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Chapter 72: Choice X Alley Fight X Fight to the Death

There are many ways to protect someone.

Kenda had Luo take Elly and leave first, which is a way to protect, but it cannot eradicate the danger.

The two men were clearly coming for Elly. Taking advantage of the ongoing street shootout, it was only by joining forces to deal with the opponents here that they could avoid future troubles.

In Luo's view, the bearded man and the ear-missing man did not pose much of a threat. Collaborating with Kenda, it should not be difficult to take them down.

This was Luo's plan after the opponents showed up, but what Kenda said next surprised him.

Kenda actually suggested he stay behind to cover their escape and even revealed Kuli and Wogret's malicious intentions, which puzzled Luo.

He had a grudge against Kuli and would have been on guard against him during this mission without needing Kenda's reminder.

However, Kenda mentioning Kuli and Wogret's malice at this time clearly wasn't just because of his personal grievances with Kuli.

Kenda was hiding some information, something about Kuli, and Luo wanted to know.

But before that, they needed to quickly deal with the bearded man and the ear-missing man.

"Be careful on your own."

Luo's eyes flashed with determination, and without considering Elly's feelings, he carried her and ran to the other side of the alley.

"Luo, Miss is the last person who should be hurt."

Facing the bearded man and the ear-missing man, Kenda said something inexplicably.

Luo remained silent.

"Luo, you can't do this!" Seeing Luo agree to let Kenda cover their escape alone, Elly struggled incessantly.

Sometimes, emotions can overpower logic.

Elly knew her staying would only hinder them and was more aware of the danger of Kenda staying behind alone, which could likely lead to his death.

She didn't understand Nen abilities or combat, but she could tell that the opponents were stronger than Kenda because Kenda's gun couldn't harm them.

The thought of Kenda possibly dying overwhelmed her not yet mature logic with emotions.

Her struggle was indeed troublesome for Luo, but it wasn't a significant hindrance.

"Luo, I hate you!" Elly cried.

Luo remained silent, not having the time to explain to Elly.

"Thinking of running?"

Seeing Luo carrying Elly and turning to run, the bearded man laughed maniacally. Aura emanated from his curved knife as he charged forward, while the ear-missing man, maintaining his ability effect, ran ahead of the bearded man.


Seeing the opponents' cautiousness, Kenda's heart sank.

He deliberately dropped his assault rifle to lower their guard, planning to deliver a fatal shot with the gun hidden under his coat at the right moment.

However, with the two being cautious and having a solid cooperation basis, finding an opening was mostly difficult, leaving no choice but to fight head-on.

Kenda took a deep breath, not very abundant in aura, swirling around his body, matching the bearded man and the ear-missing man evenly.

The sound of boots stepping in puddles was masked by the continuous gunfire from the street outside the alley.

The distance between them closed, and the fight became intertwined.

The bearded man's curved knife swings were wide and forceful, generating a fierce wind. Despite its broad blade, it didn't seem cumbersome but agile instead.

The knife technique, peculiar in its execution with the strangely shaped curved knife, made Kenda's dodging look stiff and unsmooth, as if he was stuck in mud.

This was because the "prediction" came from the hints of a monocle, not his own consciousness.

Despite the stiffness, he managed to dodge every slash from the bearded man, but with the ear-missing man's close combat attacks, he was hard-pressed to cope.

The alley was only twenty meters long, not very long.

Luo had other ideas, so he didn't run fast.

Elly kept hitting Luo's chest with her small fists, but Luo ignored her, looking back at the bearded man and the ear-missing man fighting Kenda as he ran forward.

He... was observing!

Kenda had him take Elly to meet up with Barney, a decision he agreed with in principle but not in choice.

"The aura is not strong."

"They act very cautiously and have a certain level of coordination."

"The troublesome one should be the man with the knife. Eliminate him first, and the other will be easier to deal with."

