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Chapter 61: A Dish Worth Millions of Jenni

The lady mentioned by Kenda was another target under protection.

If what Kenda said was true, that the number of enemies was countless, then the difficulty would significantly increase with two targets to protect.

"I have a question."

Luo snapped back from his thoughts, looking towards Kenda, who was waiting quietly for him to continue.

"What are the criteria for passing the test?"

"The alert range is 300 square meters. No enemy is to enter this area until the airship reaches its destination," Kenda explained calmly.

"And if we fail?"

Kenda suddenly let out a cold laugh, "We drop the airship."

The atmosphere in the car froze instantly. Dropping the airship was akin to certain death.

Luo nodded in understanding, then turned his head to look out of the car window, silent.

Kenda, observing Luo's calm demeanor, slightly raised his eyelids. Despite the age difference, he was quite impressed with Luo.

Although it was their first collaboration with Meteor Street, Kenda had enough information to select potential talents from this group.

Luo was only a few years older than the lady. If his performance was exceptional... perhaps he could suggest to the master to include Luo as the lady's guard.

"Why am I considering this now? The test hasn't even started. Is it because this young man's calm has made me value him unconsciously?"

A flash of surprise in Kenda's eyes, he collected his thoughts and closed his eyes to rest.

Luo watched the barren land racing by outside the window.

He wasn't sure about the size of the airship or what a 300 square meter range meant on it. If enemies breached that boundary, they would have to face the consequence of dropping the airship.

This would likely make Kuli and the others more reckless.

Thinking of this, Luo sighed inwardly. He detested this mission, especially the employer he hadn't yet met. If it weren't for Machi and the others being used as bargaining chips...

Because they were not strong enough, they were at the mercy of others.

A couple of days ago, the Elder mentioned a mission involving a collectible.

Though it wasn't clear who would take the collectible after the mission, it was likely the employer.

That meant the employer probably liked collecting rare and exotic treasures. Almost everything at the Yorknew Auction was a rare treasure.

If he could get in touch with many potentially Nen-attached ancient artifacts through this employer, he wouldn't miss the chance to get stronger.

Everyone in the car had their thoughts, sinking into a wordless silence.

Time slowly passed, and four hours flew by in silence.

Around noon, they arrived at the airport.

After getting out of the car, Kenda immediately made a call to confirm some details, then led the way with Luo and the others following closely.

This was Luo's first time out of Meteor Street. The streets and buildings he saw along the way finally gave him a sense of returning to modern society, and arriving at the airport felt particularly welcoming.

Led by Kenda, they bypassed the boarding procedures and went directly through the boarding gate to the vast apron.

Several huge airships were quietly parked on the ground, with tourist buses shuttling passengers back and forth, taking them to the airships or the terminal.

According to Kenda's earlier description, these airships should be called airships.

Soon, with the help of the staff, they boarded the airship.

Once on board, Kenda seemed quite familiar with the layout of the airship, not needing to find his way, and headed in a specific direction.

"The master is waiting in the VIP room on the second floor. The airship's departure time is 2 PM, and boarding time is 1 PM. Before that, we are the only passengers on board."

Kenda led the way, explaining as they walked.

Luo and the others took this opportunity to observe the interior of the airship.

After a while, they arrived in front of an elevator, entered it, and faced the elevator doors.

"You are lucky to have the chance to have lunch with the master and the lady."

Such a high-sounding statement...

Luo couldn't help but smirk, not realizing Kenda meant it was luck, not an honor.

Kuli and the others were dazzled, imagining a wealthy-level lunch, undoubtedly upscale and delicious.


The elevator reached the second floor, and the doors opened. They stepped out.

Compared to the first floor, the decoration on the second floor was a notch higher, whether it was the carpet, the walls, or the lighting, all more luxurious.

Kenda led them along the outer corridor to a set of double wooden doors at the end.

"Just a reminder, try not to look too bad when eating."

Kenda stood in front of the door, not opening it immediately but turning back to look at everyone behind him.

They were slightly startled, not understanding the implication.

"This isn't an ordinary lunch you're about to experience. Every dish uses ingredients that can only be acquired by Gourmet Hunters, and each dish is worth millions of Jenni."

"The master's invitation to lunch signifies his high expectations of you. I hope in the next two days of the journey, no one ends up being thrown off the airship."

After Kenda finished speaking, he pushed open the double doors without even knocking.

Luo's interest was piqued, not just by Kenda's words but by the upcoming lunch.

Expensive ingredients only available to Gourmet Hunters...

As the door opened, the room was dazzlingly luxurious, resembling the presidential suite of a hotel.

Directly in front of the main door was a long dining table, covered with a pristine white tablecloth.

Exquisite silverware was placed according to the seating arrangement at the table, with two seats at the end occupied by a man and a woman, one adult and one child.

The man, nearing middle age, was slightly overweight with a slicked-back hairstyle, thick eyebrows, thin eyes, and his face bore seven or eight stark scars. He was puffing on a cigar.

His elbows rested on the table, hands clasped together, with four gemstone rings on his fingers sparkling attractively.

The woman, around ten years old, had long golden hair and skin as white and delicate as jade. Her features were petite and exquisite, making her look like a porcelain doll.

She rested one hand on her cheek, fiddling with the silver cutlery with the other, wearing a bored and uninterested expression.

Kenda led everyone into the room, and the two tall, black-clad individuals standing to each side of the open double doors closed them.

"Master, Miss."

Kenda placed his right hand over his left chest and bowed deeply to the two sitting at the end of the table.

The slicked-back man was Barney J. Geffel, a drug lord whose power and status were not as high as the Ten Dons but still ranked above thousands. The golden-haired girl was his daughter, Ally Geffel.

Barney nodded slightly to Kenda, then turned his attention to scrutinizing Luo and the others. Seeing Luo's age, he did not jump to conclusions.

He would not underestimate Luo due to his age, as Barney had seen his fair share of the world as a mafia boss.

After a moment, Barney said in a steady tone, "Welcome, please take a seat."

His welcome, compared to how he usually greeted others, was full of sincerity.

Entering such a luxurious room, Kuli and the others felt a slight restraint they had in the car resurface. Hearing Barney's words, they quickly took their seats at the long table.

Luo, however, was not in a rush. He discreetly surveyed the number of people in the room while gracefully taking a seat at the outermost position.

His demeanor, as if he was in a familiar place, contrasted sharply with Kuli and the others.

Barney, noticing this, was slightly surprised.

Allie, almost visibly bored to death, seemed intrigued by Luo's age and stopped playing with her cutlery to watch him with interest.

"Let's serve the food."

After everyone was seated, Barney didn't introduce himself or ask for introductions. Instead, he looked directly at Kenda, signaling him to arrange for the meal to be served.

Kenda nodded understandingly and bowed before leaving.


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