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Chapter 202

Ling Chunann waved the letter in his hand, "A letter left for me by Miss Lan Qing." Then, he casually changed the subject, ignoring the man's changing expressions, "What were you talking to my father about just now?"

"Just catching up on old times." Xiao Hongjing couldn't help but glance again at the envelope in Ling Chunann's hand, wanting to say something but then holding back.

"He refused?" Ling Chunann's eyes were full of mischief.

Xiao Hongjing: "......"

Although King Anjing usually lamented his son's failure to meet his expectations, he was actually very fond of him, to the point of spoiling him. Hence, it was impossible for him to agree to someone suddenly appearing and wanting to marry his son.

Seeing the man's rare embarrassed expression, Ling Chunann stood up, imitated his actions, and patted his head, seriously saying, "Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

Xiao Hongjing was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly pulled Ling Chunann into his arms, chuckling softly, "King Anjing said you should live with me from now on." As he spoke, he kissed Ling Chunann's face, "Baby, I love you."

Ling Chunann: "......"

098: "Pfft......"

Then it stifled its laughter.

After agreeing to pick him up in the afternoon, Xiao Hongjing didn't stay long at King Anjing's mansion and left. Ling Chunann was then called back to the study by King Anjing.

When Ling Chunann arrived, King Anjing was staring blankly at a painting spread out on the desk. Ling Chunann stood for a while, then said, "Father, you wanted to see me?"

"Come here." King Anjing pointed to the chair in front of him, "Sit."

Ling Chunann obediently sat down.

After a long silence, King Anjing slowly began to speak.

"Although the Ninth Prince is not of royal blood, if it weren't for his illness holding him back, he would have been the most likely candidate for the throne. His virtues are unmatched by any descendant of the royal family."

"One could say that if not for the Ninth Prince, the prosperous world we live in today would not be possible."

He paused, then looked at Ling Chunann, "Now that he has recovered and holds you in high regard, I am very pleased. If you can stay by his side, you will surely achieve great things, but remember to be cautious and discreet."

Ling Chunann: "I didn't expect King Anjing to be his die-hard fan."

098: "And deeply poisoned at that."

After listening to nearly an hour of King Anjing's indoctrination, Ling Chunann finally found an opportunity to leave the study and then returned to his residence, only to find several maids packing luggage, "What's happening?"

Xuemei: "Young Master, this is by the Lord's command. He said you would be away for a long time, so we were to pack your things."

Xuezhu pointed to several large trunks, "Young Master, these trunks are filled with new clothes we've made for you over the past few days."

Xuelan brought over two large food boxes, "Young Master, these are snacks we've prepared for you."

The last time Ling Chunann left for two months, it was so quiet that all the servants wished they could celebrate with drums and gongs upon discovering his absence. Yet today, countless people suddenly appeared to bid farewell to Ling Chunann, each showing reluctance to part.

When Xiao Hongjing came to pick up Ling Chunann in the afternoon, Ling Chunann had just finished receiving the last gift from a servant.

Seeing the room full of items, Ling Chunann said to Xiao Hongjing, "Look what you've done."

Xiao Hongjing showed a pleasing smile, "Sorry, baby, I was too anxious. Now, let's go home with me, and I'll help you move your stuff."

Soon, Xiao Hongjing's people arrived and quickly cleared out all of Ling Chunann's belongings from the courtyard and house.

As they left the mansion, almost all the servants came to see him off, their exaggerated farewell as if he was leaving for thousands of miles, not just moving next door. Perhaps because he had spoken enough in the afternoon, King Anjing didn't come to see him off.

Then, Ling Chunann settled down at Xiao Hongjing's place.

The letter from Lan Qing didn't contain anything strange, just expressing gratitude for Ling Chunann redeeming her freedom and leaving a hairpin because it was the only valuable item she had.

Nevertheless, Xiao Hongjing still stared meaningfully at the letter for a long time.

For a long while after that, Ling Chunann didn't involve himself with the female lead's matters, nor did he express a desire to go out. He spent his days with Xiao Hongjing, learning martial arts from him, and when he had time, he researched the culture and background of this ancient world to expand his knowledge.

Despite being past the ideal age for martial arts training, Ling Chunann, with the energy inherent in his soul that could improve his physical body, and under the guidance of Xiao Hongjing, an expert in internal energy, made progress much faster than many naturally gifted children who were starting martial arts for the first time. This surprised everyone, including Ying Jiu, who initially thought Ling Chunann would never be able to cultivate internal energy.

After half a year, while Ling Chunann could not yet be considered a martial arts master, he had become proficient enough to be ranked as a third-rate expert, especially in the art of lightness, where even Ying Jiu could not catch up with him. However, he still had a long way to go compared to Xiao Hongjing.

"Host, today is the day the female lead comes of age. Aren't you going to check it out?" 098, which always kept track of the plot timeline, reminded him.