"Kenda is struggling to dodge without counterattacking, intending to focus on defense to buy time, not to defeat those two men."

"The opponents have noticed this, so their offensive feels somewhat casual, without a sense of crisis."

"I must... remember their three auras."

Luo took a deep breath and sped up, quickly rushing out of the alley.

Once out of the alley, Elly stopped struggling and cried softly, "I don't want Kenda to die."

Luo placed his hand on Elly's head, buried in his chest, and said softly, "Kenda won't die, I promise you."

Elly suddenly looked up, her eyes red, and sobbed, "Really?"

"Of course."

Luo looked down at her with a slight smile, then slowly raised his head, his expression becoming solemn.

The one who least deserves to be hurt is Elly...

Luo agreed with this, but whether it was Kenda or even Barney, if they died at the hands of enemies, it was deserved.

During the ten days together, through Elly, he roughly learned about Barney's deeds. The pointed-head man he met in the hotel lobby that day correctly called Barney a drug lord.

Saving Kenda was beneficial for Elly, and taking down the bearded man and the ear-missing man was also the right thing to do.

Luo's thoughts raced, looking for a chance to strike a decisive blow while the bearded man and the ear-missing man thought he had run away.


After Luo took Elly away from the alley, Kenda's tense mood relaxed slightly, focusing entirely on dealing with the combined attack of the bearded man and the ear-missing man.

The longer he could delay, the safer it would be for the young miss.

With this belief, Kenda defended with all his might, daring not to counterattack recklessly, fearing it would give the opponents an opportunity.

Despite the assistance of the monocle, he was still struggling, as hand-to-hand combat was not his forte.

"This guy is unexpectedly difficult to handle."

During the exchange of offense and defense, the bearded man sounded annoyed.

They thought that Kenda, without his gun, would be easy prey, but to their surprise, he still had the strength to fight back. Seeing their target escaping, they began to feel anxious.

"Anyway, as long as we deal with him, our goal isn't Barney. As long as those idiots on the street don't all die, we have a chance to intercept that little girl," the ear-missing man said calmly.

Hearing this, the bearded man found it reasonable and focused on his attack.

As time passed, the sweat and rain on Kenda's body mixed, and his defense began to show signs of collapse.

The bearded man and the ear-missing man, sensing this, intensified their assault.


In a moment of vulnerability, the bearded man seized the opportunity. With a flick of his wrist, he forcefully slapped the blade of his curved knife on Kenda's right arm, accompanied by the crisp sound of a fracture, sending Kenda flying and rolling on the ground before coming to a stop.

"Haha, done."

The bearded man laughed loudly. That slap not only broke Kenda's right arm but also served as his death sentence.

"Not long enough..."

Blood leaked from the corners of Kenda's mouth, but he quickly stood up, his right arm hanging limply, his aura surging around his body, showing signs of a sudden increase.

That slap, besides breaking his right arm, had also injured his internal organs.

"Huh? This guy can still struggle."

Seeing the aura on Kenda, the bearded man and the ear-missing man were slightly surprised.

"But no matter how much you struggle, your end is death," the bearded man said coldly.

Kenda was the Geffel family's butler, but he was not an outsider... Elly was his sister's daughter.

Even if he died, even if Barney died, Elly alone must not be harmed.

The rain falling on him felt even colder.

Kenda's gaze towards the two men was extremely calm, as if he had accepted his death.

This guy...

The bearded man and the ear-missing man frowned slightly, finding those who fully accept death to be the most troublesome, but the situation was already in their favor, not worth fearing.

Cold murderous intent appeared on their faces as they charged at Kenda.


At that moment, the wall on the right side exploded, and debris hurled towards the two men.


On the street above the right side alley.

Martin watched the two people who came from the other end of the alley, his expression grave.

They were two muscular men with similar appearances, characterized by sharp, ferocious faces.

"Wolf Brothers...!"

Martin's tone was heavy, revealing the identity of the newcomers.


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