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Chapter 179

Ling Chunann, who ended up laughing himself into Shu Yiheng's arms, finally calmed down after a while. He patted Shu Yiheng's back, intending to get up. However, because of his earlier movements, he was kneeling on the edge of the bed and nearly fell to the floor. Shu Yiheng, with quick reflexes, caught him again, "Be careful, baby."

Ling Chunann then comfortably leaned his full weight on Shu Yiheng, chest to chest, arms wrapped around his neck, and whispered into his ear, "I'm hungry."

The man, who was powerless against Ling Chunann in every world, had an expected bodily reaction to such close contact, proving just how innocent he was in this world, as Ling Chunann had pointed out.

Watching Shu Yiheng, who was blushingly getting undressed by Ling Chunann, 098 felt like it was being fed dog food and thought its earlier laughter might have been tempting fate, even considering the possibility that Ling Chunann might turn the tables!

However, it turned out 098 was overthinking. No matter how shy or nervous the man appeared before, he always ended up taking the lead, partly perhaps due to Ling Chunann's laziness.

Considering Ling Chunann's frail condition, Shu Yiheng restrained himself, only indulging once before insisting Ling Chunann clean up and sleep.

Observing Shu Yiheng still full of energy, Ling Chunann felt unsatisfied and nestled into the blankets.

Shu Yiheng, sensing what Ling Chunann might be thinking, hugged him closer, "Baby, you're still recovering, it's not good to indulge too much. Be good, it's late, let's sleep."

This condition seriously affected their sexual harmony, and Ling Chunann, who initially thought little of it, finally realized the severity of the situation. Although his physical condition had improved upon waking, it was only back to the original peak state of his predecessor's body, barely pain-free but still much frailer than an average person, so Shu Yiheng's concerns were not unfounded.

However, Ling Chunann still ended up with a fever the next day. Despite only having a fever with no other symptoms and his prediction that it would pass in a couple of days, Shu Yiheng was as if facing a great enemy, calling a doctor home and firmly ordering Ling Chunann not to leave the bed.

Thus, under such circumstances, Ling Chunann met the leading male supporting character.

Yu Zhihang, a talented young doctor serving the Shu family and also a player in Swords of Legends Online with the Tian Ce class, happened to be the deputy guild leader of the male lead's guild. He was dubbed the leading male support because he was the female lead's senior in real life and, inevitably, harbored feelings for her. He took extra care of her until the male and female leads confessed their feelings for each other. After learning they had become a couple in reality, he left the guild and stopped playing the game.

Yu Zhihang hurried over and immediately greeted Shu Yiheng sitting by the bed, "Master Shu." Seeing Shu Yiheng, who appeared healthy, he then noticed another person in bed and was about to take a closer look but met Shu Yiheng's gaze, promptly lowering his head.

"Hmm." Shu Yiheng nodded, then gently adjusted Ling Chunann's blanket to make room for Yu Zhihang, "Check him out." He handed over Ling Chunann's previous medical records.

After reviewing the records and feeling somewhat unsure, Yu Zhihang looked into Ling Chunann's eyes, which were slightly red and foggy from fever and being wrapped in a blanket by Shu Yiheng, making him appear especially innocent. Considering Shu Yiheng's usual image, Yu Zhihang couldn't help but wonder if the child had been kidnapped.

But even if that were the case, he dared not intervene. Pushing his glasses up, Yu Zhihang began examining Ling Chunann.

"It's just a cold. Take some medicine and keep warm," Yu Zhihang concluded a few minutes later.

"Alright, go and get the medicine."

After another glance at Ling Chunann, Yu Zhihang complied, "Yes."

Shu Yiheng adjusted Ling Chunann's blanket again, caressing his head.

Ling Chunann snuggled into Shu Yiheng's palm, and Shu Yiheng smiled at him, "Sleep a bit more, baby."

As Yu Zhihang, about to leave, witnessed this, his heart skipped a beat, and he nearly tripped. Closing the door, he paused in the corridor, pondering if Shu Yiheng's secret child was already this old. He marveled at Shu Yiheng's patience with the child.

After a rest, Ling Chunann

 felt much better, and his fever had subsided.

"Host, the male lead has initiated a guild war against yours." Seeing Ling Chunann awake, 098 reported in real-time from the game. Ling Chunann had previously promised A Little Flower he'd stand guard for them.

Hearing this, Ling Chunann immediately got up, ready to turn on the computer.

"What are you doing?" Shu Yiheng's voice halted Ling Chunann's reach for the computer, "You're still not well; you can't play games."

Despite Shu Yiheng's smiling face, his tone left no room for argument. Ling Chunann looked at him pitifully, "But I promised someone I'd log on today."

Unsurprisingly, Shu Yiheng caved to Ling Chunann's gaze. He moved a small table to the bed, turned on the computer, and connected the mouse.

