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Chapter 476: Go All Out, Battle Against the Avatar of God Again!

The furious, undying flames surged within the secret chamber, separating Lynn and the others from the intersecting laser beams.

"What's going on?" Sanchez hurried over at this moment.

Lynn glanced at Sanchez and then recounted the information he had gathered from the guards about someone impersonating Faiz and breaking into the prison.

Sanchez was quite embarrassed. His magical research was at a crucial moment until he heard the violent noise of the steel door being shattered, which made him rush out.

Lynn did not blame Sanchez. Ever since Victorio had become a legend and turned this place into a trap, the prison's defenses had become strict externally but lax internally, allowing someone to easily enter under Faiz's identity.

Moreover, the fact that the intruder could silently kill Faiz meant that killing a great wizard probably wouldn't be a problem either. To some extent, Sanchez had also narrowly escaped a disaster...

For a moment, the surging undying flames in the secret chamber showed signs of subsiding.

What made everyone slightly uneasy was the quiet inside the prison, with no screams of pain, only the roaring sound of flames burning.

"Are they dead?" Harof asked with a heavy expression.

The entire prison covered in laser beams and such intense undying flames made him believe that if he entered, the likelihood of coming out alive was almost nil! "That depends on which high-ranking member of the Church it is." Lynn didn't have full confidence either.

It must be said, the Church has blazed new trails in psychic and magical studies, with no one knowing how many unique divine arts they truly possessed.

Although they had already killed Edweil and captured Judge Joshua, killing two legendary clerics in the process, the Church still openly had four legends...

Lynn thought that the one impersonating Faiz was probably Gustav, considering that the latter had infiltrated the kingdom long ago.

Just then, the raging undying flames in the prison suddenly vanished without a trace, replaced by a bone-chilling, ice-cold frost!

Both the laser beams' emitters and the ground's bricks froze in an instant, and the steel door melted by the flames turned into a piece of lava ice sculpture, even the smallest elements in the air were frozen in place...

That power, seemingly capable of freezing time and space, rapidly spread outwards!

Lynn's complexion changed drastically as he quickly retreated, guessing who the newcomer was...

Only that person could survive under such a trap and cast a spell that could be described as absolute zero!

However, Lynn quickly noticed that as the freezing area expanded, its power weakened. When it expanded a hundred meters away from the prison, the temperature had already risen to around minus two hundred degrees Celsius.

Ordinary people couldn't survive in such terrifyingly low temperatures, but for a great wizard, by utilizing their domain for resistance, they could barely endure.

After the surging undying flames were extinguished, the interior of the prison quickly appeared before everyone's eyes.

Or perhaps the prison had already disappeared, the interior had turned into an ice cave, with deep cuts from the lasers clearly visible on the ground and walls...

Cynthia, forced to dispel her divine art disguise, looked eerie—her body was sliced into dozens of segments by the fine laser beams, yet not a drop of blood flowed out, as if she was glued together!

As for Judge Joshua, he had already been consumed by the undying flames, even with Cynthia's power, she couldn't save him in time, only to watch Joshua's body being devoured completely!

Because the spell that ignited the flames was cunningly set inside Joshua's body, and his energy form was the best nourishment!

"Indeed, it's the avatar of that false god. This is going to be difficult!" Aurora's expression was solemn, her tone even more so to the extreme.

Harof's expression was also ugly, showing no contempt despite having defeated the former Saintess last time.

Both were clear about how lucky their previous victory was, more importantly, they were now within the City of Fire Oil, where the council had gathered 70% of its core forces. Unless it was absolutely necessary, it was impossible to use "Skyfall" within the city—it would kill everyone, including themselves.

"You... all deserve to die!"

Stepping into the trap and witnessing the death of the Apostle Joshua right in front of her, Saintess Cynthia was now enraged to the extreme.

"Projection—Divine Realm Domain!"

A grand hymn suddenly resonated within the spacious underground space, and the projection of the divine realm instantly broke through the floor tiles, with green grass leaves piercing through,

Cynthia's eyes sparkled like stars, her anger surging out, transforming into six robust guards shimmering with divine light, their towering bodies nearly breaking through the ceiling.

Anger is powerful!

Especially for the strong!

Lynn and the others exchanged glances, knowing well the perilous nature of this battle. But... they had no choice but to fight!

Earlier, they had used electromagnetic wave communication to inform Victorio of their situation here. Now, their goal was to delay time as much as possible.

As they contemplated, six of the divine realm guards charged forward with heavy steps.

Cynthia, on the other hand, had her hands clasped together, seemingly preparing some kind of spell. The crisscrossing wounds on her body were healing at a slow pace... Clearly, breaking through the carefully laid traps in the prison hadn't been as easy as it appeared.

Lynn didn't know exactly what kind of magic the Church's Saintess was casting, but he was clear that he had to stop her actions at all costs!

The laser beam was undoubtedly the fastest and most direct method of breakthrough!

The fierce and powerful beam swept across, slicing the incoming divine realm guards in half. However, their bodies, completely made of divine light, quickly regenerated the severed parts.

Fortunately, Lynn's target wasn't these puppets from the start but Cynthia at the back!

The beam, thinner than a hair, could easily cut through steel, even alloy!

Cynthia, having been at a disadvantage under laser magic before, naturally wouldn't be unprepared. She was enveloped in layers of nearly invisible, transparent, diamond-shaped lenses.

Facing the powerful, mirror-shattering, fifth-grade laser beam, Cynthia's response was simple: to deflect and dissipate the magic's power through multiple reflections!

