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Chapter 483: The War Plan of the Apocalypse Empire?

Harof's words stirred a flurry of discussion among those present, as they speculated about the current situation of the Holy City.

Ever since the wizards took over the kingdom, the council had not stopped planting spies within the empire.

Thanks to the powerful disguising abilities of the Shape-shifting School of wizards, even though the church’s priests and bishops were constantly hunting spellcasters, they managed to establish a firm footing in various key cities, bringing in many critical pieces of intelligence.

But the Holy City was an exception! It was protected by powerful divine magic, capable not only of detecting magical reactions but also accessible only to the followers of that false god, making its defenses highly secure.

It must be said, in this regard, the church had quite an advantage over them, or rather, it was easier for the opposition to detect.

According to Lynn's speculation, the so-called divine magic energy should be a type of special magic, marked with the false god's imprint. As for the evaluation of faith, he hadn't fully understood it, but if it was similar to the magical network, detecting it wouldn't be difficult, such as his ability to easily sense which wizard had a mental connection with the magical network.

However, for the council to capture the church’s spies was not so easy. The people entering and leaving the City of Fire Oil were a mixed bunch, including traders from the empire, refugees fleeing from the empire, convoys transporting raw minerals daily, and wizards who had recently joined the council. It was impossible to search the memories of every individual.

Moreover, the magical frequencies of the wizards varied greatly, so they had no choice but to set up magical barriers in the City of Fire Oil to detect divine magic.

"It seems the church wants to avoid a long-range nuclear strike with this," Victorio pondered. From the descriptions of several pilots, the outskirts of the Holy City were protected by a special field of divine magic.

This prevented them from using electromagnetic projection technology to deliver Lynn's developed magic, Skyfall, directly into the core of the Holy City, destroying the entire city.

"Can your 'Atomic Breath' break through the defenses of the Holy City?" Aurora, still pale, couldn't help but ask.

In terms of destructive range, 'Atomic Breath' was not even one percent as powerful as Skyfall, but its power was more concentrated.

They had proven several times in confrontations with Aila's incarnation that as long as they released enough powerful energy, they could break through the divine projection of the godly realm.

"Whether it's possible or not, we'll only know after we try," Lynn did not make any bold claims, nor did he blindly believe that the power of nuclear explosions could destroy everything.

If it were the divine magic of a saint or a high-ranking church official, breaking through should be no problem, but if it were Aila herself casting the spell, the outcome was uncertain.

"No matter what, the church is afraid of our power!" Harof suddenly said with a laugh, lifting the spirits within the council. In the past, it was always the church organizing expeditions to attack the magical kingdom. Although they had achieved great victories with new weapons developed by Lynn, the Star of Magic, and even organized counterattacks deep into the empire, capturing the City of Fire Oil, they could not cover up the fact that the council had always been on the defensive.

Now, however, things were different. Reports from pilots and spies from various places showed that the empire had begun to consolidate its forces, and the church's core strength was hiding inside the shell of the Holy City, which clearly indicated their fear!

The roles of attack and defense were reversing today!

"Since that place is protected by the false god, we might as well start with the empire's other major cities first, to disintegrate the church's faith!" Alade took the initiative to propose, quickly gaining the approval of many council members.

Some radical wizards even suggested using large-scale nuclear magic to cleanse the empire's major cities in retaliation for their attacks on the City of Fire Oil.

"Do you know how many people live under the church's rule? The empire has a total of thirty ducal territories, over eighty count territories, and more than a hundred cities with populations exceeding ten thousand, not to mention countless villages and towns. To blood-wash the entire empire with just the council's power is simply impossible," Lynn directly rejected the proposal for a nuclear strike against the empire.

This was somewhat unrealistic. In the past few months, they had only accumulated about two hundred kilograms of uranium-235, which translated into the capability for thirteen critical mass nuclear explosions using their aircraft.

As for tritium and deuterium, which were needed as energy sources for ascending to legend, they could not be used casually.

If it were any ancient dynasty, being hit by thirteen nuclear explosions would lead directly to collapse, but the church would not surrender! This only further proved the bishops' propaganda—that wizards were the messengers of the apocalypse!

"Don't forget that the church once willingly released a demon god within the empire," Lynn reminded them.

The more apocalyptic and panicked the situation, the more steadfast some people's faith became. After all, in the face of unstoppable power, all ordinary folk could do was pray for divine salvation.

Not to mention, this would also invite hatred. The reputation of wizards within the empire had already been tarnished beyond repair by the church's propaganda. Lynn had no intention of ruling through fear.

In his view, it was better to use these resources to deal with that false god. As long as Aila died, the entire divine magic system built around her would collapse!

Speaking of which, Lynn suddenly changed the topic. "However, Master Alade does have a point. We can indeed try to dissolve the empire's citizens' faith in their hearts, weakening the false god's power!"

"How do you plan to do it?" Harof asked thoughtfully. The church had ruled the empire for hundreds of years, and shaking the foundation of Aila's faith in a short time was not an easy task.

The council had also spent several months and tangible benefits to change the views of the vast majority of the poor in the kingdom.

They couldn't possibly wait another few months. "Do you remember the traders from the empire who used to come and go to the City of Fire Oil?" Lynn countered.

"Are you planning to start with them?" Harof couldn't help raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly!" Lynn nodded. The traders who had come to do business with them in the City of Fire Oil were all far-sighted, had weak faith, and were empire merchants craving wealth.

Previously, under his deliberate laxity, the goods of the City of Fire Oil were left with a substantial profit margin, allowing every merchant convoy to easily earn thousands of empire gold coins through this route.

Now that the church had cut off this highly profitable route, one could imagine the dissatisfaction accumulated in the hearts of the empire's merchants.

