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Chapter 69: Return Journey X Heavy Rain X Killing Intent

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, during which no small fry dared to cause any disturbances, allowing the Yorknew auction to proceed under seemingly calm circumstances.

From September 1st to September 10th, ten days of auctions were held, each taking place in the evening.

That night, Barney, accompanied by Martin and a group of bodyguards, went to the Sometari Building, one of the auction venues responsible for the first five auctions.

Luo, Kenda, and six bodyguards stayed behind at the hotel's top floor, tasked with ensuring Elly's safety.

The three days of calm were a cover for the brewing undercurrents.

Environment, location, plans...

Three days were enough for qualified assassins to plan these aspects.

"The enemy might attack the miss at all costs or might try to capture her alive to threaten the lord. Regardless of their intentions, the miss must not be put in danger."

"Anyone who might threaten the miss's safety should be killed on the spot."

Inside the room, Luo leaned against a corner, pondering over Kenda's words.

Luo's position allowed him to overlook the room, while Kenda guarded outside the door. Ideally, Luo would have taken this position, but Kenda couldn't refuse the miss and reluctantly took up the post at the door.

The remaining six bodyguards were positioned on the top floor's main paths, not allowing anyone to enter the top floor before the auction ended.

"So boring."

Elly sat on the bed, propping her cheeks with her hands, a look of disinterest on her face.

The bed was moved to a spot not visible from the window, with Luo guarding not far from it.

"Luo, let's play a game," Elly said, looking at Luo with hopeful eyes.

"No," Luo refused.

Elly immediately pouted, hitting the bedsheet with force, sulking.

After a while, Elly spoke again, "Luo, how about we sneak out to play?"

Luo shook his head, refusing again.

After a moment, Elly threw a pillow at Luo, which he caught with ease.


Elly snorted loudly, burying her head under the covers.

Just when Luo thought Elly had calmed down, she suddenly threw another pillow, which Luo also caught easily.

Failed sneak attack, Elly glared, not convinced.

"Can't you be a bit more behaved?" Luo said helplessly, holding a pillow, walking to the bed to put it back in its place.

Then, Elly suddenly jumped from the bed, pouncing towards Luo.

Luo reacted in time, stretching out his arms to catch Elly, spinning to dissipate the force of her pounce, then gently placing her back on the bed and quickly covering her with the blanket.

When Elly realized what had happened, she was already lying down properly.

"If you don't cooperate properly in these ten days, don't expect me to entertain you," Luo left a threatening message, walking back to his corner.

"Hmph, you fell for it!"

Elly, however, burst into a triumphant laugh, jumping up, one hand on her hip, the other pointing at Luo, her face full of pride.

Luo turned to look at the overly proud Elly, quickly realizing, and immediately noticed a pink sticky note attached to his back shoulder, rolling his eyes in response.

"Luo, I command you, from now on, play games with me!" Elly tilted her head up, starting to give orders.

Luo, not bothering to entertain her, reached to tear off the sticky note, but found it was firmly stuck.

Elly watched this scene with a scheming smile, but her smile froze the next second, seeing Luo easily tear off the sticky note.

"This is the strongest super glue!" she exclaimed, incredulous.

"Enough is enough, don't joke with your safety."

Luo used God's Hand to tear off the sticky note, crumpling it into a ball and tossing it into a distant trash can.

Elly, sulking, hid under the covers, finally quieting down.

Seeing Elly finally settle down, Luo sighed in relief. Even with Kenda and the other bodyguards outside, he couldn't be completely at ease, especially with Kenda exaggerating the threat of enemies.

If Elly kept pestering him like this, how could he stay alert to every little movement?

However, until Barney and his group returned from the Sometari Building, no enemies appeared.

The first day passed in peace, and Barney, indeed wealthy, bought three collectibles on the first day of the auction.

Luo, staying close to Elly, got to see the collectibles up close but didn't have a chance to touch them. However, none of the three collectibles Barney bought on the first day were imbued with Nen.

According to Elly, the total successful bid price for these three collectibles was 620 million Jenny.

Upon hearing this price, Luo could hardly believe his ears. It was then he realized he had fallen into a misconception regarding antiques.

Antiques imbued with Nen do not necessarily hold high value, nor does the presence of Nen necessarily enhance their value. What truly highlights the value of an antique is its inherent qualities.

The second day, still no attack from enemies, and Barney secured two more collectibles.

The third day…

The fourth day…

The fifth day…

Until the last day of the Yorknew auction, not a single enemy made a move, making Kenda feel increasingly odd under Luo's scrutinizing gaze.

Kenda's cautious advice on the first day, along with examples of past enemies' crazy deeds, made it all the more embarrassing that this year's trip to Yorknew turned out to be so peaceful.

It was truly awkward…

Yet, until they left Yorknew, they could not let their guard down, as experience suggested that the journey from Yorknew to the Airport was the most dangerous.

Over these ten days, Barney acquired twenty-one collectibles. Although Luo didn't rashly use Gyo to inspect the collectibles on the spot, he was alerted by a message in white smoke font that two of the collectibles were imbued with Nen.

This ratio was about one to ten; among twenty-one, two were imbued, but Luo had no opportunity to touch the collectibles.

On the night the auction ended, everyone left the hotel at 10 PM, heading towards the Airport.

Still in six cars, but the lead car was now the one with Kuli and four others.

They expected to reach the Airport before midnight. However, they encountered a traffic jam shortly after leaving the hotel.

It was September 10th, the last day of the Yorknew auction, and many people chose to leave after the auction ended that night. Due to the timing, this caused an increase in traffic, leading to congestion.

Just as the weather turned foul, dark clouds gathered in the night sky, indicating an impending downpour.

By 11 PM, the traffic crawled at a snail's pace.

Following this trend, reaching the Airport would likely drag into the middle of the night. Fortunately, the return flight was on a private airship, so there was no concern about missing it.

Using the cover of darkness, figures began to appear on the rooftops around the road, scattered across various locations, hidden in places untouched by the light but still able to observe the traffic below.

This area was still within Yorknew City, about twenty minutes by car from the outskirts.

The traffic congestion included not only those wishing to leave Yorknew but also many local residents.

Those lurking in the shadows clearly harbored ill intentions, and there was no guarantee they would ignore innocent bystanders, possibly attacking targets within the traffic directly.

Among the many figures, one was particularly noticeable: it was Illumi.

He was the youngest among them and also the most arrogantly positioned.

Standing at the highest point, he could clearly see those hiding on various rooftops and likewise could be seen by them.

Illumi checked his phone and then put it away.

"The last one, Barney J. Geffel."

At this moment, the clouds that had been gathering for nearly two hours began to move, and a torrential downpour fell from the sky.

In no time, a curtain thick enough to blur vision was drawn between heaven and earth.

Hidden atop the rooftops, the figures began to move quietly towards their targets in the traffic.

Due to the heavy rain, Luo did not notice the people on the rooftops, nor did he realize that Kuli and Wogret, sent by the Elder Council, were quietly revealing their fangs.


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