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Chapter 70: Crossfire

On a rainy night, a dangerous atmosphere lurks along the long streets.

The dragon-like flow of vehicles grinds to a halt, as the heavy rain pours down, creating a thin mist over the ground.

A series of figures brave the downpour, moving towards six black sedans—their target.

Luo and Elly sit in the same car, with Kenda driving. Next to them, in another car, are Barney and Martin.

Kuli's group occupies the lead vehicle, with Kuli himself driving and Wogret in the passenger seat, while two men with chestnut hair and horse-like faces sit in the back.

Kuli and Wogret watch the sedans ahead in silence. Had there been no assassination attempt, they planned to deal with Barney and the others on their way to the Airport and seize all the collectibles.

Above the street, only the incessant sound of rain can be heard.

The combination of traffic jam and heavy rain frustrates many.

Visibility is severely limited by the downpour, making the assassins’ swift approach towards Luo and his companions hard to detect.

From a building’s rooftop, Illumi observes everyone beginning to make their move. He stands quietly, looking down at the impending battle with interest. The scene before him seems entertaining, like hyenas about to fight over food, each acting independently without coordination. Moreover, he can see that these people are all armed.

They seem like second-rate assassins, though a few understand Nen abilities, albeit weak ones.

"This target is quite popular, let's wait and see," Illumi muses, watching the assassins closing in on their target with the flow of traffic.

The client’s mission was for Barney J. Geffel to die. If the group below succeeds, his commission would be considered complete.

If they fail, it would still weaken the target’s forces, benefiting him either way.

The assassins silently form a siege around Luo’s six sedans, closing the distance to within a hundred meters.

Inside Luo's car.

"Kenda, we're surrounded. In ten seconds, take the lady and break through to the left alley," Martin's voice comes through the earpiece, causing Kenda, who is at the wheel, to sharpen his gaze.

At the same time, all cars except for Kuli's receive Martin's warning.

"Miss, Luo, in ten seconds, we must head to the alley on the left," Kenda says, looking toward the alley five meters to the left, no need for explanations, as Elly and Luo understand the situation.

Elly has been through such situations many times and remains calm.

"How many enemies?" Luo asks, turning his head to look outside through the rear glass. However, the heavy rain limits visibility, making it impossible to see anything.

"It's unclear, but they are likely to use guns. Once within firing range, they won't care about bystanders. We need to get to the alley before they close in on us. This heavy rain is making things worse."

"Five seconds left, Luo. You need to take the lady to the alley on the left as fast as you can. I'll cover you."

Kenda unbuckles his seat belt and picks up the submachine gun from the passenger seat.


A monocle materializes over his right eye, manifesting his Nen ability.

"Understood," Luo glances at the monocle on Kenda's face, then turns to Elly and asks, "Scared?"

Elly responds with a smile, "Not scared."

"Rest assured, I won't let you get hurt," Luo says seriously, with a smile.

"Mm," Elly nods vigorously.

"Two seconds left," Kenda reminds.

At that moment, Luo, holding Elly, quickly exits the car. Their feet wrapped in aura, they lightly leap forward, stepping on the rear of the car in front, then forcefully pushing off towards the alley ahead.

The dense traffic leaves almost no gap between vehicles.

Luo exits from the left side, managing to jump across the five-meter distance.

Kenda follows closely, glancing left and right before raising his submachine gun in a split second, aiming into the rainy night in a certain direction and decisively pulling the trigger.

Gunshots ring out, and bullets fly in a volley, accurately hitting assassins eighty meters away, immediately killing three of them.

As Luo and Elly exit the car, Martin and two bodyguards also leave their vehicle with Barney, running towards an alley on the street's right side, almost simultaneously with Kenda's gunfire.

Their actions are clearly seen by Illumi from the rooftop, prompting him to ponder whether to wait for the less skilled Nen users to make their move or to directly target Barney now.

After Kenda fires, the assassins quickly respond, not bothering with him but directing their gunfire towards Luo and Barney.


Amidst the sound of rain, intense gunfire erupts, bullets flying and screams piercing the air as the long street becomes a battlefield.

Luo, with his aura-enhanced speed, dashes into the alley with Elly just as the gunfire starts, while Martin successfully leads Barney into another alley on the right, but the accompanying bodyguards are killed by the bullets meant to protect them.

The rain-drenched street suddenly boils over with activity as the assassins' bullets claim the lives of at least twenty people in just five seconds.

As Kenda mentioned, since the attackers dared to strike here, they had no regard for the lives of bystanders.

Barney's men quickly exit their vehicles to return fire against the attackers.

Some terrified individuals try to escape to safety by opening their car doors, only to be mercilessly cut down by the hail of bullets.

Others, trembling like leaves, seek shelter inside their cars, yet still, some are hit by stray bullets, their cries of despair echoing as they meet their end.

The scent of blood grows increasingly pungent...

Kuli's group, not having received the warning, are no pushovers. At the sound of gunfire, they immediately duck down, avoiding the initial barrage of bullets. Then, during a brief pause in the shooting, they quickly exit their vehicle.

Although they understand Ren, they can't stop bullets with it. Being hit would be disastrous.

After exiting the car, they seek cover while trying to locate the attackers.

"Where's Barney?" Kuli asks, leaning against a white sedan, looking to Wogret, who points towards an alley on the right side of the pedestrian path.

"Let's go." Kuli signals with a look, momentarily setting aside concern for Luo's whereabouts, focusing on finding Barney to eliminate him and secure the collectibles.

Ignoring the ongoing gunfire on the street, the two make their way into the alley, while the two men with them, lacking their agility and unarmed, are trapped amid the vehicles.

In the left alley.

Luo has Elly press against the wall to shelter from the rain as much as possible.

In the dimly lit alley, Luo can see Elly's body trembling slightly—she is still scared.

"It's okay."

Luo places a hand on Elly's head, then turns to watch Kenda approaching.

"Stay or go?"

Seeing Kenda safely reach the alley, Luo calmly asks.

"Stay. We can't stray too far from the boss. Just dealing with these assassins should suffice," Kenda replies, ejecting the empty magazine and expertly inserting a new one.

"Protect the lady here."

After reloading, Kenda's expression turns icy, ready to head back out to fight the assassins.

The heavy rain is indeed troublesome, but his manifested monocle helps improve his accuracy in such conditions.


Luo nods, and just as Kenda is about to dash out, Luo's expression suddenly changes.

He swiftly reaches out, grabbing Kenda by the back of his collar and tossing him backward.

Kenda is startled, and by the time he realizes what's happening, he's already been thrown.

After he's tossed aside, a shadow descends from above, slashing through the dim light with a cold gleam, aiming for where Kenda just stood but missing.

Now would be a perfect time for Luo to counterattack, but instead, he retreats further into the alley with Elly.

Not just one attacker, but another!

Meanwhile, Martin and Barney also face attacks from two individuals in their alley.


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