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Chapter 19: The Indescribable Ability

Underestimation can often plant the seeds of disaster.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing.

Because of what he saw and experienced, Cook thought Luo was nothing to fear.

The clumsy and flawed straight punch, the unskilled and unstable Ten, the unnecessary movements revealed unconsciously when moving.

Each image reminded Cook of a fact: this was purely someone who had just encountered aura.

"I'll kill you!"

Cook propelled himself off the ground, transforming into a shadow rushing towards Luo, stirring up a trail of dust like a smoke dragon.

"I can't engage in close combat; first, let's see if his attack is fundamentally obsessive!"

In the face of "The Irresistible Thing for Humans," Luo's defensive aura would become as good as non-existent. Plus, with virtually no combat experience, if Cook got close, the worst outcome would be death in three strikes.

He focused intently on Cook charging towards him, facing the murderous figure without fear or nervousness, but instead was able to think very calmly.


The short blade aimed again at the carotid artery.

A flash of realization in Luo's eyes, he sidestepped once more, but couldn't completely avoid the scalpel, resulting in a shallow wound on the left side of his neck.

Then, Luo, while sidestepping, took a short leap backward, his eyes quickly scanning the surroundings.

After spotting what he was looking for, he concentrated his aura at the soles of his feet for a slight burst, moving like a rabbit in evasive leaps.

Too inexperienced in close combat, if Cook got close, the relentless stabs of the scalpel would overwhelm him, leading to a loss of rhythm and a fatal strike to the carotid artery.

The battle must be decided within five exchanges; the longer it drags on, the worse it is for him.

Luo was aware of this, so while dodging attacks, he immediately created distance, preparing for the next close encounter.

However, Cook was no longer playing. After another miss, he pivoted on his ankle with force!


He lunged towards Luo, who was retreating, without holding back, the scalpel aiming for the neck's jugular vein gleaming with cold light.

Luo's pupils narrowed slightly, barely reacting in time to evade.


A fine spray of blood shot into the air.

Cook's strike left another wound on Luo's neck without giving him a chance to create distance, closing in to within an arm's reach of Luo.

"This is it!"

Luo's expression did not betray any signs as he quickly retreated several steps, appearing to be forced back.

Cook advanced several steps, the scalpel in his hand slashing across Luo's neck, drawing a crescent of light in the air.

At this moment, I should be afraid.

Thus, Luo's expression turned to fear.

To dodge the blade, he stepped back again, his heel accidentally touching a not-so-large stone, causing him to lose balance slightly.

His upper body leaned back, the right foot that touched the stone pressed down in haste, tilting his body.


Seeing Luo make a foolish mistake, Cook's face instantly showed a sinister smile, not intending to miss this opportunity.

The target was still Luo's carotid artery, the scalpel stabbing precisely in a short-distance thrust!

Cook was strong, undeniably strong against Luo.

The scalpel, always aimed at the carotid artery, was both fierce and accurate. Because it was too accurate, it was easier to counter.

As the cold light approached, Luo was prepared, leaning back resolutely to let his upper body fall towards the ground.

Seeing Luo's movement, Cook was suddenly shocked. In the moment he couldn't retract his action, a chill flashed over his skin, raising goosebumps.

Because Luo leaned back, the scalpel would miss again, but it didn't. A hand forming a transparent sphere was placed in the path of the oncoming scalpel.

It was Luo's left hand, and the white transparent sphere was his Nen ability.

This was a calculated risk, gambling with his life. Even though he lost balance, Luo completed the final step!

The left hand controlling the transparent sphere grabbed Cook's knife-wielding right hand, while the sharp blade of the scalpel fortuitously passed between the spread index and middle fingers.

At the same time, Luo's right hand also formed a transparent sphere, striking Cook's heart.

After these actions, Luo fell straight to the ground like a stick, while Cook, tripped by Luo, flew less than a meter before forcibly adjusting his posture to land with difficulty.

The phenomenon was bizarre. Luo's left hand clearly held Cook's knife hand, but Cook crossed over Luo without hindrance, sliding a short distance upon landing, with no sign of struggle.

The reason for this phenomenon lay in Cook's right hand, which Luo held, and another more important organ.

Lying on the ground, Luo extended his hands in front of him, seeing a beating red heart in his right hand and a severed hand clutching a silver scalpel in his left.

"This is my Nen ability..."

Luo sat up, then slowly stood.

With his left hand, he had grasped Cook's scalpel-wielding hand, causing Cook's entire right hand to be severed.

With his right hand, he lightly tapped the area on Cook's chest where the heart was, separating a vibrant red heart from the body.

This scene did not surprise Luo, as it was precisely what he had envisioned.

Initially, Luo's intent was to 'peel off' Cook's right hand and heart, similar to how he 'stripped' Machi's clothes that night.

However, the current situation showed that the transparent sphere formed by his Nen ability did accomplish this, but the essence was different.

Firstly, the heart from Cook, despite being separated from the body, continued to beat without any blood spillage. The cut surface of the severed hand was eerily smooth, also without any blood.

This was the essential difference and the source of the bizarre nature.

A heart removed from the body shouldn't beat so vigorously, nor should it be bloodless.

Luo was puzzled, but there was no time to ponder. Holding Cook's right hand and heart, he stared coldly at Cook, who had his back to him, waiting for the outcome.

Cook stood still, motionless.

The incredible scene before him nearly halted his thoughts, even forgetting to turn around and continue attacking Luo.

"My right hand, my heart, gone?"

Cook mumbled as if he were an overheated computer, "Then, I should be dead, right? And... it doesn't hurt at all."

Before finishing his sentence, he slowly turned around, then saw the beating heart in Luo's right hand, fear appearing on his face.

"What... did you do?"

Luo's hands, holding the balance like scales, were raised to his sides. Looking at Cook's expression, he said, "So, you can feel fear too?"


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