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Chapter 180

Shu Siyan did not join the main force. He used his light martial arts to fly to the periphery of the assembly point of the God Sword Pavilion guild and landed stealthily. His control over distance was nothing short of miraculous, perfectly keeping himself out of sight from the red name notification of the opposing players while not straying too far to waste the duration of his invisibility.

When Shu Siyan silently sneaked into the midst of those marked with red names, a Little Flower was already leading the main force, marching majestically towards this side. Upon hearing the enemy forces approaching, the Red Dust Swordsman hurriedly arranged tactics, ensuring every member had consumed their buffs, ready to charge on his command. Suddenly, he saw his character's health bar emptied, "…"

[Guild] [XX]: What happened? How did the guild leader die?

[Guild] [XXX]: The music was playing in the background, and I didn't hear the red name notification.

[Guild] [XX]: Did the guild leader accidentally select the self-destruct option? [Pitiful] [Pitiful]

[Guild] [XXXX]: I think I just saw a red name flash by. Let me check the combat log, damn it! It's the master of stealth!

[Guild] [XXX]: Shivering, did anyone see how the master appeared and then disappeared?

At this time, the Red Dust Swordsman was staring at the combat information, gritting his teeth, unaware of the heated discussion within the guild and the growing inclination among the members to retreat. Just then, the grand force of Half-City Rainstorm arrived, catching God Sword Pavilion off guard. The guild's chat quickly filled with messages of being defeated and calling out for help.

Only then did the Red Dust Swordsman realize the severity of the situation. He selected the option to heal on the spot, organizing in the voice chat, "They only have eighty people, we have a hundred, we can win. Everyone focus on that Little Flower; he's the commander."

Half-City Rainstorm's voice chat.

A voice full of vitality from Little Flower rang out, "Ah, they're focusing on me, brothers, protect me! Heal me, heal me! Ying ying ying, I'm so scared."

[Guild] [A Little Sheep]: The guild leader ying ying, isn't that shameful? Pfft! [Disdain]

[Guild] [A Little Rabbit]: The guild leader ying ying, isn't that shameful? Pfft! [Disdain]

[Guild] [A Little Puppy]: The guild leader ying ying, isn't that shameful? Pfft! [Disdain]

Little Flower looked at the various damage reduction buffs on him and his steady health bar: "Alright, alright, I'm just livening up the atmosphere so everyone isn't so tense. Quick, quick, quick, flank them from the left! The master has already killed a bunch of them; with so many of us, we can't let the master look down on us! Charge!"

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere in Half-City Rainstorm's voice chat, the God Sword Pavilion side was unusually oppressive, even the normally motivating BGM was annoying. Since being first killed, the Red Dust Swordsman hadn't been able to survive for more than a minute each time he resurrected. Each time he was revived, he would be killed in various ways, without even a chance to use his invincibility skill. The guild's healers couldn't save his instantly collapsing health bar, and the name that killed him in the combat record was always "Shadowless."

Later, he simply returned to the camp. With that, the already slightly fearful guild members' defense line instantly collapsed, retreating step by step, and it wasn't long before they were completely overwhelmed by the forceful attack of Half-City Rainstorm.

After several attempts, regardless of how the Red Dust Swordsman called out, the members of God Sword Pavilion simply didn't leave the resurrection point, and many even used various excuses to log off or leave the group, leaving about half of the members offline.

Looking at the remaining few members of the guild, the Red Dust Swordsman felt an unwarranted sense of defeat. At this time, a somewhat rugged male voice came through the voice chat, "Guild leader, where's that Sister Xiu who always followed you?"

The Red Dust Swordsman exploded, "How the fuck would I know where she went? Always asking, don't you know to ask her leveling service? She's always online."

"Master, master?" A timid voice from An Ningning sounded, "Are we still going to fight?"

The Red Dust Swordsman took a deep breath and calmed down a bit, "The enemy is strong, and we are weak. Let's not fight for now. Everyone has worked hard. Tomorrow night, there will be red packets in the guild's territory."

Soon, only the Red Dust Swordsman and An Ningning were left in the channel.

After a long silence, An Ningning asked worriedly, "Master, are you alright?"

The Red Dust Swordsman's voice was a bit muffled, "I'm fine. It's late; you go rest first. I want to be alone."

By this time, it was almost dawn. Ignoring the cheering voice chat and guild members, Shu Siyan logged off the game after the God Sword Pavilion's retreat, carefully placed the sleeping Ling Chunann on the bed, and tucked him in.

He bent down, kissed Ling Chunann's forehead, and then his lips, spending a long time before reluctantly leaving the bed and exiting the room.

Shu Siyan was always busy, with endless tasks to do, but he still made time to accompany Ling Chunann, catering to his every request except for being overly restrained in their sexual life, which deeply dissatisfied Ling Chunann, hence he worked even harder to upgrade his healing abilities.

In Shu Siyan's absence, Yu Zhihang became Ling Chunann's personal doctor and nanny. Initially thinking Ling Chunann was Shu Siyan's illegitimate child, Yu Zhihang never doubted their relationship again, instead becoming even warmer towards Ling Chunann, considering him easy to get along with.

As for why Ling Chunann's surname was Feng and not Shu, Yu Zhihang guessed it was because his mother's surname was Feng.

Of course, Ling Chunann knew what this supporting character was thinking, but he was too lazy to explain. He would know eventually. However, 098 was somewhat puzzled, "Host, how does the adult not look like he could have such a big son?" He's only four or five years older than the host! Who has children at four or five years old?

"Maybe because he looks thirty-five, and I look fifteen?" Ling Chunann said.

