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Chapter 482: Quantum State and the Plan to Counterattack the Empire

Hearing that Victorio had smoothly resolved the chaos in the northern border of the kingdom, Harof and Aurora both breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that although the situation tonight was critical, the gains were not insignificant. With this give and take, their power compared to the Empire and the Church was now very close.

Solving the disaster of the evil gods also meant that the council could act without any concerns about the aftermath!

Lynn glanced at the dilapidated underground plaza, instructing the wizards who still had the strength to carry out the aftermath, especially treating the injured...

Just the aftermath of the battle had caused not a small number of casualties, and that was because Cynthia did not bother to use her computational power on these official wizards, otherwise, at least half would have been dead or injured.

"Speaker Victorio, please also take a look upstairs. It's not just here that was attacked; other parts of the City of Fire Oil were also hit by imperial spies. Perhaps they need our support," Lynn said solemnly.

For this raid, the Church had really gone all out, mobilizing all the forces they could.

Lynn was not worried about the City of Fire Oil falling. With just these people, they couldn't cause too much chaos, but reducing casualties and destruction was still good.

The roads, houses, and even every grass and tree in the City of Fire Oil were built on the sweat of workers.

This was also an opportunity for internal cleansing...

"Alright, but I need to find a place to secure this guy first," Victorio said, shaking Gustav in his hand, looking quite troubled.

It was not easy to imprison a legendary cleric. He had spent a great deal of effort to build a cell for imprisoning Joshua, which has now been completely destroyed by traps, so he had to find another place.

Naturally, keeping Gustav was to interrogate him for information. After ascending to legend, he had some new ideas for 'interrogation,' just hoping this guy wouldn't be as tough as Joshua.

"I'll go with you!" Harof voluntarily said, even though he was slightly injured, it did not affect his movement.

As for Aurora, she could not participate; her right arm was severed at the root and needed immediate treatment.

"Lord Lynn, what should we do with these two?" Raphael, accompanied by a few wizards in good condition, came over, pointing at the bound Monroe and the unconscious Ivina, his tone less casual and more respectful.

Now that Lynn had become a legendary wizard, his status was naturally incomparable to before.

Thinking of the great battle he had just witnessed, Raphael felt a surge of enthusiasm, secretly thinking he needed to work harder to advance to a six-ring great wizard as soon as possible, perhaps even stepping into the mysterious and unpredictable realm of legend!

Lynn turned his gaze over.

The bound Monroe looked utterly dejected, mumbling 'impossible... impossible...' not knowing if it was because Harof had unveiled Cynthia's true face, causing him a great shock, or simply unwilling to believe that the Church's Holy Maiden had died by his hand.

Ivina was lying with her eyes closed, her face pale, obviously having had a large amount of blood and vitality sucked out by that bizarre cube.

Lynn extended his hand and placed it on their heads, performing a memory scan on them. Some fragments of Ivina's memories quickly surged into his brain, while Monroe screamed in pain and fainted after two or three seconds.

Lynn frowned; he encountered significant resistance when searching Monroe's memories, only obtaining very scattered bits of information.

Was it because of the level of devout belief? Lynn pondered. They had noticed this situation before; in several battles against the Church's crusaders, the council had captured many clergymen. The higher the bishop's level, the harder it was to search their memories, possibly because their souls were protected to some extent by that false god.

Sometimes direct interrogation seemed more effective.

Could he also develop some kind of magic through the smart brain that could protect those wizards connected to the magic network?

This might be a way to prevent the leakage of information.

Lynn thought to himself, but did not forget the matter at hand, instructing Raphael to imprison the two separately.

"Have the herbalist treat her wounds, and let me know when she wakes up..." Lynn instructed. He had seen some interesting messages in Ivina's memories that needed to be confirmed.

"Also, send a few fighter jets to the Empire, especially to the Holy City. I want to know the Church's movements!" Lynn finally added.

"Yes, Lord Lynn, I'll send someone right away!"

Raphael immediately took the unconscious Monroe and Ivina away.

Lynn did not participate in the subsequent cleanup. His mental energy was exhausted to the extreme. The strike just now was powerful but also consumed most of his energy and magic power.

"071, show me my current status!" Lynn silently commanded in his heart.

With a reminder beep, an invisible screen appeared in front of him.

Lynn raised an eyebrow because he hadn't sensed the slightest hint of the entire process...

In fact, since the moment he crossed over, Lynn had been very curious about what form the smart brain existed in his body.

You should know that he had crossed over in soul form; theoretically, the smart brain chip that existed in his body should not have been brought over, let alone during the ascension ceremony when his body was completely destroyed, yet the smart brain was not affected at all.

Perhaps because of the effects of crossing over, it changed its form of existence...

And the only thing that could escape the detection of a legendary wizard, Lynn could only think of quantum state!

Only a more microscopic force could achieve such an incredible feat.

With the power of a legendary wizard, one could easily control any element in a pseudo-state, and to a certain extent control space and the magnetic field, but that was limited to strong control at the atomic level. As for the inside of the atom, it was out of reach, like he couldn't directly control neutrons or affect the strong nuclear force...

Since he couldn't reach this domain for the time being, Lynn pressed down these doubts for now and looked at the data assessed by the smart brain.

【Covenant Objective: Lynn

Pseudo-carbon-based life form, unknown energy body

Mental Power Rating: Seven-ring Legendary Wizard (Weak)

Spell Slots: 【Deflection Field】, 【Spatial Oscillation】, 【Electromagnetic Railgun】, 【High-Frequency Vibration Particle Knife】…

Legendary Spells: 【Skyfall】, 【Endgame - Atomic Breath】

Magic Network Connection Count: 357


Lynn scanned a few times, finding the data page much more complex than before.