Just as Ling Chunann was about to take the mouse, Shu Yiheng stopped him again. He took off his jacket, got on the bed behind Ling Chunann, wrapped him in the blanket, encircled him with his arms, and expertly logged into the game, "Alright, baby, whatever you need to do, I'll do it for you."

Ling Chunann turned to look at Shu Yiheng but only saw his chin. He was too small!

Slightly dissatisfied, Ling Chunann directed, "Check the private messages."

Shu Yiheng opened the private chat, unsurprisingly filled with messages from A Little Flower.

[Private Chat][A Little Flower] quietly said: Big shot! Our guild has been challenged to a war! Help!

[Private Chat][A Little Flower] quietly said: Big shot! When will you log on? Sob sob, I promised the guild members you'd come to our defense. If you don't show, I'm finished [Crying]

[Private Chat][A Little Flower] quietly said: Big shot, you're finally online! We're fighting in Old Maple Valley now! There's a spot saved for you in my team!

"Add him to the team," Ling Chunann lazily commanded.

"Alright," Shu Yiheng complied, adding A Little Flower to the team, then looked at Ling Chunann, "Tired, baby? Want to sleep a bit more?"

Ling Chunann half-squinted at the screen where Ming sect's Shu Yiheng just filled the twenty-fifth spot in a large team, "No need, I just woke up. How could I sleep that much? Let's go to Maple Valley."

Meanwhile, in the guild channel.

[Guild][A Little Mie Mie]: Qiu Yuan Yuan, why did you kick me? [Crying][Crying] I was fighting well in the team and not slacking. Don't you love your little Mie Mie anymore?

[Guild][A Little Flower]: Qiu Yuan Yuan, dear, the big shot has arrived, and we needed the spot in the team. Go to team three [Rose][Rose]

This exchange momentarily quieted the previously bustling guild channel, which was filled with combat shouts and defeat cries. Then, dozens of defeat cries scrolled by, followed by countless exclamation marks, and the channel became lively again.

[Guild][A Little Puppy]: Really?! The big shot has come!

[Guild][A Little Rabbit]: Really!! The big shot is in the Maple Valley map!! He's really here to help us! Everyone, pop your buffs! Let's get pumped!

On the other side, in the Divine Sword Pavilion's voice chat, hearing 007's report, Red Dust Swordsman looked solemn. They were evenly matched with Half City Rain in terms of strength, even slightly better in terms of action. He had been confident about winning today's guild war, but he hadn't expected the elusive Wu Ying to log on and stand with Half City Rain. This complicated matters.

"Master, is Wu Ying really that powerful?" Yi Ning asked curiously.

Regaining focus from Yi Ning's voice, Red Dust Swordsman realized his palms were sweating. But now was not the time to show weakness. Clearing his throat, he said, "He's just a slightly sharp player. With so many of us, why should we be afraid? Everyone who has buffs, use them; who has tables, set them up; who needs a table, come get one from me. Let's show them what we've got with full spirits."

Shu Yiheng maneuvered the character to stop by an NPC named Ma Yun in Maple Valley.

[Private Chat][A Little Flower] quietly said: Big shot, can you come to the voice chat? The channel number is 123456 [Pitiful][Pitiful]

Shu Yiheng glanced at Ling Chunann, who nodded. Shu Yiheng found the software menu, got to the login page, and suddenly said,

 "I don't have an account."

"Use mine," Ling Chunann gave Shu Yiheng his previous account and password, "Change the name."

Obediently, Shu Yiheng changed the guild-formatted name to Wu Ying before entering the channel number and hitting enter.

As soon as they joined the channel, a clear male voice said, "Ah, I just asked the big shot to come to the voice chat, and he hasn't replied yet. Now the big shot is standing still at the teleportation point. Is he upset?"

Another deeper voice responded, "Qiu Yuan Yuan, don't overthink. Is the big shot such a petty person?"

"Wait, wait a minute, do you see that new white horse that just came in? Is that the big shot's ID?" someone suddenly spoke up.

The lively channel went silent for a moment.

A Little Flower then tentatively asked, "Is that you, big shot?"


[Guild][XX]: OMG! So that's what the big shot's voice sounds like! So charming!

[Guild][XXX]: Just hearing it, you can tell he's an ice-cold seme!

[Guild][XX]: Ahhh, my heart is melting!

When they first joined the voice chat, Ling Chunann had signaled Shu Yiheng to fetch the microphone from the bedside drawer. However, the one speaking now wasn't Shu Yiheng, but Ling Chunann.

Shu Yiheng remained calm, even patting Ling Chunann's head in approval.

Almost immediately after Ling Chunann spoke, A Little Flower, as the guild leader, upgraded his permissions to total channel administrator, then cheerfully said, "Big shot, feel free to hang out in the channel whenever you're free. I'm always here."

"Aren't we fighting?" Ling Chunann asked.

A Little Flower, as if injected with adrenaline, exclaimed, "Fight, fight, fight! Has everyone taken their buffs? Gather at the respawn point!"


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