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Chapter 46: An Easy Victory

The punch that was thrown caused quite a stir, its power not to be underestimated. However, since both fighters wrapped their fists with a sufficient amount of aura, the head-on collision did not result in any injuries to either party.

Uvogin, an Enhancer, wrapped his fist with aura and unleashed a punch of great power.

Despite having been exposed to Nen for only two months, his physical strength and talent allowed him to deliver a punch that even a Nen user skilled in the basic four techniques would not dare to face head-on easily.

Yet, Luo not only caught the punch but also managed to push Uvogin back several meters, a feat he could take pride in.

After getting up, Uvogin charged at Luo again with a stubbornness that would not let him turn back until he hit a wall, showing no signs of strategy.

The aura visibly floating around his body formed a fixed aura field, protecting Uvogin while also enhancing his attack power.

This time, Uvogin pushed off the ground and leaped into the air, increasing the power of his punch as he aimed it at Luo again.

At this moment, Uvogin only knew how to wrap his body in visible aura, not yet mastering the technique of concentrating most of his aura into his fist, meaning his punches were not as powerful as they could be.

Nevertheless, Uvogin's physical condition was strong enough that even a punch fueled by mere Ren could shatter stones.

"Can you catch this punch for me to see?"

With a spirit that refused to admit defeat, Uvogin's eyes widened with an imposing aura.


Luo sidestepped, avoiding the lunging punch from Uvogin.

With the punch missing its target, Uvogin could not stop his momentum and had to swing his fist down, striking the ground and causing a large cloud of dust to erupt.

"Why didn't you catch it?"

Uvogin quickly retracted his hand and stabilized his unsteady stance before turning back, but the spreading dust cloud obstructed his vision.

"If I can dodge it, why would I catch it?"

Luo's puzzled voice came from within the dust cloud, causing Uvogin to pause, realizing the logic in that. He had naively thought Luo would just take the punch head-on.

Then, Luo, moving through the dust cloud, aimed a punch at Uvogin. Alerted by the sound, Uvogin managed to cross his arms in front of him in time, blocking Luo's punch.

The force of the punch made Uvogin fly backward again, tumbling to the ground several times.

Luo withdrew his arm and calmly walked out of the dust cloud.

He had only used a fraction of his aura on his fist this time, around twenty percent of his visible aura, whereas he could concentrate up to fifty percent on his fist if needed. However, since it was not a fight to the death, there was no need to go to that extent.

Uvogin grimaced in pain as he got up from the ground, his left elbow slightly swollen.

He couldn't use Gyo to concentrate aura on specific defense points. Even if he had mastered it, he wouldn't be able to concentrate his aura to the right spot in time, a skill usually possessed by highly skilled Nen users.

"Be a man and take my punch!"

Uvogin, looking at Luo emerging from the dust, challenged him on the spot.

Nobunaga, watching from the sidelines, sighed helplessly, while Machi rolled her eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Luo charged towards Uvogin. Before making a move, Uvogin managed to throw another straight punch at Luo's face.

"Direct as always, that's very much in Uvogin's style."

Facing the straight punch, Luo inwardly smiled wryly, shifted his upper body to the right to dodge the punch, and then stepped forward, closing the distance. He then elbowed Uvogin in the abdomen.


With a muffled sound, Uvogin spat out a small amount of blood and was sent flying again.

Luo did not pursue further. What he wanted was not a swift victory but to gain experience in close combat.

"Damn it!"

Uvogin, lying on the ground, not willing to accept defeat easily, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and charged at Luo like a bull.

Luo stood in place, waiting for Uvogin to close the distance. When Uvogin threw another punch, Luo dodged in time and delivered another close-range elbow strike, knocking Uvogin to the ground.

"Is it because I'm too slow?"

After being knocked down several times, Uvogin got up, filled with unwillingness. Aside from the first punch that Luo had taken deliberately, all his other punches missed their target.

Seeing Uvogin rise again, Luo felt a bit disappointed but didn't show it on his face.

He had thought Uvogin's fighting experience was rich, but to his surprise, Uvogin's approach in combat was straightforward, charging head-on without any feints, making him too easy to dodge. This did little to contribute to Luo's accumulation of combat experience.

"Let's end it with the next punch. There's still plenty of time, let's give Uvogin some more room to grow," Luo thought to himself silently.

Then, Uvogin moved again, clearly unwilling to give up.

"Another straight punch?"

Observing Uvogin's charging stance, Luo remained calm.

When the distance between them narrowed to just five meters, Uvogin suddenly punched the ground, causing an explosion of sand and dust that quickly enveloped him within a dense dust cloud, soon enveloping Luo as well.

The speed at which the dust cloud spread was incredibly fast, obscuring visibility all around.

Luo smiled slightly, finally sensing some variation from Uvogin instead of the straightforward punches.

But... the aura emitted by Uvogin was as conspicuous as a light bulb in the dark.

Suddenly, the dust cloud to Luo's left front started swirling rapidly, a clear sign of Uvogin launching a surprise attack from that direction.

Luo, having already pinpointed Uvogin's location, took the initiative. Before Uvogin's fist could reach him, Luo kicked Uvogin in the abdomen, sending him flying out of the dust cloud.

Uvogin's body soared through the air and, after clearing the dust cloud, heavily fell to the ground, lying in a "big" character shape.

This time, he didn't immediately get up but instead lay there staring at the sky, contemplating why he couldn't land a hit.

"After all, it's only been two months since he was exposed to Nen abilities. Maybe my expectations were too high."

Luo walked out of the dust cloud, seeing that Uvogin hadn't gotten up right away. He then deactivated his Ken, returning to the normal state of Ten.

Ken is a technique that combines Ten and Ren, wrapping the body with the maximum amount of visible aura one can emit. It's very draining on stamina, so it's not maintained when unnecessary.

Luo won the sparring match easily but didn't feel any pride in the victory, considering it more a matter of Uvogin's brief exposure to Nen abilities. However, he didn't realize that his own Nen training had been for less than three months.

Uvogin, enduring the pain, sat up but couldn't maintain the state of Ken, let alone continue fighting. He waved his hand towards Luo, signaling his surrender.

Luo nodded and asked, "Are you badly hurt? Can you continue tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, we continue!" Uvogin grunted, avoiding any mention of his injuries.


Luo responded, then turned to Nobunaga, who had been watching, and said, "Your turn."

Nobunaga clenched his wooden sword, his expression serious as he walked up to Luo.

This time, it was Uvogin and Machi's turn to watch.


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