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Chapter 475: The Cracked Electromagnetic Communication and the Supreme Command!

Deep into the night, in the City of Fire Oil.

Monroe and Ivina Pedrol, following divine inspiration, secretly arrived at the courtyard of a civilian residence, ready to coordinate with the actions under the Holy Maiden's decree to rescue Lord Joshua and to internally sabotage this city of magic!

Like them, spies from the church had already gathered here, totaling one hundred and fifteen.


Monroe recognized the Holy Maiden at a glance.

Inside the wizard academy, he had seen Cynthia several times but never imagined that she would be the church's newly appointed Holy Maiden.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have now reached the empire's most critical moment!” Cynthia’s voice was not loud, but it accurately reached every person present.

“Those wizards, minions of demons, have occupied the empire's territory, wantonly slaughtering the nobility, causing royal father and son to turn against each other, using powerful dark magic to annihilate the church's crusade army, preaching the devil's knowledge here, corrupting the faith in civilians’ hearts with money and desire…”

“This is the precursor to the apocalypse!”

“And you, as the empire's pillars and the Lord’s most devout followers, the fate of this continent now rests upon you and me…”

Cynthia did not deliver a long pre-war speech. After boosting morale, she assigned tasks to everyone.

It was to create chaos in various places across the City of Fire Oil, a simple yet extremely dangerous task. Monroe and others were very aware that most of the Wizard Council’s power was concentrated within the City of Fire Oil, leaving them with slim chances of survival.

However, from the moment they were summoned to the kingdom, everyone had already prepared for sacrifice.

Death was not to be feared but a return to the Lord’s kingdom, where one enjoys eternal peace and glory!

Cynthia’s gaze swept over everyone, finally resting on Monroe.

He was the only fanatic among them, and his strength was not to be underestimated.

“Take this; I need you to do something else.” Cynthia stretched out her hand, and a diamond-shaped cube detached from her palm and fell into Monroe’s.

Monroe, flattered, firmly accepted the radiant crystal, saying, “Thank you for your trust, Holy Maiden. I will fulfill your command with my life!”

Cynthia slightly opened her lips, explained the method to use the crystal and the task, then let everyone start their mission.

The gathered hundred-plus people immediately dispersed, Cynthia’s form began to flow like water, the elements composing her body were disassembled and recombined, eventually transforming into Farrell’s appearance.

This was not merely a disguise; she could also draw upon the soul power of others to mimic Farrell’s magical fluctuations.

To some extent, she was now Farrell! Cynthia adjusted for a moment, then lifted her finger and transmitted several electromagnetic wave communications.


“It’s an urgent electromagnetic communication, the empire’s legions are invading the kingdom from the west and south, numbering around fifty thousand…” “And the Steel City of Wilser, they say the church’s army suddenly appeared beneath the city…” “How is that possible? The church’s army has crossed the airship surveillance and appeared within the kingdom…”

The continuous electromagnetic signals shocked the several male wizards responsible for communication reception.

In an instant, it seemed as though all the kingdom's border cities were under attack, even the Steel City of Wilser, located at the heart of the kingdom’s eastern territory, reported an assault by the church’s army.

“What should we do now?” Pearson, who had just become a communicator, panicked a bit.

He was well aware that the City of Fire Oil had only a little over thirty thousand troops, and according to the reports, the empire’s invading legion might number over three hundred thousand, spread across the entire kingdom’s border. They simply couldn’t provide support everywhere.

“Quickly report to the Lords of the Council!”

An experienced communicator immediately reacted, but before they could send someone for communication, a voice came through.

“Don’t panic; it seems our magical communication has been cracked.”

The wizards turned around and saw Lynn entering the room, exclaiming with surprise.

“Master Lynn?” “Professor Lynn?”

Seeing the arrival of the Star of Magic, Pearson and others couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although the crisis was not yet averted, they still felt immensely reassured.

Master Lynn’s new magic, Skyfall, they had all witnessed it. No matter how many enemies attacked, they would be meaningless under such terrifying power!

“Why are you so sure?” Aurora’s figure slowly emerged from the side. With such a high frequency of electromagnetic signals, being in the City of Fire Oil, she and Harof of course sensed it and rushed over to confirm.

“Because of the timing!” Lynn stated confidently.

The speed of electromagnetic wave propagation is equivalent to the speed of light, but due to the range of transmission, they relayed communications through airships as

 base stations.

This would cause a sequence issue. If the empire’s legions launched attacks at the same time, then the communication messages should arrive from near to far, with an interval of about ten to fifteen seconds, based on the decrypting and broadcasting speed of the communicators.

However, they received all the distress messages within two to three seconds!

The only possibility was that all the messages were sent by one person, who knew they were using electromagnetic waves for communication but didn’t understand the composition of the communication base stations, leaving such a loophole.

Moreover, Lynn had recently demonstrated a hydrogen bomb magic capable of directly erasing a city. How could the empire dare to launch such a large-scale war so recklessly?

With Lynn’s explanation, Aurora nodded, quickly accepting this guess, but the worry in her heart did not decrease by a bit.

Because, the messages carried by the electromagnetic waves might have already spread throughout the kingdom, and some might have already set out to provide support.

Lynn was also somewhat helpless about this.

Since electromagnetic communication magic had just been researched, it used the most basic information encryption method, designed based on binary Morse code, changing the codebook weekly. Normally, it should not be cracked.

After all, although the church’s cardinals and legendary clerics wielded very powerful forces, their scientific and cultural levels were limited, perhaps not even understanding what electromagnetic waves were.

