered as the barrel of the gun aimed at him, nearly collapsing from fear. In a terrified tone, he pleaded, "Don't! Don't kill me! Look, look here."

He shakily pointed towards the equipment around them, his face twitching rapidly with fear. "I can make g1, and g2 is already in its final stage, just short of clinical trials."

"Do you know? The side effects of g2 are smaller, and when it's out, the demand from countries will be very high. With g2, getting wealth comparable to that of nations is easy."

"Moreover, the production cost of g2 is lower. With just a low price, we can buy countless refugees; we won't have to worry about mass-producing g2."

"Just as long as you're willing..."

The middle-aged man slowly raised his hands, the smile beneath his mask nearly twisted—not from excitement, but from the fear of death.

"Then you'll be my next boss. You say go east, I won't go west. Even if you want g3, g4... I can develop them!"

Kenda stared at the middle-aged man expressionlessly, then suddenly turned his gaze towards a door inside the room, a door that led to hell.

"There's something you should know." Kenda's gaze shifted back to the middle-aged man.

The man's eyes trembled rapidly, asking, "What is it?"

"You're going to die."

Before the middle-aged man could react, Kenda pulled the trigger.

With a hiss, a bullet hit the middle-aged man in the forehead, and his body suddenly fell backward, lifeless by the time it hit the ground.

A faint wisp of smoke rose from the gun's silencer. Kenda lowered his arm and quickly walked towards that door, standing in front of it in silence for a while before slowly opening it.


An hour later.

Kenda, still carrying a trace of the aura of having just killed someone, knocked on Luo's room door and then stood quietly waiting.

By then, Luo had returned to his room. Hearing the knock, he stopped his meditation, walked to the door, and opened it directly.

Seeing the calm Kenda outside, Luo's eyes suddenly sharpened.


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