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Chapter 71: The Gun Ban and the Unerring Strike

A glint of cold light descended from above, a blade cutting through the night.

Luo, holding the frightened Elly, quickly retreated to stand beside Kenda, who had steadied himself.

"Very perceptive..."

The man swinging the sword at Kenda, a bearded man, held in his right hand a scimitar with a startling curve. Exaggeratedly, the blade was so large it could be considered half a shield rather than a sword.

This blade wasn't a modern invention but had been passed down through the ages. In terms of practicality, it surely couldn't compete with modern weapons. However, the man's choice of such a rarely used weapon suggested a unique skill set.

Upon standing, the bearded man slung the scimitar over his shoulder, seemingly disregarding the submachine gun in Kenda's hands.


Another figure dropped from above, landing beside the bearded man but slightly ahead, a gaunt man missing both ears.

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

The assassin charging towards the sedan was the mantis; the one lying in ambush based on the mantis's movements was the oriole.

This is to be taken literally, but in terms of strength, Luo and Kenda were no cicadas, and the bearded and earless men were not competent orioles.

"You're really useless, to think a kid spotted your sneak attack." Upon landing, the earless man immediately began to scold.

The bearded man spat on the damp ground in retort, "My technique isn't perfect, but this kid can use Nen, didn't you notice?"

The earless man paused, then focused his aura into his eyes. Upon seeing the Ten around Luo, he exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't notice, but it's just a kid, nothing to worry about."

"Are you stupid?"

The bearded man looked coldly at Luo, who remained calm, and said solemnly, "Although my technique is poor, it fooled Kenda. Yet, this kid noticed."

Had Luo not pulled Kenda away in time, the slash would have been fatal, making everything that followed much simpler.

Hearing this, the earless man realized the problem and frowned, "You mean this kid is even more capable than Kenda?"

"I didn't say that, but we should kill them all as planned, starting with Kenda." The bearded man, still casual with the scimitar over his shoulder, revealed their plan.

After appearing, they conversed as if Luo and Kenda were not even there.

In fact, they were well-prepared and targeted.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Luo protected Elly behind him, whispering comfortingly.

He didn't rashly attack because he knew his duty was to protect.

"Okay." Elly tried to sound calm in her soft response.

Despite many experiences, her young age prevented her from being completely composed, a commendable effort.

Kenda, standing between Luo and Elly, was still in shock and fear.

Without Luo, he would have been decapitated by now, let alone protect the young miss.

Allowing the two men to chat nonchalantly about their plan, Kenda chose this moment to shoot at them.

The alley's width allowed no cover, making firearms effective. Coupled with the amplification from a monocle, Kenda was confident a magazine would suffice to kill both enemies.

"You'll pay for your arrogance."

Silently, flames erupted, and gunfire filled the alley.

The falling raindrops shattered, and bullets flew straight at the bearded and earless men, who remained calm in the face of Kenda's gunfire.

The earless man, being in front, was the first to be hit. His position was deliberate.

As Kenda fired, the earless man stood in front, letting the deadly bullets approach.

There was no smoke or sparks, as the bullets forcibly changed direction in front of the earless man, veering to the sides.

【Gun Ban】

This was the earless man's Nen, a Manipulation type, diverting any bullet, regardless of power, when near him, mainly sliding to the sides.

The Gun Ban's creation stemmed from an incident where a gunman, after shooting off the earless man's ears without taking his life, humiliated him. Upon learning of Nen, the earless man developed this highly specific Nen ability against bullets.

However, the earless man's skills were limited to changing the bullet's trajectory, not enough to control them to strike back.

Overall, the Gun Ban could be seen as an invincible bulletproof vest, unbeatable in gang warfare but mediocre in battles among Nen users.

Yet, Nen is varied and even a seemingly useless ability can be cherished.

As gunfire ceased, an entire magazine was spent, the earless man casually cleaned his ear canal with a pinky, appearing calm despite the comical look due to his missing ears.

From start to finish, the earless man hadn't moved, so Kenda's aim didn't need adjusting. Thirty bullets were fired in seconds, none hitting their mark.

"Everything... slid off."

Kenda, after firing his last bullet, didn't switch magazines, his face showing shock.

【Unerring Strike】

This was his Nen ability. The monocle he conjured not only enhanced his vision but also guided the bullets to hit their target precisely.

At the moment of firing, the monocle assured him: all thirty bullets would hit their mark.

However, what unfolded before his eyes was bullets veering off course as they neared the earless man, creating an 'L' shaped trajectory. Since the bearded man was standing behind the earless man, he too remained unscathed.

"Unfortunately, in the face of my Gun Ban, all firearms are mere toys," the earless man lowered his hand, confident of victory.

"That's the spirit." The bearded man laughed heartily, brandishing his sword.

They knew of Kenda's conjured monocle, which could increase the hit rate of bullets to one hundred percent within a certain distance.

This conjured monocle had the ability to turn 【Prediction】 into reality, meaning that no matter the terrain, once the distance was closed, regardless of speed and reaction time, bullets would always hit.

Their confidence stemmed from the 【Gun Ban】 perfectly countering Kenda. Moreover, their target was not Barney but Elly Geffel.

Most assassins that rainy night were after Barney's life, but these two were specifically targeting Elly.

The reward might have been slightly less, but it was substantial enough, and they came prepared, estimating almost zero risk before taking action.

However, their clear objective overlooked Luo.

A kid who also knew Nen, seemingly more perceptive than Kenda.

"Luo, take the young miss and meet up with the master."

Kenda discarded the submachine gun, eyeing the prepared duo coldly.

【Unerring Strike】's 【Prediction】 was not limited to firearms.

"No, we should stick together!" Elly, hiding behind Luo, spoke with a trembling voice but with determination.

"Listen to me."

Kenda removed his white gloves, staring intently at the two men as he spoke, "Kuli and Wogret are plotting something. Leave these two to me. Luo, take the young miss and quickly meet up with the master. Be wary of Kuli and Wogret."

Upon hearing this, Luo's gaze sharpened. His initial plan was to eliminate these two enemies alongside Kenda.


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