The problem might lie with the communicators who had the decryption codes.

Extracting memories from the brain was not only a specialty of psychic wizards but also a few cardinals possessed similar abilities.

Besides that, all the great wizards were also aware of the methods to decode and send messages, facilitating urgent contacts when necessary.

Fortunately, he still had some emergency measures.

Lynn closed his eyes, his index and middle fingers trembling slightly, and a unique electromagnetic wave was emitted.

[Supreme command, all personnel return to their posts and defend the city!]

A spell was set on all alchemical devices receiving the electromagnetic waves. Upon detecting this unique wave, they would automatically replicate and forward it without the need for manual operation, spreading throughout the kingdom in a very short time.

Compared to other commands, the supreme command had an unparalleled priority. This was a safeguard Lynn had set up to prevent unforeseen situations, and he was the only one who knew the frequency of this electromagnetic wave.

At that moment, a burst of flames and the sound of an explosion emerged from outside the window.

Lynn focused his gaze outside, and as expected, those distress messages were intended to disrupt their footing, ideally forcing them to divide their forces.

"It seems the church is more eager than we anticipated..." Aurora said gravely.

She had thought that even if they were to take action, it would be delayed by a few days. After all, the news of the Chaos of the Evil Gods in the north had only reached the City of Fire Oil today. Logically, the council would need at least a day or two to prepare and mobilize troops for support.

This was a deliberate time difference they played on, waiting for the moment the enemy thought they would send troops for help, when in fact, Victorio had already solved the problem.

But unexpectedly, the church did not wait even a day and took action today.

"What do you think their target is?" Aurora suddenly asked. With the church making such a big move and releasing an Evil God in the northern territory of the kingdom, they must be aiming for something.

"It can only be there!" Lynn replied thoughtfully.


Utilizing the identity of the great wizard Farrell, Cynthia entered the Wizard Council's station smoothly.

Joshua's detention location was set up in a secret, spacious basement, with the entrance inside an ordinary storage room.

This storage room, originally built by the lord of the City of Fire Oil to keep his treasures, had now become a prison.

If it weren't for the information extracted from Farrell's memories, it would be hard to imagine that a secret chamber existed here.

The male wizard guarding the place bowed hurriedly upon seeing Cynthia. "Lord Farrell, what brings you here? We just heard explosions within the city, has something happened?"

"It's those imperial spies causing disturbances inside the city," Cynthia explained in Farrell's usual tone. "Chairman Victorio sent me to help defend, to prevent those church personnel from rescuing the church's judge during the chaos..."

Cynthia's reason did not raise any suspicions, and since Farrell had previously served as the jailer for a few days, after verifying her identity, she was allowed to enter the basement.

"Who is in charge of guarding here today?" Cynthia asked.

"Master Sanchez. He should be in the lab right now. You can wait a moment; we've already sent someone to notify him," the male wizard replied succinctly.

The basement was very spacious. Considering that it wasn't feasible to have a great wizard stay here doing nothing for several days, a magic laboratory was specially expanded.

During the conversation, a heavy steel door appeared in front of them.

"There's no need to wait for him anymore!" Cynthia stopped, suddenly spoke, and then raised her hand. A dazzling starlight appeared around her and then, under the shocked and incredulous gaze of the male wizard, slammed fiercely into the door.

With a loud boom that echoed through the heavens and earth, the sturdy, heavily enchanted steel door exploded under the legendary force!

Shards flew everywhere, and the ground itself seemed to tremble slightly.

"Lord Farrell? What are you doing..." A male wizard swallowed hard, his voice trembling.

Cynthia glanced at him indifferently, and under the impact of a powerful psychic force, the guiding male wizard instantly lost his life, and then she stepped into the prison.

Behind that door was a space of about a hundred square meters, at the center of which was Judge Joshua, who had been imprisoned for several months.

His arms had been severed, and the 'blood' slowly seeping from the wounds was gradually draining his vitality. He was tightly bound by glowing alchemical chains, his head hanging as if he was unconscious.

Cynthia's face showed intense anger. Joshua was a messenger of God she had personally chosen. After the ritual, he was, to some extent, a part of her power, yet he was treated so by those wizards.

Joshua seemed to sense something, slowly lifted his head, and opened his eyes. Although Cynthia entered in the guise of Farrell, possessing a part of 'divine power,' he immediately recognized the person before him as the embodiment of the Lord.

However, there was not a trace of joy on Joshua's face, instead, there was an urgent tone in his voice as he warned.

"Leave this place quickly, my Lord!"

"This is a..."


Before Joshua could finish his sentence, fierce, unquenchable flames burst from his body and the cracks in the floor tiles beneath him.

At the same time, the walls around the prison cracked open, and crisscrossing laser beams sliced through the air, forming a large net that encompassed the entire prison.

There was no angle of escape or space to hide. The surging flames and laser beams instantly engulfed Cynthia.

Harof and Aurora, who had just arrived at the prison, saw the rapid burst of light from within and turned in confusion to Lynn standing beside them.

"Someone triggered the trap," Lynn said with a grave expression.

After researching the magic and energy of the body and finding the path to ascension to legend, this church judge naturally lost his value. The reason he was still kept was due to the empire's spies captured recently who seemed to be investigating Joshua's detention location. He and Victorio discussed and thought they could utilize this, setting the prison as a trap with Joshua as the bait...

Even the great wizard assigned to guard did not have the privilege to cross this door unless Victorio personally led someone inside, otherwise, they had to enjoy the special gift they had prepared.


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