Lynn was well aware that for the merchant class, matters of country, faith, ethnicity, customs, and even life safety were secondary to the prospect of tenfold profits.

Whoever prevented them from making money was considered the mortal enemy of the merchant class!

With a little operation, these people would be the first blade to pierce into the empire!

"Besides, we can also use the new fighters to drop leaflets over all the major cities of the empire, pointing out the errors in the holy scriptures and exposing the true face of the church..." Lynn spoke confidently.

Since the church wanted to deepen the empire's citizens' faith, they would do the opposite and destroy it! This should effectively weaken the false god's power.

Lynn was still very wary of Aila's original form. The thought of the church's centuries of accumulation was terrifying, and the storage of spiritual power was probably an astronomical figure.

"It's just unknown why she always acts through incarnations." Lynn found this very strange. Whether it was Edweil or Saint Cynthia, they relied on divine descent spells to summon the false god Aila.

Why didn't the false god herself come over and fight them? "Probably because she fears your magic," Harof speculated.

Using replaceable incarnations to probe their depths, acquiring information on magic spells, and looking for countermeasures was an excellent strategy.

You should know that before Lynn could ascend to legend and unleash "Endgame - Atomic Breath," the power of a nuclear explosion was uncontrollable, a kind of magic that could easily lead to mutual destruction with the enemy.

"It might also be due to some reason she cannot stay in the real world for long... or perhaps her power has some special limitation?" Victorio guessed.

The church had also performed several divine descents in history, each time very briefly, and each requiring the sacrifice of a legendary cleric.

"Does the godly realm really exist?" Aurora, with a puzzled expression, looked at Lynn and Victorio, who had ascended to legend, and asked again, "Can you do something similar now?"

Victorio hesitated for a moment. "Perhaps... If I let go of my restraints, I could expand my domain very large, at least covering a third of the City of Fire Oil."

However, as the domain's range expanded, control precision would decrease significantly.

"I think Aila's godly realm is not just a simple domain," Lynn pondered and shared his opinion.

The development of corresponding spells must also be prioritized; otherwise, they could easily be at a disadvantage during battles.

It seems they had quite a few things to do in the near future.

Harof and Aurora must ascend to legend as soon as possible; this is the current urgent matter.

Dissolving Aila's faith must also be done simultaneously.

In addition, preparations for the counterattack against the empire must begin. When they strike, they must hit the Holy City with the force of thunder!

"This is about the spell models for 'Skyfall and 'Endgame - Atomic Breath.' Take a look when you have time," Lynn said, handing over three scrolls filled with formulas and models to Harof, Aurora, and Victorio.

This was not the time for secrecy. Every increase in their combat power gave them a better chance of defeating Aila.

Moreover, Harof and the others were well aware that tritium, deuterium, and uranium could be used as nuclear fuels. With some time to ponder, it was inevitable that they could replicate it; it was impossible to keep it hidden forever, so it was better to be generous.

In the meeting room, Alade, Raphael, and a group of senior wizards looked on enviously.

Who wouldn't want to learn such a city-destroying powerful magic?

After Harof glanced through the models, he solemnly stored them away, then cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Besides the war against the empire and the church, I've gathered you here today to announce another important matter!"

"Starting today, the council will appoint a new Speaker... That is our Star of Magic, Lord Lynn!"

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their heads and looked over, none showing surprise.

In terms of strength, Lynn had ascended to a legendary wizard and had defeated the false god's incarnations twice before.

In terms of achievements, the wizards were able to step out of the islands and establish a new magical kingdom on this continent, largely due to Lynn's tremendous contributions!

Thus, the subsequent vote was merely a formality. With unanimous approval from over a hundred council members, whether they supported him from the bottom of their hearts or not, no one dared to oppose this Star of Magic.

The addition of a new Speaker, such a momentous occasion, traditionally required a grand celebration according to council customs.

However, with the war against the empire looming, it was not feasible to waste a day or two at this critical juncture, so the celebration had to be postponed until after the victory party.

Lynn naturally had no objections; he was not one to place great importance on formalities.

After announcing this significant news, today's wizard council meeting came to an end.

The meeting room buzzed even more lively as the council members gathered around Lynn, the newly appointed Speaker, offering endless praise and adulation.

"Congratulations, Lord Lynn, no, I should address you as Speaker now!" Raphael said, feeling quite moved. He remembered the first time he met the Star of Magic; Lynn was just a formal wizard who had recently arrived at Iyeta Harbor, famous for proposing the law of free fall.

Now, in the blink of an eye, he had become a high-ranking legendary wizard, one of the council's speakers.

Lynn responded with a smile. "Master Raphael, aren't you also close to ascending to a six-ring wizard? Perhaps it won't be long before you become the next Speaker!"

"Ha ha, I hope everything goes well," Raphael's smile widened. In last night's battle, his mental power had been honed under the suppression of the godly realm, and he felt close to ascending, surprised that Lynn had noticed.

As they exchanged compliments, a servant came in and whispered a message into Lynn's ear.

Ivina Pedrol had shown signs of waking up!

Lynn's expression became serious, and he lost the mood for further idle chat. After saying goodbye to everyone, he followed the servant to where Ivina Pedrol was being held.


In the City of Fire Oil, inside a solitary confinement room, a pale-faced Ivina Pedrol lay on the hard stone bed, her eyes closed, and her brows constantly furrowed, as if she were experiencing a nightmare.

All her past memories flooded back, finally freezing in her mind on that blindingly bright column of light piercing the sky...

Such intense light...

With that sigh, Ivina Pedrol slowly opened her eyes, surprised to find herself still alive. She remembered being backfired by the holy artifact, almost stepping into the realm of death.

Ivina had no extravagant hopes that the wizards would save her. Just as she was pondering, a voice suddenly rang out beside her ear.

"You're finally awake..."


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