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Chapter 76: As the Curtain Falls

Where does such confidence come from?

Age advantage? Physical advantage? Strength advantage? Experience advantage?

Given a chance to fight, I could easily defeat Luo in a matter of seconds.

In Kuli's mind, such thoughts arose naturally, a kind of inexplicable confidence.

Imagined in a yet-to-happen scenario, he could easily tear off Luo's limbs with his proud hands, effortlessly remove Luo's internal organs, or even easily twist off Luo's head.

But when the aura on his hands was torn away like cotton candy, Kuli's eyes finally cleared a bit.

Luo was not fish on the chopping board, and he was not the chef wielding the knife.

So, is it really a good idea to let Wogret chase after Barney?

"You seem very confident in the strength of your hands."

As Luo charged towards Kuli, he pointed out Kuli's reliance.

After just a few exchanges, Luo noticed the focus of Kuli's attacks was his hands.

Not only was his aura more abundant, but his punch speed and strength were also impressive. One could clearly feel that every punch was thrown with full force, very confident.

If not for the more abundant aura on Kuli's hands compared to other places, Luo would have torn off his arms long ago.

Having a clear understanding, the consideration was no longer about defeating Kuli, but how to take him down as quickly as possible.

The level of thought between them was entirely different at this moment; Kuli wanted to torture Luo, while Luo wanted to end the fight as quickly as possible.

If it's a matter of seconds, then take a certain risk and take down Kuli!

The momentum changed instantly...

Kuli's heart skipped a beat as he faced the approaching Luo, feeling a tangible oppressive force.

This pre and post-battle position switch ignited an unbearable anger within him from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't be arrogant!"

Kuli roared, once again stirring up the aura inside his body, concentrating most of it in his hands. Seizing the moment, his hands came together like a vajra, viciously aiming for Luo's head.

The power of this palm was not weak. It wouldn't be difficult for Luo to dodge, but he chose to take it head-on.

This was to resolve Kuli as quickly as possible, a choice with certain risks, but also the fastest way to determine the outcome.

Luo went all in, dividing the visible aura on his body into two parts, one concentrated on his hands and the other at his feet. Then, with crossed hands raised, he blocked Kuli's oncoming hands.


The sound of fist to flesh echoed instantly through the alley.

The falling raindrops were shattered into mist by the force of their collision.

Luo's crossed hands grabbed Kuli's wrists, the force of the impact pressing each back onto the sunspot.

If Kuli's strength had been a bit more, the force would have transmitted to the sunspot, causing a shock that would blur consciousness, bringing one close to death.

The all-out palm strike was blocked.

Kuli couldn't accept it, his facial features twisted in an instant, and with a loud shout, his still arms suddenly exerted force again, attempting to crush Luo's head with brute strength.

"I have many ways to take you down, but I choose the most dangerous one. Who made me in a hurry?"

Luo activated the ability of God's Hand, first shaving off aura, then separating the wrists, and then squatting down.

Kuli's palms, separated by Luo, flew to the sides, and as Luo squatted down, Kuli's force had nowhere to dissipate, causing the armless arms to slap together.

"This was your only chance, but you failed to seize it."

Luo stepped forward, moving between the numerous water droplets.

The right hand, wrapped in aura, stabbed straight into Kuli's chest, precisely grasping the heart, and then squeezed hard.

The heart did not burst because the ability of God's Hand had already acted on Kuli. If Luo wanted to kill Kuli, he had to seal the heart into a book for punishment.

Although the force used on the heart was not in vain, it was not without effect.

Kuli threw back his head and let out a scream of agony, so loud that three people not far from the alley entrance were startled and looked back simultaneously.

That was Kuli's scream.

Wogret couldn't help but look back, only to see a horrifying scene.

Luo quickly pulled out Kuli's heart, which was not stained with any blood, then turned around, ignoring Kuli, who knelt down in pain from the severe pain.

The dim light and the rain made the scene in the alley flicker between light and dark.

Luo's suave turning motion, the bright red and still-beating heart in his hand, and his cold expression as he stepped forward against the heavy rain, formed an impactful image that struck Wogret's mind.

On the rooftop of the alley building, Illumi, who was quickly moving, looked down at this scene and showed a surprised expression.

Removing the heart without staining it with blood was a skill he had practiced several times but had yet to master. Yet, the man in the alley, who was not much older than him, had done it.

Moreover, removing hearts was Illumi's current preferred method of killing. Seeing Luo achieve a level of proficiency comparable to his father's, he couldn't help but become curious about Luo.

Luo did not notice Illumi's presence, nor was he aware that his method of removing hearts had caught Illumi's attention.

If it weren't for the ability of God's Hand, Luo wouldn't have needed to use the method of removing hearts.

The heart and the head are vital parts of the body, and since the head cannot be separated, the heart was the target.

He quickly walked towards Wogret, holding the heart.

Perhaps it was the act of removing the heart that made his aura as cold as the heavy rain, combined with Kuli's ceaseless screams of despair...

Wogret was startled, as were Barney and Elly, both showing fear.

Aura fluctuated... Materializing a book.

Luo went from fast walking to running, tossing the heart forward, then with one hand opened the book and slapped it towards the heart in mid-air, erasing its existence like an eraser.

While running, Luo closed the book, allowing it to dissolve into specks of white light that scattered throughout the alley.

Kuli's agonizing scream came to an abrupt end. His robust body suddenly shivered and then collapsed to the ground without any warning, quickly becoming silent.

The connected actions and reactions appeared as if Luo had devoured the heart with the book, also taking Kuli's life.

Seeing Luo coming towards him, Wogret suppressed the chill rising from his heart and chased after Barney and Elly.

At that moment, his momentum was already defeated before the battle, without much thought, only intending to use Barney and Elly as hostages to threaten Luo.

He had not considered the feasibility of this action, as it was his only choice after showing fear.

The long rainy night street, the dark alley.

The moment the curtain was pulled back, many people had already fallen.

The blood-stained ground could not be washed away by the heavy rain in a short time.

Now, the curtain was about to fall.

The alley was the final stage, with only four actors remaining.

Luo's decision to take a risk and instantly kill Kuli allowed him to avoid facing a reluctant choice.

He caught up with Wogret, foiling Wogret's plans.

Wogret had no desire to continue fighting, having lost his only chance, he only thought of escaping.

Even Kuli, stronger than him, was instantly taken down by Luo; what could he do to fight?

Therefore, Luo effortlessly removed Wogret's heart, but did not kill him immediately.

Squeezing the heart tightly, Luo caused Wogret to roll on the ground in unbearable pain.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Luo said, tormenting Wogret with pain as he held the heart.

Hearing Luo's words, Wogret was in so much pain he couldn't even respond.

"It's okay now."

After subduing Wogret, Luo looked towards Barney and Elly, who had stopped.

Seeing the situation firmly under Luo's control, Barney breathed a sigh of relief, the long-lost feeling of surviving a catastrophe filled his heart.

Although the image of Luo holding a heart was terrifying, Elly overcame this fear, her feet moving slightly, intending to approach Luo.

At that moment, an unexpected change occurred.

Luo's eyes suddenly narrowed as he saw a figure appear out of nowhere, bypassing Barney and Elly to stand in front of him.

The figure was a black-haired boy, who also held a beating heart in his hand, unlike Luo's, stained with blood.

That heart...?

"Ah, failed again."

The boy sighed with regret.


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