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Chapter 201

This time, the two did not go all the way, stopping just short of it. Nevertheless, Ling Chunann found himself unable to rise the next day, sleeping late into the morning after being coaxed into taking his medicine by Xiao Hongjing. Of course, Xiao Hongjing stayed by his side, unwilling to let go, and unable to bear pushing Ling Chunann away, ending up sleeping with him.

Initially, Xiao Hongjing thought Ling Chunann's sleepiness was due to weakness and the medicine, but when it persisted for days, he became concerned. Though Ling Chunann's pulse showed no abnormalities and seemed better than at their first meeting, it wasn't the reaction he should be having. Instead, it was Xiao Hongjing himself who felt a change; the almost completely blocked meridians in his body began to loosen, and the toxins inside him steadily decreased.

Despite not feeling anything from Ling Chunann, Xiao Hongjing was convinced it was Ling Chunann's doing. He mentioned it to Ling Chunann, who feigned ignorance, leaving Xiao Hongjing no choice but to let it be, relieved that Ling Chunann's condition was improving.

Two months later, under Xiao Hongjing's care, the residual poison in Ling Chunann's body was completely cleared, and the particularly horrific mark on his face faded completely. As he had predicted, his face, perfect in every feature, was unmatched in beauty, much to Ling Chunann's dissatisfaction.

Hidden by scars before, now a bright red beauty mark adorned his brow. If not for his masculine brow, ninety-nine out of a hundred people might mistake him for cross-dressing. Xiao Hongjing, of course, was the exception.

"Are you not happy, my treasure?" Seeing Ling Chunann silent, Xiao Hongjing asked.

Having adjusted his mood, Ling Chunann looked in the mirror again, a sly sparkle in his eye. Turning to Xiao Hongjing, he raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips, "Do I look good?"

Xiao Hongjing's eyes deepened, pulling Ling Chunann into his embrace, "You look beautiful, my treasure." Then, whispering into Ling Chunann's ear in a low voice that was too enticing, "My treasure, may I make a request?"

Caught off guard by the question, Ling Chunann instinctively asked, "What?"

A trace of amusement flashed in Xiao Hongjing's eyes, "From now on, don't smile like that at others, okay?"


It was only after agreeing that Ling Chunann realized, "You're cheating!"

"It was a promise made by you, my treasure," Xiao Hongjing said with a slight pout, "I've already taken note of it."


"I'm just joking," Xiao Hongjing said, gently stroking Ling Chunann's head, smoothing the hair on his forehead, "Smile however you wish, my treasure."

Ling Chunann lifted his head, no trace of anger from being tricked. He laughed, "Do you think I'm so easily fooled?"

Xiao Hongjing: "..."

Observing their interaction, 098 couldn't help feeling envious.

Throughout many worlds, Ling Chunann had always been popular. Despite Xiao Hongjing's jealousy and discomfort, he never truly forced Ling Chunann into anything, often providing more assistance than 098, the accompanying system.

Although Ling Chunann never admitted it and occasionally talked about finding new love, he never acted on it. 098 didn't understand his thoughts but was sure of his affection for Xiao Hongjing. Otherwise, how could he recognize him in any world, any appearance? 098, with its advanced soul-scanning system, couldn't do that without a deep, intrinsic understanding.

Ignoring 098's wild thoughts, Ling Chunann, draping himself over Xiao Hongjing, expressed a desire to visit his father.

These two months had seen great progress, with Xiao Hongjing now able to walk normally and regaining some health. "Going home?" Xiao Hongjing tensed at the thought but kept holding Ling Chunann comfortably.

"Yes, don't be so nervous. I'm not leaving for good," Ling Chunann reassured, "I haven't seen my father in two months."

Relieved, Xiao Hongjing proposed to accompany him home the next day. Initially hesitant due to his health, he couldn't resist getting closer as he recovered.

Chuckling at Xiao Hongjing's reluctance, Ling Chunann's plans to return home were delayed by a day.

Upon reaching the gate, Ling Chunann was stopped by his own guards. "Halt, who are you? What business do you have at the palace?"

"How is it? In just two months, you no longer recognize your young master? Seems you've grown too bold," Ling Chunann retorted, his tone lofty like a proud peacock.

The guards exchanged looks of disbelief. "Young... Master?"

"Not recognizing your own lord, it seems your time as guards has come to an end," came a voice from behind Ling Chunann, none other than Xiao Hongjing. Under his gaze, the guards felt a chill down their backs and quickly averted their eyes, opening the gate, "Please, Young Master."

Entering the front yard, Ling Chunann glanced back at Xiao Hongjing, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Hongjing feigned innocence, "I haven't stepped outside in years. Just taking a walk."

Ling Chunann responded, "Quite the coincidence, walking all the way to my home."

"Yes, quite the coincidence," Xiao Hongjing replied with a smile.

Seeing Ling Chunann silent, Xiao Hongjing wrapped his arms around him, "My treasure, actually, I came here for official business with King Anjing."