"Great Disintegration!" At that moment, Harof made his move. After Victorio's improvement, the Great Disintegration could almost deconstruct and strip away any known element!

Though Harof, yet to ascend to legend, couldn't unleash the full power of this spell, it was enough to counter Cynthia's protective divine art!

The diamond-shaped lenses deflecting and diverting the laser beam were instantly shattered.

At the same time, Aurora had already dealt with the incoming divine realm guards.

Everything happened in just a second, and Cynthia, who was in the middle of charging a divine art, instantly lost all her protection. However, she showed no intention of interrupting her spell.

After all, laser magic had minimal effect on her energy form!

But soon, Cynthia realized she had miscalculated. Lynn wouldn't use it unless he was confident!

The hair-thin beam shot directly into Cynthia's shoulder and then suddenly spread out dramatically, its coverage expanding a thousandfold, like a flashlight being turned on, expanding from a thin line to a beam dozens of centimeters in diameter!

Cynthia's shoulder, arm, and even half of her face were evaporated in the suddenly expanding beam, interrupting the spell she was charging.

Just before the beam expanded to her lips, the girl spoke out!

"Words of the Dead—Hell's Echo!"

A low, eerie sound that seemed capable of resonating with the soul echoed throughout the underground space. The enclosed environment significantly amplified the spell's power!

Lynn, Aurora, Harof, and Sanchez were all frozen in place at the same time, experiencing intense pain throughout their bodies, their brains trembling as if every cell was crying out in agony.

Sanchez, the weakest among them, his skin began to show large amounts of blood, his brain felt as if it was being hammered, and he collapsed to the ground, fainting immediately.

Such was the terrifying power of legendary magic!

Still only a fifth-ring great wizard, without an intelligent brain to provide magical power and computational support, Sanchez had no qualifications to participate or influence the battle.

The destroyed remnants on the ground quickly gathered together, forming a taller, larger divine realm guard.

The legendary spell "Words of the Dead—Hell's Echo" was only effective against targets with flesh and blood bodies. The divine realm guards, made of divine light, naturally moved freely within it.

The towering divine realm guard took a step forward, swinging its energy blade down at Lynn, but a blade from the distant reaches of time and space, arriving first, cut it in two!

It was Harof again, coming to the rescue. With more combat experience and ruthlessness than Lynn, he took advantage of the slight resistance he still had, directly bursting his eardrums to gain a bit of mobility!

However, unleashing a "Time-Space Blade" was already his limit because such powerful psychic, sound-based magic attacked the cells of the entire body, even affecting the soul. Merely cutting off hearing couldn't make one immune to it.

Boundless starlight lit up around Cynthia, then like the Milky Way, surged towards Lynn.

Legendary divine art—Colors of the Stars!

Every speck of starlight contained the will and power of 'God'!

The terrifyingly vast river of stars swept over, almost covering most of the underground space, enveloping everyone present.

The entire divine realm space was filled with an oppressive, suffocating atmosphere!

Both Aurora and Harof felt the arrival of death at this moment.

Just then, a majestic blue beast emerged from Lynn's domain, positioning itself in front of everyone. Its energy-formed maw expanded several times larger than its body in an instant, swallowing the incoming river of stars in one gulp!

As a consequence, the entire beast's silhouette almost burst into a sphere, filled with the will of the stars that it couldn't digest. But Muto had no intention of absorbing it; instead, it spat it out.

Energy... Breath!

A high-intensity energy wave directly bounced back, completely annihilating the repairing divine realm guards. Cynthia had not anticipated her attack being reflected back at her, forcing her to halt the release of "Words of the Dead" and redirect her energy to defense.

"Bible of Hell, page thirty-six, God erected high walls in Hell and the mortal world to block all evils, unbreakable forever!"

A golden wall inscribed with mysterious divine runes appeared in front of her, clashing directly with the high-intensity energy wave.

Accompanied by a terrifying blast that could rupture eardrums, the entire divine realm domain began to shake violently and collapse.

The dark, expansive prison reappeared before everyone's eyes, but even the slightest residual energy from the clash of legendary-level spells was enough to cause catastrophic damage to this underground space!

Walls that had been specially reinforced, ceilings, began to peel off slowly, and the ground's bricks were utterly destroyed, the surface covered with crisscrossing cracks...

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lynn and the others, blown away by the shockwave, finally regained their ability to move. Harof, closest to the explosion's epicenter, clutched his chest and coughed violently. The aftermath of that hit almost cost him his life!

Walking between life and death, everyone's hearts were filled only with relief, fear, and concern.

The confrontation just a moment ago, they had given it their all. Although it seemed like they had injured Saintess Cynthia, with Lynn even using laser magic to obliterate her shoulder, arm, and half of her head, everyone understood that they were fundamentally incapable of inflicting a fatal blow on this avatar of God!

The only one also with an energy-formed body, Muto, after successfully reflecting the legendary spell—Colors of the Stars, was now completely deflated, lying on the ground limply, like a deflated dough.

Clearly, it wouldn't be of much help for a while...

If this continued, not to mention waiting for Victorio's support, they probably wouldn't last a few more minutes if Cynthia cast "Words of the Dead" again. They would all die here!

Thus, the only option left was to take a gamble...

With a flicker of thought, Lynn immediately made a decision. He then leaped high, dodging the incoming starlight, channeling all the remaining magical power in his body into the palm of his hand, forming a massive fireball, which he then smashed down with a thunderous crash!

Another intense roar erupted, the ground already shattered beneath his feet exploded open!

The violent shockwave caused the entire prison to collapse completely, large chunks of rock falling from the gaping cracks above...


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