According to the original story, today was the day the brothel Bai Xiang Lou auctioned off the female lead's first night. That evening, the son of the martial world's leader, Bai Han Tian, redeemed her with thirty thousand taels of gold, starting her journey in the martial world.

Furthermore, it was precisely because Bai Han Tian and An Zhi Qi drove up the price that it reached such an astronomical sum. It was also because of this thirty thousand taels of gold that he and Bai Han Tian became mortal enemies, with Bai Han Tian being expelled from his family by the martial world leader.

"Of course, I'm going." Such an important moment, how could he not be there? Ling Chunann said as he sat up, "098, where's Xiao Hongjing?"

"Replying to the host, a person came to the mansion just now, seemingly from the palace, and they are currently discussing matters in the study," 098 answered.

Not long after, Xiao Hongjing returned, "Baby, you're awake? Why don't you sleep a bit longer?"

"I can't sleep anymore." Ling Chunann answered, "Where did you go?"

Xiao Hongjing found a set of clothes for Ling Chunann and helped him dress while answering, "Someone from the palace came just now to talk. I might have to visit the palace later. Do you want to come and see?"

"Let's skip it today." Ling Chunann shook his head, "I want to go out and have some fun."

"Alright, I'll have Ying Jiu follow you," Xiao Hongjing fastened the buttons, "Are you hungry, baby?"

"Host, it seems like the lord's influence is quite significant. Given his past potential to seize the throne, wouldn't the current emperor see him as a threat?" 098 was a bit worried after Xiao Hongjing left for the palace.

Previously, when Xiao Hongjing appeared frail as if he wouldn't live much longer, it was normal for the emperor not to fear him. But now that he had recovered, wasn't there a saying about the unpredictability of a ruler's heart? Humans are truly frightening.

"It's fine." Ling Chunann was not as worried, "In this half year, how many times have people from the palace come and gone? And hasn't he been alright each time?"

098: "......That's also true."

Xiao Hongjing hadn't been gone long when Ling Chunann, avoiding the shadows following him, silently scaled the back courtyard wall, making his escape. Thus, when Ying Jiu, sent by Ling Chunann to brew tea, returned with the teapot, he found an empty room.

"Ying Jiu, it's bad, the young master is gone." At that moment, Ying Wu and Ying Liu, who had been following Ling Chunann, appeared.

Ying Jiu: "Weren't you guys always with the young master? How did you lose him?"

Ying Wu and Ying Liu: "We don't know, the young master disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Ying Jiu: "You guys... Never mind, hurry up and search. We must find the young master before the lord returns, or else we won't be able to explain ourselves if anything happens to him."

Because it was the courtesan's coming-of-age night, Bai Xiang Lou was bustling with guests, mostly famous playboys from the imperial city.

Madam Wang stood at the door, waving her handkerchief to welcome the guests, her eyes crinkling into several lines with her smile.

Seeing Ling Chunann, the enthusiastic madam's eyes lit up, her voice stretching thin and melodious, enough to make one shiver, "Oh my, if it isn't Young Master An, it's been so long since you've visited our Bai Xiang Lou. Madam Wang thought you had forgotten about our girls."

Ling Chunann subtly stepped aside to avoid Madam Wang's overpoweringly scented handkerchief, tossing a silver ingot her way, "I heard Miss Lan You is coming of age today. How could I miss such a significant occasion? Reserve a private room for me."

"Of course, of course, Young Master An deserves nothing but the best room." Madam Wang quickly pocketed the silver ingot, her eyes gleaming, "Xiao Tao, come here, take Young Master An to the Tianzi Hall on the second floor."

098 had been puzzled why the host insisted on reapplying his old scars before coming here, but now, seeing the reactions of everyone in the place, whether they were dissolute youths, commoners, or scholarly gentlemen, all giving Ling Chunann a wide berth, it suddenly understood.

Despite Ling Chunann's current appearance being far more attractive than before, it was his old face that was well-known. Now, with his overly stunning appearance, his intimidating aura was gone. To claim he was the notorious Young Master An of the imperial city, who would believe it?

"Would Young Master An like me to call some girls to accompany you in drinking?" Xiao Tao poured wine for Ling Chunann, her smile inviting.

"No need, I'm here today for Miss Lan You. Other people would only spoil my mood." Ling Chunann's voice carried a hint of disgust, "Alright, you can go now."

"Yes, I shall take my leave then." Xiao Tao curtsied and then closed the door of the private room behind her.

"Host, your shadow guard has followed up here," 098 reported at this moment.

"Hmm, got it." Ling Chunann acknowledged, impressed by their efficiency which was higher than he had expected.

With Ling Chunann's current martial arts abilities, he naturally couldn't sense the presence of the highly skilled shadow guards, but the energy within him allowed him to notice many things, like the several people hiding in the corner now.

However, since they didn't come out, Ling Chunann didn't bother with them and pushed away the wine in front of him, which seemed to have some unknown substances mixed in, and looked downstairs.

