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Chapter 42: Moving Forward

On the main street, Luo, with a backpack slung over one shoulder, hurried toward the direction of the church.

"Running into Hisoka yesterday, just one glance and I got his attention. What a freak!"

Thinking back to the close encounter with Hisoka in the house made Luo shiver uncontrollably. Although Hisoka didn't exude any murderous intent, being completely subdued by him would surely lead to no good.

Knowing Hisoka's Nen abilities allowed Luo to kick him away so effortlessly, but it was uncertain to what extent Hisoka had mastered his Nen abilities.

What's more concerning now... is whether that kick might have angered him. If that made the freak fixate on him, it would be troublesome.

At this thought, several lines of frustration appeared on Luo's forehead, as the image of Hisoka, with his demonic grin, automatically surfaced in his mind.

Unfortunately having provoked Hisoka, and with the Southernpiece Auction happening in September, mastering the use of Nen abilities as soon as possible was crucial to avoid danger.

"I need to become stronger quickly. With this money, I won't have to worry about living expenses for a while and can dedicate my time to training."

Shaking his head, Luo dismissed the image of Hisoka from his mind, adjusted his backpack, and quickened his pace.

Soon, Luo arrived back at the church and went straight to the room where Uvogin and the others were staying.

Nobunaga was still sleeping soundly, Uvogin lay on the bed apparently trying to control the flow of his Nen, while Machi had her eyes closed, furrowing her brows, lost in thought.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Uvogin and Machi looked towards Luo at the entrance.

Facing their gazes, Luo quickly walked to the table and set his backpack down on it.

"What's this?" Machi, sitting by the table, eyed the backpack curiously.

With a grin, Luo unzipped the backpack and spilled out a stack of money onto the table.

"Now you guys don't have to worry."

Machi and Uvogin stared blankly at the bundles of money on the table, not immediately reacting.

After a moment, Machi regained her composure, her eyes wide with surprise, "Where did this money come from?"

"I raided Cook's den." Luo smoothed out the piled-up money, arranging it in neat rows, making it easier to count.

Machi twitched, then seriously said, "My opinion of you has changed."

"Ha, you're really something! Good job on the raid! Cough cough..."

Uvogin laughed heartily, which pulled at his chest wound, causing him to cough a few times.

"With this money, you can recover in peace."

Luo smiled. There were a total of forty-six bundles of money, each note worth a thousand Jenny, with each bundle containing a hundred thousand Jenny, totaling four million six hundred thousand Jenny. It should last for quite some time.

Machi placed her hand on the money. Although it was her first time seeing so much money, she wasn't overly excited, just relieved that their troubles were resolved.

"Thank you, Luo."

Machi suddenly thanked Luo. Without him, she really didn't know what they would have done.

Injuries were a deadly factor affecting survival in Meteor City. Most people, when severely injured, would usually give up struggling.

Luo silently looked at Machi's sincere face, smiled after a moment, and said, "I should be the one thanking you."

If it weren't for Machi taking him in, providing food and shelter, and teaching him the common language, he wouldn't know what his situation would be like now.

If he had met someone other than Machi, probably others would just stand by and watch.

He really had to thank Machi's 'intuition'...

Machi pulled out a bundle of money, waved it at Luo, and said, "We're even on living expenses now."

In her heart, she silently thought: I'll owe you a favor for now.

"Even with three times the interest, three bowls of rice soup a day, and not even a dish of pickles, isn't a hundred thousand Jenny a bit too much?" Luo, touching his chin, seriously pondered.

Machi glared at him with a deadpan expression, childishly pulling out another bundle of money as a show of force.

Luo chuckled, he was just joking.

Money, everyone likes it, but it's not omnipotent. For instance, it couldn't change the solitary situation he found himself in the past.

Reflecting on the past, Luo fell into silence.

It wasn't always like this.

Initially, there were many like-minded companions, moving forward for the same interests.

However, as they visited more places, especially the dangerous ones, the number of people by his side began to dwindle.

Until... someone completely 'fell behind' during a mountain climb.

Naively thinking that money could soothe the grief of that family, he was repeatedly turned away from their door, not even allowed to attend the funeral.

After that incident, when he came to his senses, he found himself utterly alone, with no one left by his side.

Thus, in the end, he had no choice but to proceed alone.

Yet, the power of one is ultimately limited. Fortunately, fate was kind, and in that accident, not only was his life spared, but he was also given a new opportunity.

"Luo, what's wrong?"

Machi's voice broke the silence, prompting Luo to look up and shake his head slightly, "It's nothing."

Machi pressed her lips together. During Luo's moment of silence, she saw a loneliness on his face that didn't match his age.

"Now that we have money, let's get something to eat from the church?" suggested Uvogin, ever so carefree, knowing he wouldn't hesitate to use the money since he would remember this favor.

Hearing Uvogin's suggestion, both Luo and Machi actually felt their stomachs growl.

"If it's the church's food, then forget about it." Luo remembered yesterday's meals, which were of the highest standard...

"Besides the church, where else can we get food?" Uvogin wondered.

"Me." Luo pointed at himself, smiling.


After a moment of thought, Uvogin turned to Machi and said seriously, "I think the church's food is more reliable."

"I second that." Machi nodded.

"You two just wait," Luo's mouth twitched slightly, warning, "Don't blame me if you end up swallowing your chopsticks later."

"Hm? Is it time to eat?"

Nobunaga, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly sat up, his eyelids heavy, looking drowsy.

Uvogin glanced at Nobunaga and said, "It's about time."

"Then I'll wait to continue sleeping after eating." Nobunaga yawned, looking much better compared to his miserable state a few days ago. Could sleep actually help with recovery?

Luo scratched his head, not wanting to bother with them, and pocketed a bundle of money before leaving the room.

He didn't want to make a special trip to an unfamiliar market, so he decided to just use the church's kitchen and ingredients to whip up a few dishes.

As for whether the church would agree, with that bundle of money in his pocket, it shouldn't be difficult.

After Luo left the room, Uvogin looked at Machi with concern, "Can we really eat what Luo makes?"

Machi gave him a smack on the back of his head, saying indifferently, "Don't know."

Nobunaga, just waking up, looked confusedly at the two, unaware of the situation but knowing there would be food soon.


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