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Chapter 47: Effects

Nobunaga's Nen ability level is inferior to Uvogin's; both are Enhancers, but Uvogin chose to enhance himself, while Nobunaga opted to enhance his weapon.

Luo did not use Ken again. This wasn't underestimating Nobunaga, but rather, because the potential aura inside him was limited. Using Ken would not last long.

Having just fought with Uvogin, Luo's internal aura was significantly depleted. Facing Nobunaga now, if he were to use Ken again, it likely wouldn't last before he'd run out of aura.

Potential aura refers to the stored quantity of aura within the body, which can only be increased through training. This isn't something that can be compensated for with technique alone.

Luo and Uvogin had only recently stepped into the threshold of using Ken, which at most could not be sustained for more than five minutes.

Luo and Nobunaga stood opposed, a hundred meters apart.

Seeing Luo only using Ten, without even resorting to Ren, Nobunaga didn't feel looked down upon. After all, Luo had just finished a battle with Uvogin.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest for a bit?"

Nobunaga's aura swirled around him, his sword held horizontally in front, its blade shimmering lightly.

He infused a small amount of aura into the wooden sword, thereby increasing its strength and sharpness. Though enhancing the wooden sword with aura, it ultimately did not change the nature of the wooden sword.

"No need, let's start," Luo directly urged Nobunaga to make his move.

Nobunaga nodded without delay, his foot stomping the ground, quickly advancing towards Luo.

A hundred meters was not a long distance; Nobunaga quickly closed it, while Luo stood still, intensely focusing on Nobunaga's movements.

Seeing Luo unmoving, Nobunaga's expression turned solemn. As he entered his attack range, he slashed diagonally towards Luo's right arm.

The wooden sword, wrapped in aura, cut through the air, tracing a beautiful arc mid-flight.

Luo took a small step back, narrowly avoiding the slash.

Nobunaga, seizing the advantage, stepped forward. As he did, he retracted the sword to his left side, skillfully flipping his wrist, aiming the tip of his sword at Luo's chin in an upward strike.

Luo's pupils contracted, his head sharply tilting back, narrowly avoiding the slash to his chin.

"Nobunaga's Nen ability may not be as skilled as Uvogin's, but with the wooden sword, he can create an even more fierce offensive. That's the advantage of weapons!"

Luo quickly retreated, with Nobunaga in hot pursuit, his wooden sword slashing and chopping continuously at Luo, forcing him to dodge and retreat, showing signs of being gradually overpowered.

"Won't you fight back?"

Nobunaga's eyes were fixed on Luo's movements, puzzled but without any intention of stopping. By continuously forcing Luo to retreat, he believed he could eventually find an opportunity. Just one hit would give him the advantage.

From the looks of it, Luo was being forced to retreat by Nobunaga's swordplay, seemingly without a chance to counterattack, only managing to dodge.

In reality, Luo deliberately chose not to counterattack. Seeing Nobunaga's fierce attacks, he treated Nobunaga like a pitcher in dodgeball, using this as an opportunity to train his dodging skills.

Uvogin and Machi, watching the scene, were quite surprised, thinking to themselves that Nobunaga was so strong as to make Luo unable to counterattack, only able to be pressed into defense.

Nobunaga initially found it strange that Luo didn't counterattack. As time passed by, he started to believe Luo was overwhelmed by his offensive, boosting his confidence immensely.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

Nobunaga's confidence grew as he fought, his swings becoming gradually faster, putting Luo under pressure. Each dodge became perilously close.

This situation, should Luo make a small mistake while retreating, could lead to his downfall.

It was as if he was walking on a high wire, needing to carefully respond to each attack, where a single misstep meant failure.

Despite this, Luo persisted in not counterattacking, slowly covering his body with his aura, solely focusing on dodging Nobunaga's slashes.

He wasn't looking for victory in this training battle, but rather what he could gain from it.

Compared to Uvogin's straightforward punches, he preferred Nobunaga's all-out, storm-like assaults.

As he moved back, dodging left and right, the aura-wrapped wooden sword carried the momentum of the wind, narrowly grazing his head, neck, chest, and arms, as if dancing on the blade's edge.

"Faster, even faster!"

Luo's gaze became increasingly focused, a flicker of excitement occasionally visible in the depths of his eyes. He was enjoying it... even lamenting that Nobunaga's weapon was merely a wooden sword, unable to impose a stronger sense of pressure.

As time gradually passed, Nobunaga began to feel the strain on his stamina and started to sense something was amiss.

Just like Uvogin earlier, a doubt began to form in his mind: why couldn't he land a single strike?

The confidence he had built up was now a shaky bubble, dangerously close to bursting.

"Luo, this guy... could it be?"

In the midst of swinging his sword, Nobunaga glanced at Luo and noticed him smiling, which infuriated him instantly.

At least take one hit!

With a mindset focused on making targeted attacks, Nobunaga threw caution to the wind, slashing at Luo without holding back, every strike devoid of any reserve.

This significant change brightened Luo's eyes.

At that moment, Luo was like an unshakeable player on a dodgeball field, evading balls thrown from every direction by outfield players. Each dodge brought him a sense of satisfaction.

This was the joy of playing dodgeball.

After avoiding countless strikes from Nobunaga, Luo had gradually gotten used to Nobunaga's offensive rhythm, making his dodging movements smoother and more natural.

Only by frequently placing oneself in danger can one sharpen their sensitivity to danger.

Ten minutes later.

"I can't do this anymore."

Nobunaga threw his wooden sword aside and collapsed to the ground, his clothes soaked with sweat and his chest heaving as he breathed heavily.

In contrast, Luo, though also exhausted, was sweaty with slightly irregular breathing.

Uvogin and Machi, observing this, didn't know what to say.

From start to finish, it was Nobunaga who swung his sword, while Luo dodged.

Initially, they thought Nobunaga had the upper hand, surprised by his strength. Later, they realized Luo was intentionally not counterattacking, choosing to continuously dodge Nobunaga's attacks.

The entire process, from beginning to end, was somewhat awkward for Nobunaga, who hadn't landed a single hit on Luo, grinding for nearly twenty minutes until he was physically drained and collapsed.

"You're a freak, at least fight back!"

Nobunaga was almost driven mad. It would have been better if Luo had counterattacked at least once. Instead, Luo kept dodging, and not a single strike landed on him, a total humiliation.

Luo chuckled, feeling a great sense of achievement from this training battle. He earnestly said, "Let's continue tomorrow!"

Nobunaga's body trembled, despair welling up from within.

He must hit Luo tomorrow. If he continues to fail, he might as well give up using the sword.

He clenched his teeth in determination, thinking to himself.

Luo was unaware of Nobunaga's thoughts. If he knew, he might deliberately allow Nobunaga to land a hit, lest he lose a skilled swordsman among the Enhancers in the future.


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