"…" That actually made sense, given Shu Siyan's temperament, which did not seem like that of someone in their mid-twenties.

After learning that Ling Chunann was also playing the game Jian San and was on the same server, Yu Zhihang tried every means to find out Ling Chunann's ID but was always cleverly dodged.

After that guild battle, God Sword Pavilion was demoralized for a while, but later, under the cohesive force of Red Dust Swordsman's sugar-coated bullets, they regained their vitality but never sought an alliance with another guild again.

By this time, Ling Chunann's account was returned to him. When he logged in, he checked his Penguin account and found that the male protagonist had looked for him many times, from the initial harsh questioning of his whereabouts to the slightly softer inquiries later, totaling about a dozen messages. The last one, sent ten days ago, mentioned that the guild's warehouse was out of Five Elements Stones. Ling Chunann quickly scanned through and then closed his chat box.

Ignoring the other messages, Ling Chunann was about to log off when the Penguin account pinged again. The remark name was familiar; Ling Chunann remembered it was Feng Lan's former arena teammate, the one with the dialect accent, the Hidden Sword.

Ye Feixiao: Ah Lan! You finally showed up! Where have you been these two months? I missed you so much! Every time I messaged you in the game, it wasn't you. Where have you been recently? Why did you leave the team? Big Dog and I can't find a healer anymore. After playing 2v2 for two months, my head is all over the arena.

Ye Feixiao: Ah Lan! Is it really you?

Ling Chunann looked at the message for a few seconds before replying.

Feng Lan: It's me.

Feng Lan: I was busy with something for the past two months, so I let someone else level my account. Just fixing up some Ice Heart gear. If we're still playing in the arena, I'll use Ice Heart.

Ye Feixiao: What?? Ice Heart? You're not joking, right? [The sky is falling]

After sending the message, fearing Ling Chunann might misunderstand, Ye Feixiao quickly explained.

Ye Feixiao: Ah Lan, don't get me wrong. Didn't we cooperate well before? Why did you suddenly want to play Ice Heart? Did someone bully you? Although I'm a bit weak, I'll definitely support you! Don't misunderstand, I didn't mean Ice Heart isn't powerful! My conscience is clear!

Ye Feixiao: Alright, Ice Heart it is then. Ah Lan, when will you be online? Let's play a few rounds.

Amused by his teammate's self-imposed questions and answers, Ling Chunann logged into the game and replied on Penguin: I'm online.

Meanwhile, a message prompt appeared in the game.

[Private Chat] [Ye Feixiao] whispered: Ah Lan, I invited you! Quick, join the team!

Looking at the screen, where [Ye Feixiao] invited him to join the 3v3 team [Sentimental Warmth Combination], Ling Chunann clicked yes, followed by a team invitation popping up.

[Li Suiyun] invited you to join the team, and Ling Chunann accepted.

The team consisted of Ling Chunann's former arena teammates, whom he had met before. Ling Chunann checked their Sword Team, which still only had the three of them. During his absence, they hadn't played 3v3, but they had played a lot of 2v2, with more losses than wins, which could be described as dismal.

The three didn't mention the previous voice chat incident, with Ye Feixiao constantly typing and laughing in the team chat, and Li Suiyun occasionally replying, but it wasn't awkward.

Ling Chunann, who had occasionally played with Shu Siyan's game account during this period, had experienced many professions and was quite familiar with the skills of the Seven Shows' output mentality. After slightly adjusting the key bindings to his preference, he typed in the team chat: Let's queue.

Soon, the three entered the small arena map, facing two Mingjiao with a Xu healer, all with high levels.

Seeing the crying emoji sent by Ye Feixiao in the private chat, Ling Chunann replied with a smile, then marked the Seven Shows with a red drum, typing to the two: I'll focus on the red drum. Feixiao, blindly back jump for five seconds, then Crane Return to the red drum. Suiyun, don't mount at the start, charge on countdown at four seconds.

Unexpectedly, the opposing Ice Heart didn't group them but instead sealed their own healer first. The two Mingjiao were somewhat unprepared, one circling to Ling Chunann's back, trying to disarm him, but seemingly anticipated, he suddenly used his light martial arts to jump up, grouping one with an AoE attack, then landing a skill pushing him next to the Xu healer.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feixiao's Crane Return smashed down, stunning the closely positioned healer and Mingjiao. The Seven Shows, having basically used up their control skills, was instantly killed.

Ling Chunann collected the head of that Mingjiao with a Sword Break.

On the other side, the Tian Ce who didn't mount to chase his Mingjiao was too late to react. His invisibility ended, revealing his position. Although he turned invisible again in an instant, it wasn't long before the three grouped him out.

Coming out of the arena, the two were still a bit dazed.

[Team] [Ye Feixiao]: Ah Lan! No! Master! Did you go learn from a master these past two months? How did you suddenly become so powerful!

[Team] [Ye Feixiao]: Master, are you interested in taking another disciple? How about me? Smart, witty, upright, and eager to learn.

[Private Chat] [Li Suiyun] whispered: Very impressive.

[Team] [Li Suiyun]: Then I'll queue again.

After a few more matches, as Ling Chunann's skill usage became increasingly proficient, especially his ability to control distance and bait skills, naturally, their win rate was very impressive, winning every match, which excited Ye Feixiao as if he were on steroids, always giving Ling Chunann 666 after each match, followed by "Master, will you take a disciple?".

Just as Li Suiyun was preparing to queue for the eleventh match, Ling Chunann called a halt, smiling at the chat bar's private message.

[Private Chat] [Red Dust Swordsman]: Master, have you returned? Is it really you?


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