"What business?" Ling Chunann eyed Xiao Hongjing suspiciously, guessing his intentions, "You're not here to ask my father for my hand in marriage, are you?"

Xiao Hongjing earnestly replied, "We are practically married. It's only right that I take responsibility."

Perhaps due to the world's context and his background, Xiao Hongjing was much more assertive in other aspects, but all his dominance dissolved before Ling Chunann, now filled with nervous anticipation, "My treasure, would you agree to formally engage with me?"

Ling Chunann countered, "Why shouldn't you marry into my family instead?"

"I'm willing," Xiao Hongjing answered quickly, "If my treasure wishes, I'm ready to marry into your family anytime."

"Then discuss it with my father later," Ling Chunann said as they approached King Anjing's study. Turning to Xiao Hongjing, he added, "Wait outside for a bit; I'll see my father and call you in."

"Alright," Xiao Hongjing responded with a smile.

Ling Chunann knocked on the door.

"Come in," King Anjing's voice sounded.

King Anjing, a handsome and authoritative middle-aged man, was reviewing documents and didn't realize his son had entered. Ling Chunann was quite satisfied with his father's reaction and greeted him, "Father, I'm back."

"Back alrea—" King Anjing looked up, then abruptly stood, "Nan, Nan'er!"

Ling Chunann almost didn't see how his father moved but found himself almost embraced.

098 was stunned, noting King Anjing's unusual enthusiasm and knowledge of the host's name, "098, don't make a fuss; he's not calling for me."

Yet, before King Anjing could touch Ling Chunann, Xiao Hongjing pulled Ling Chunann back into his arms, sparing him from the awkward embrace.

After ensuring Ling Chunann was alright, Xiao Hongjing let him go, turning to the still-dazed King Anjing, "King Anjing, it's been a long time."

King Anjing snapped out of his stupor, seeing Xiao Hongjing and instinctively kneeling in reverence, "Nephew pays respects to the Ninth Prince."

"No need for formalities, King Anjing," Xiao Hongjing said, "Qi'er is now well, thanks to your concern."

King Anjing thanked Xiao Hongjing repeatedly, "The child must have troubled you these days."

The two seemed to enter a long catch-up, leaving Ling Chunann to quietly slip away after listening for a while.

"Host, is it alright to leave them?" 098 worried about potential conflict.

"It's fine; they won't fight," Ling Chunann assured, heading towards his quarters.

By then, news of Ling Chunann's return had spread throughout the palace. Although curious about his appearance, no servant dared to intrude, but those who "accidentally" passed by to pay respects were visibly flushed upon leaving.

Previously feared, Ling Chunann now received warm looks from everyone, a stark change in attitude. "098, remember, people in any world love beauty. Between an ugly and a handsome troublemaker, the handsome one is always preferred," Ling Chunann remarked nonchalantly.

"Host is right!" 098 agreed enthusiastically.

Taking advantage of the sunny day, several maids brought out clothes and quilts to air, chatting among themselves until one, Snow Plum, paused, "Young... Master?"

Ling Chunann nodded, instructing them to also air out the books from his study. After sending Snow Plum with him, the remaining maids finally processed the encounter.

"Was that the Young Master?" Snow Orchid wondered aloud.

Hearing the tales of Ling Chunann's recovery and the miraculous doctor who cured him, they speculated on the identity of this physician, noting the unusual flush on Snow Bamboo's face.

Snow Bamboo admitted, "I just think the Young Master... is very handsome."

"That's obvious," Snow Orchid laughed, recalling a painting of a beautiful person in the King's study, identical to Ling Chunann, which sparked a discussion about the possible identity of the person in the painting.

Meanwhile, Ling Chunann, leading Snow Plum inside, assured her not to be so formal with him. Despite only being apart for two months, Snow Plum seemed uneasy, complimenting Ling Chunann's improved appearance, which he playfully rebuffed by questioning if she thought him ugly before.

Snow Plum quickly denied any offense, fearing she had spoken out of turn. Ling Chunann, however, reassured her, indicating he was only teasing and had a question for her.

"Young Master, please ask," she said.

"Did Miss Lan Qing leave any message for me before she left?" Ling Chunann inquired. Lan Qing had departed the Anjing Palace on the third day after Ling Chunann arrived at Xiao Hongjing's residence. At the time, Ling Chunann was preoccupied with recovery, and since Lan Qing wasn't a main character, 098 couldn't monitor her departure, prompting Ling Chunann to seek information from Snow Plum.

"Why didn't you ask Snow Bamboo? She has always taken care of the lady's younger sister," 098 interjected.

Snow Plum then replied, "Yes, Young Master. Miss Lan Qing did leave a message of thanks for you and left two items. I've kept them in your room. I'll fetch them now."

Lan Qing's departure left behind a letter and a jade hairpin for Ling Chunann. He examined the hairpin and was about to open the letter when Xiao Hongjing entered, "My treasure, what are you looking at?"


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