The stage, usually bustling with singing and dancing, was now surrounded by layers of white gauze. Ling Chunann's position was centrally located, offering the best view, yet the center was obscured, barely revealing a silhouette seated at a guqin, which was naturally the female lead.

"Host, to your left is Bai Han Tian, and to your right is the son of Minister Yang, Yang Shi Ling," 098 reported. Both men had significant roles in the original story and were potential male leads.


After about a quarter of an hour and several gong sounds, the guests quieted down, their eyes focused on the center stage.

The melody of the guqin began to play, followed by a young girl's clear, melodious voice tinged with a touch of sorrow.

"When will the moon be clear and bright?

With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.

In the heavens on this night,

I wonder what year it is.

I'd like to ride the wind back home.

Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions,

Are much too high and cold for me.

Dancing with my moonlit shadow,

It does not seem like the human world.

The moon rounds the red mansion,

Stoops to silk-pad doors,

Shines upon the sleepless,

Bearing no grudge,

Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?

People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart,

The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane,

This has been going on since the beginning of time.

May we all be blessed with longevity,

Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together."

As the song ended, applause thundered through the hall, filled with praises.

Yang Shi Ling couldn't help but stand up, lifting the window screen, "Excellent! 'May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.' Such melodious rhythm, indeed lingering for three days long. Miss Lan You is truly as talented as the rumors say. I am impressed!"

Yang Shi Ling was handsome and bore the grace of a young noble, immediately endearing him to those who saw him.

Although the audience couldn't see Lan You's face, she could see all the guests through the white gauze. Yang Shi Ling was a familiar face and one of her patrons. She had a favorable impression of him, and remembering his previous promises, she blushed slightly, "I have merely shown a little of my humble skills."

Ling Chunann, who had been watching the performance, commented after the song ended, "Her singing skills are mediocre at best, akin to an amateur. The tune was too monotonous, and the deliberate extension of the final notes was unnecessary, making it seem pretentious. The performance doesn't pass in my book."

098: "…Host, you're not a musician, are you?"

"I've said before, hadn't I? If I weren't an actor, I might have been a musician," Ling Chunann replied.

At this moment, 098 thought about Ling Chunann's fate, "Perhaps becoming a doctor might suit you better." But it didn't dare say it out loud.

Despite his critique, Ling Chunann was the first to bid as soon as Madam Wang announced the start of the auction, "I bid eight thousand taels of gold to redeem her."

This was an increase of eight hundred times the starting price, immediately damping the spirits of other potential bidders who began whispering among themselves.

"Isn't the auction supposed to offer a night with Miss Lan You? Why has it turned into redeeming her?"

"Do you not know who Young Master An is? What he decides to do is beyond our control. Besides, with such a high bid, it's enough for Lan You to live comfortably until she's thirty. A deflowered girl isn't worth this much."

As expected, Madam Wang's face split into a broad grin at the price, "Young Master An offers eight thousand taels of gold for Miss Lan You's redemption. Does anyone bid higher?"

At that moment, Yang Shi Ling from next to Ling Chunann spoke up, "Nine thousand taels."

Ling Chunann countered, "Ten thousand."

Yang Shi Ling raised the bid, "Eleven thousand taels of gold."

Ling Chunann didn't hesitate, "Fifteen thousand."

Yang Shi Ling attempted to bid again, "Fifteen thou—"

He was stopped by his personal bodyguard, "Young master, the family does not have that much money. Please, do not act rashly. Moreover, we cannot outbid Young Master An."

The room fell silent, Madam Wang, though slightly disappointed no higher bids were made, announced, "Then, Miss Lan You will be—"

"One more bid." Bai Han Tian, previously quiet, now spoke up. His voice was cold, carrying the authority of a higher-up.

Ling Chunann, determined not to back down, "Twenty thousand."

Bai Han Tian: "Twenty-one thousand."

Ling Chunann: "Twenty-five thousand."

Bai Han Tian: "Twenty-six thousand."

Ling Chunann: "Thirty thousand."

098 was alarmed, "Host! You're going beyond the original highest bid already!" In the original story, Bai Han Tian was nearly bankrupted by the three thousand taels of gold bid. Now, Ling Chunann had escalated to thirty thousand. What if Bai Han Tian didn't counterbid? If Ling Chunann ended up taking the girl home, Xiao Hongjing would be livid.

"Don't worry, he will bid," Ling Chunann confidently assured.

As expected, after a few seconds, Bai Han Tian's voice rang out again, "Thirty-one thousand."

Ling Chunann then backed down, "Fine, fine. It's just a girl who's moderately attractive. She's all yours."

Madam Wang's joy was palpable, her eyes nearly disappearing with her smile, "Miss Lan You, come with me to meet Young Master Bai."

As the auction concluded, 098 began, "Reverse charm value increased by 10%, now at 20%. Please continue your efforts, host..." But it stopped mid-sentence upon seeing who entered the room.

Xiao Hongjing approached Ling Chunann with a smile that 098 found ominously threatening, "Baby, why didn't you tell me you were coming here?"


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