First of all, the pseudo-carbon-based life form, nothing much to say there; he had reconstructed his body through magic imitation, almost no different from before, possessing the functions of hearing, taste, smell, and various organs.

The so-called physical strength was completely gone, perhaps unable to be accurately assessed.

After all, he could change the structure of his body at will. During the battle against Cynthia, Lynn had changed the elements constructing his body to iron, facilitating rapid movement using the electromagnetic field, and the heavy and hard body also provided higher attack and defense.

Although there are many elements in nature much heavier and harder than iron, in the periodic table, iron is a kind of dividing line. Generally speaking, the fusion in stars stops at iron because from iron onwards, fusion requires absorbing energy rather than releasing it.

For example, to use 【Endgame - Atomic Breath】, he created about twice the critical mass of Uranium-235, consuming most of his magic power and energy, in comparison, an iron body is both energy-efficient and practical.

Compared to physical changes, Lynn was more concerned about the changes on the mental level, and of course, he immediately noticed the weak label behind the Seven-ring Legendary Wizard.

Even without this reminder, he could feel it. After removing the smart brain's computational support, Lynn clearly felt his control over the domain and this body weakened significantly.

This change might be related to the soul's strength not reaching its limit when he ascended.

Fortunately, the body of magic and energy is nourishing his soul body almost all the time. Lynn estimated that it would grow to peak level in about one to two months.

Before that, if he wanted to exert his maximum combat power, he could only rely on the support of the magic network.

"It seems necessary to lift some restrictions and incorporate more wizards into the magic network system," Lynn thought. Currently, the number of people connected to the magic network was only over two hundred and fifty.

Previously, he didn't massively recruit people because the brain's computational capacity was very low; the computational power of over two hundred official wizards plus a few great wizards had already exceeded this limit.

If all were called upon, it would lead to brain pain, even facing the risk of brain death.

Now, this concern is gone; he can unreservedly draw on all the computational power in the magic network without any more headaches.

Because he simply didn't have something like a brain, his entire body was essentially a mass of magic and energy, just existing in the form of a mimicked body.

Lynn figured that next time the limit to computational power might be the soul's capacity to endure.

When the first light of dawn fell on the City of Fire Oil, all the chaos had already settled.

For the townspeople, this was an exceptionally unforgettable night.

Months of peace and development had made many people forget about war and chaos, and last night, the deepest fears in their hearts surged forth again.

To calm the townspeople's panic, the council quickly dispatched people to widely publicize that they had once again thwarted the Church's conspiracy, and the giant light pillar that rose to the sky last night was a new magic developed by the Star of Magic, Lord Lynn! With just one strike, it obliterated the invading Holy Maiden of the Church and a large number of elite church forces. It's rumored that even the Holy Maiden Cynthia, who attempted to use Divine Descent, was sent back by this powerful magic.

In fact, even before the council's propaganda, discussions about the giant light pillar had already spread among the civilians. The phenomenon was simply too massive, shooting straight out from the ground and seemingly piercing the sky, visible to anyone.

Such a miraculous scene completely overturned their understanding of the world, describable only as a divine miracle. Upon hearing that this was a new magic developed by 'Master' Lynn, many linked it with the equally shocking magic, Skyfall, previously demonstrated.

A glassblower, taking advantage of a break, shared his speculation with a few coworkers. He believed that Master Lynn must have used this spell to bring down the sun from the sky, which then exploded upon hitting the ground, creating that land of death.

"That doesn't seem right, does it?" a tall, thin female worker couldn't help but counter. She had seen the sun rise from the horizon that morning on her way to the workshop.

"That's because you don't know. I heard from the fishermen that the sun sinks into the sea every night, extinguishing, and then rises again from the other side the next day... It's like wheat, growing crop after crop!" the man confidently stated.

The surrounding workers were puzzled, unable to understand why the sun would be compared to wheat. They were about to continue the discussion when they saw a wizard, stationed at the workshop, walking towards them. They immediately shut their mouths and hurried back to work.

Being able to work in the workshop was quite rare; the salary and benefits were good, and there were plenty of people outside wanting to squeeze in. They didn't want to get kicked out for slacking off.

The passing wizard had heard their discussion and smirked mockingly.

Although the council had taken over the City of Fire Oil and implemented policies to replace theology with magic science, educating the basics, the magical knowledge level of the civilians remained pitifully low after several months. How could they understand the greatness of magic?

He didn't understand why Lord Lynn insisted on opening a public academy, teaching those without magical talents about the workings of the world, seeing it as a total waste of resources.

In his view, these civilians were only capable of simple tasks like glassblowing and loading ammunition, without the mental capacity to comprehend anything more profound.

Around nine in the morning, all the fighter jets dispatched for reconnaissance had returned, bringing with them a critical piece of intelligence.

Upon receiving the council's notification, Lynn immediately rushed to the yet-to-be-repaired meeting place.

After ascending to legend, they also needed to consider how to counterattack the Empire and destroy the Church.

Once everyone had arrived, the pilots hurriedly reported their findings. According to their reconnaissance, the Holy City was now enveloped by an invisible force, making it difficult to approach or even see the interior clearly...

"Perhaps it's the projection of a divine realm descended," Harof speculated, well aware that the Holy City was the foundation of the Church, certainly gathering its most powerful forces.

A divine realm covering the entire Holy City likely meant the false god's avatar had personally intervened...


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